FIDO's Budget Planner: Start Here

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FIDO's Budget Planner

1. Choose a weekly, fortnightly, monthly or yearly plan

2. Convert all amounts to match your plan. Use our converter.
3. Type in the cells with black figures only. Cells with coloured figures are subtotals and totals and are calculated for you; leave these untouched.
4. Totals shown in blue are income amounts; totals shown in red are expense amounts

Section A: Income after tax
Your after tax income $5,286
Partner/ spouse after tax income $0
Converter from to
Pension/ benefit $0
Family payment $0
Child support received $0 annual amount: $0 $0
Board money received $0 quarterly amount $0 $0
Investments (after tax) $0 per week $0 $0 $0
Other income (after tax) $0 per fortnight $0 $0 $0
TOTAL INCOME $5,286 per month $0 $0 $0
Section B: Expenses $0
Housing Rent $0 $0 $0
1st mortgage $0 $0 $0
2nd mortgage $0
Land rates $0
Water rates $0
House and contents insurance $0
House repairs $0
Strata levies $0
Home contents replacements $0

Utilities Electricity $0
Heating oil $0
Gas $0
Water $0
Mobile phone $0
Internet and Cable TV $0
Telephone $0
Converter from to

Transport Petrol $0
Repairs $0 annual amount: $0 $0
Registration $0 quarterly amount $0 $0
Fines $0 per week $0 $0 $0
Insurance $0 per fortnight $0 $0 $0
Licence $0 per month $0 $0 $0
Fares $0 $0
$0 $0
Food Groceries $0 $0 $0
Meat $0
Fruit/Vegetables $0
Lunches $0
Pet Food $0
Take away food/ restaurants $0

Education School Fees $0

Uniforms $0
Self Education $0
School excursions $0
Tutoring/Books $0
Sports/out of school activities $0
Pre-school $0
Child minding $0

Medical Health insurance $0

Converter from to
Doctor $0
Dentist $0
Chemist $0 annual amount: $0 $0
Eye care and optometrist $0 quarterly amount $0 $0
Specialists/alternative therapies $0 per week $0 $0 $0
Pet and vet $0 per fortnight $0 $0 $0
per month $0 $0 $0
Maintenance Children $0 $0
$0 $0
Personal Clothing $0 $0 $0
FIDO's Budget Planner
Haircuts $0
Grooming/cosmetics $0
Entertainment $0
Sport $0
Club fees $0
Newspapers and Magazines $0
Holidays $0
Gifts $0
Pocket money - children $0
Drinks alcoholic $0
Cigarettes/Tobacco $0
Laundry/dry cleaning $0
Gambling/other $0
Donations/ other $0
DVDs/Videos/Movies $0
Converter from to
Postage/Films $0
Pool/Gardening Expenses $0
annual amount: $0 $0
Other Superannuation $0 quarterly amount $0 $0
Life/term/income Insurance $0 per week $0 $0 $0
Professional fees $0 per fortnight $0 $0 $0
Other expenditure $0 per month $0 $0 $0
Savings $0 $0
Special Projects $0 $0 $0
$0 $0
Total basic living expenses $0

Section C: Your loan expenses

Credit Cards $0
Personal loans $0
Car Loans/ Hire purchase $0 How much to repay a loan?
Store cards/ accounts $0 Amount to repay: $0
$0 Annual interest rate 0.00%
$0 Choose weeks to repay 0
Finance Companies $0 Amount to pay off per week $0
$0 Convert weeks to: 0
Home loans $0 months 0
Other debts $0 years 0
Total loan expenses $0

Converter from to

Total all expenditure $0

annual amount: $0 $0
quarterly amount $0 $0
Your bottom line per week $0 $0 $0
Your after tax income (from section A) $5,286 per fortnight $0 $0 $0
Less your living expenses (from section B) $0 per month $0 $0 $0
Less your loan expenses (from section C) $0 $0
$0 $0
Equals either a surplus (in blue) or deficit (in red) $5,286 $0 $0

Now you know what you're spending your money on, you can plan to get your
expenses under control.
Read our tips on keeping to your plan so you can find extra money to spend.
Copyright Australian Securities & Investments Commission, 2002

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