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Chapter 3


This chapter deals and presents the research design, population and samples of the study

(respondents of the study), research instrument, and data gathering procedure.

Research Design

This study is a qualitative research specifically case study and used descriptive design as

a method to assess the different forms of romantic relationships such as cultured relationship,

same-sex relationship, age-gap relationship, and controversial relationships (infidelity, student-

teacher, incest, and material love attachment) and look for the causes that affects the

respondents’ insights whether it is age, gender, community, and religion. Descriptive design is a

purposive process of data gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating data about the

prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, trends, and cause-effect relationships and the adequate

and accurate interpretation about such data with or without aid of statistical treatment. Case

Study is an in-depth examination of individual, groups of people or an institution and its purposes

are to gain insights into a little-known problem, provide background for broader studies, and

explain socio-psychological and socio-cultural process.

Respondents of the Study

The researcher randomly chose two (2) grade 11 students in each section of the strand

STEM considering they have five (5) sections at Mabini Colleges Inc. located at Kapitan Isko

Street, Barangay VII, Daet, Camarines Norte. Overall, the researchers have 10 respondents.
Research Instruments

The researchers chose questionnaire for interview as a data collection instrument. The

questionnaire includes a variety of questions that answer the views and perceptions about the

different forms of romantic relationship. The questionnaire serves as an assessment and an

overview to the researchers’ understanding about romantic relationships. The information

obtained could assist the researchers when interpreting the result.

a) Validity

To achieve content validity, all questions were constructed interview type

question that includes in the concept of romantic relationships. The questions

were construct from the theoretical framework as a guidance.

b) Reliability

The reliability of questionnaires was indicated from the consistency in response.

Data Gathering Procedure

The source of data that researchers chose was the interview. Researchers prepared

questionnaires with the context of romantic relationship as a guide for the respondents to answer

freely. The researcher will present consent form and will be place at somewhere quiet for the

recording purposes. The type of interview that will conducted as a focus group interview where

there will one interviewees for the researchers to ask at a time. The data gathered will be

interpreted for the result.

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