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My Financial Timeline

Understanding that financial planning is vital to meeting your financial goals; you will prepare a
timeline of major life events and financial goals you expect to occur during your lifetime.
The timeline must include the following:

Identify Life Events and Establish Financial Goals

1. Include two life events for each category
 Teen (13-18)
 Young Adult (19-25)
 Adult (25-40)
 Middle Age (40-55)
 Pre-Retirement (55-64)
 Retirement (65+)
2. Life Events
 Include major considerations and solutions for each life event

3. Write a SMART goal for ONE life event per timeframe, focus on finance
 Clearly explained (Specific)
 Estimated cost (Measureable)
 Methods to invest (Actionable)
 Why it’s important (Realistic)
 Length of time (Time Bound)

Organize your timeline

 Horizontal
 Divide into age categories
 Label each section
 Ten Life Events with Five SMART goals
 Include 5 images to reinforce information on the timeline
 Legible and uses correct spelling and grammar.

Format Expectations
 Minimum Expectations = PowerPoint
 Meet Expectations = Prezi
 Exceed Expectations = Photo Story or other advanced software
Guide: Creating a Personal Financial Timeline Name: __________________
Life Event My Age at Estimated # of Years $$ Amt to Why is this important? Methods (financial tools) used
the event Total Cost to invest contribute to save for this goal

LIFE EVENT Approximate Cost Consideration #1 Consideration #2 Consideration #3 Summary

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