4th Quarter Test Grade 6

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Saints Peter and Paul Early Childhood

Early Childhood Center

Cabangan, Legazpi City
Name: _______________________________________________________ Date: _____________

A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which sentence uses the conjunction properly?

a. The class made a song and presented it to their adviser.
b. The class made a song but presented it to their adviser.
c. The class made a song or presented it to their adviser.
d. The class and song is presented to their adviser.
2. It is a figure of speech that compares two unlike objects using as or like.
a. Metaphor
b. Personification
c. Simile
d. Affix
3. Which of the following prefixes can be added to the root word plan?
a. re
b. dis
c. over
d. ly
4. What is the root word of beautiful?
a. Beau
b. Beauty
c. Bea
d. Eau
5. Which is not a coordinating conjunction?
a. for
b. but
c. and
d. because
6. What do you call a group of words that has a complete thought or meaning?
a. phrase
b. sentence
c. subject
d. predicate
7. I wish I could tell them to stop. Which of the underlined words is a subject?
a. wish
b. tell
c. I
d. could
8. It is a type of sentence that contains two or more independent clauses.
a. Simple sentence
b. Compound sentence
c. Predicate
d. Subject
9. Which of the following is not a simple sentence?
a. I rode a horse in Baguio.
b. We toured Bicol.
c. Miguel travelled to Palawan, but she did not swim.
d. I rented a house last week.
10. It is a figure of speech that contains an implied comparison.
a. Subject
b. Predicate
c. Simile
d. Metaphor
11. These words are used to connect words, phrases and even sentences.
a. root words
b. figures of speech
c. conjunctions
d. affixes
12. The two parts of a sentence are
a. simple and compound sentence
b. subject and predicate
c. coordinating and subordinating
d. None of the above
B. Write C if the statement is a cause and E if it is an effect.

____________ 13.Some animals have become endangered.

____________ 14. Natural habitats are destroyed.

____________ 15. Ace failed the exam.

____________ 16. She attended a party instead of studying.

____________ 17. Mike lost his money for lunch.

____________ 18. He got hungry.

____________ 19. Aidan grew up to become a successful person.

____________ 20. His parents encouraged him to always give his best in whatever task he

____________ 21. Alexis arrived late in school.

____________ 22. Her little brother took a long time preparing for school.

C. Identify the root word of the underlined word in the sentence.

23. ___________ The class was asked to conduct a research on taking care of the environment.

24. ___________ His explanation about the problem was clear, and everyone was able to understand

25. ___________ The jurors were asked to reserve their judgment until all the presentations.

26. ___________ Maxine made a commitment to her parents that she will study well.

27. ___________ Jeanine felt unwell after the long car ride.

D. Give the correct prefix or suffix to make the sentence correct.

____________ 28. (Kind)is a trait that everyone searches for a friend.

____________ 29. A person’s ( ability) should not be a hindrance for learning.

____________ 30. His (curious) helped him in his search for the correct answers.

____________ 31. James finds the green color of the scrambled egg (appealing) because it looked
E. Underline the subject and box the predicate.

32. The pages of the book were torn by her baby sister.

33. The woman standing by the door is my mother.

34. Samuel and Sean are waiting for their father to fetch them.

35. The colorful scarf is my gift for my sister.

36. Daniella and Samantha are going to go jigging this afternoon.

37. Identify if the group of words is a phrase or a sentence.

38. The man standing outside

39. My father is waiting for me at home

40. The set of keys on the table

41. Anton serenaded his mother with a long story

F. Identify the kind of sentence according to structure.

42. The stray cats and dogs are brought to the pound. _____________________

43. Alvin exercises daily, but he eats unhealthy food. _____________________

44. Jerry jogs in the morning, or he rides his bike in the afternoon. _____________________

45. Althea and Nicole went to Japan and bought a lot of clothes. ______________________

46. Mariel went to her mother’s office, and she helped arrange the papers there. ________________

47. My family went to Boracay in October, or we will go on a cruise in April. __________________

48. I have explained my side of the story, but you choose not to believe me. __________________

49. Nancy invited her classmates but not Karylle. __________________

50. The old mango tree in the backyard is about to be cut.

G. Write A if the sentence is a simile, B for metaphor and C for personification.

Your eyes are like diamonds that sparkle.

The wind howled as the storm passed the town.
Her hair, as smooth as silk captured the eyes of the judges.
Your smile is the sun that lights up the room.
The sun beamed down upon us.

H. Write P if the statement is a problem and S if it is a solution.

1._______________ Loiue always feels nervous before the exam.

_______________ His mother helps him review the night before an exam.

2. ______________ VIna made a bouquet of flowers out of colored papers..

______________ She forgot to buy flowers for her mother’s birthday.

3. _____________ Miguel wants to become a class officer.

______________ He shows everyone that he can be responsible in class.

4. _____________ Andy broke the vase that his mother really likes.
______________ He told his mother the truth and apologize.

Give atleast four coordinating conjunctions and use each of them in the sentence.

1. _________ -_________________________________________________________________
2. _________- _________________________________________________________________
3. _________ - ________________________________________________________________
4. _________ __________________________________________________________________
Saints Peter and Paul Early Childhood Center
Cabangan, Legazpi City

A. Read the story carefully. Answer the questions that follow and encircle the
letter of the correct answer.
Betsy, the White Cat
Mariel has a white cat. Her cat’s name is Betsy. Mariel plays ball with Betsy.
One day, Betsy wanted to play ball with Mariel and started to call her.
“Meow, meow, meow,” said Betsy. Still, Mariel continued to sleep. Betsy
jumped on the bed, brushed her body on Mariel’s and said again, “Meow,
meow, meow.” Mariel woke up and tightly held Betsy. Mariel touched Betsy.
Mariel got the ball and threw it away from Betsy. Quickly, Betsy jumped from
the bed and ran towards the ball.

1. What is the story all about?

a. Mariel and her white cat
b. Betsy and her white cat
c. Mariel and the white ball
2. What does Mariel play with Betsy?
a. ball
b. doll
c. shirt
3. Why did Mariel not play with Betsy one day?
a. She was shy.
b. She was tired.
c. She was lonely.
4. What did Betsy do when Mariel did not want to play?
a. cried
b. looked at Mariel and called her
c. went out of the room.
5. Where did Betsy jump?
a. chair
b. bed
c. book
6. Mariel has a white and fat cat. The underlined words are called ________.
a. Preposition
b. Compound word
c. Adjective
7. Which of the following is a compound word?
a. ball
b. baseball
c. base
8. They are words formed when two or more words are put together to form
a new word or meaning.
a. Adjective
b. Compound words
c. Prepositions
9. Mariel is sleeping on the bed. What is the preposition used in the
a. on
b. sleeping
c. is
10. Yellow, round, kind are examples of ______________.
a. Adjective
b. Ordinal
c. Cardinal
B. Put a ( ) if the underlined word is a compound word and (X) if not.
____________ 11. Ana was trying to find out what was behind it.
____________ 12. kissed by colorful butterfly
____________ 13. Guarded by few tall trees.
____________ 14. brightened by blinding rays of sunshine
____________ 15. Promised to go back to this secret place
C. Shade the number of syllables of each word.
D. Write S if the pair of words are synonyms and A for antonyms.
______________26. beautiful- pretty
______________27. little – small
______________28. tall-short
_____________ 29. higher- lower
_____________ 30. few- many
E. Underline the correct adjective for each sentence.
31. Only (one, first) girl climbed the wall.
32. She saw (five, fifth) trees.
33. It was her (one, first) time to see the secret place.
34. She wants to go there again for a (two, second) time.
35. She will bring her (second, two) friends when she gets back.
F. Arrange the words in alphabetical order. Write numbers 1, 2, 3 before the
1. _________ door
_________ bed
_________ floor
2. _________ tray
_________ drawer
_________ cabinet
3. _________ teeth
_________ mouth
_________ lips
4. _________ four
_________ eight
_________ seven
5. _________ jeepney
_________ car
_________ taxi
G. Color five (5) adjectives in the box below.
H. Fill in the blanks the correct prepositions from the box.

in on under


The books are __________ the table.

The shoes are __________ the table.

The dog is sitting _______ the box.

The cat is _______ the chair.

The clock is _______ the table

Saints Peter and Paul Early Childhood Center
Cabangan, Legazpi City

A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What would you do to show that you are a caring person?
a. Take a toy from someone you didn’t like.
b. Help someone when they fell.
c. Cut in front of someone in line.
2. Charity means _________
a. is an act of serving others in love
b. is a positive attitude that what one wishes for will happen
c. belief in God.
3. Cindy lost his family in an accident. What charity institution does she need
to help her?
a. Home for the Aged
b. Home for Persons with Disabilities
c. Orphanage
4. It is an act of lovingly communicating or talking with God.
a. Hope
b. Faith
c. Prayer
5. Shiela’s house was burned in a fire. Her family sleeps on the street. Which
of the following do they need?
a. clothes
b. home
c. medicine
6. Which shows sustaining Hope in our hearts?
a. Be thankful for what we have today.
b. Learn to ask for more things.
c. Ignore God’s blessing.
7. Which situation does not show love and care to your neighbors?
a. Giving clothes that cannot be used anymore.
b. Help poor people.
c. Give time for those who are needy.
8. What material thing can give to the sick people?
a. kindness
b. time
c. medicine
9. Who is the archangel that sends the message of God to us?
a. St. Michael
b. St. Gabriel
c. St. Raphael
10. Which is not a charity institution?
a. Home for the Aged
b. Home for Persons with Disabilities
c. Home for Animals

B. Write TRUE if the situation shows faith in God and FALSE if it does not.
_________ 1. Trust God in everything.
_________ 2. Pray to God when I’m happy.
_________ 3. Laugh at somebody when they go to church to pray.
_________ 4. Playing when the mass is held.
_________ 5. Go to church when there is an important event only.
_________ 6. You can tell God when you are grateful for the blessing you
_________ 7. Prayer builds relationship with God.
_________ 8. God can also be your friend.
_________ 9. Prayer are for people who are in need.
_________ 10. We follow God by doing not good to others.

C. Look at the picture below. Identify the individual needs in each picture
shown. Connect the a line to match the items in Column A and those in
Column B.
A B.




Saints Peter and Paul Early Childhood Center
Cabangan, Legazpi City
Name: _______________________________________________________ Date: _____________

A. Read the persuasive text given and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of
your answer on the line.

Imagine a kid as early as ten years old already knows how to surf the Internet. What is the
assurance that they will not be using social media Web sites like Facebook or Twitter anytime
soon? Should parents let their children aged ten up to their tween years use Facebook? In my
opinion, they should not let them access on such social media sites. Though almost every kid
knows how to navigate the web and even create their own e-mail address and passwords, there
should always be restrictions especially kids in their schooling age.

If any parent allows his or her child to have a Facebook account, it should be deemed as
inappropriate. There might be links in that Web site that are harmful for them even spoil their
innocence. There also a possibility that they might even say important details about them that
might lead to danger.

In conclusion, I think that parents should not let their children in their tweens to access
Facebook for there might be possible hazards that can happen.
___________ 1. What is the main point of the persuasive text?

a. Convince parents to let their kids use social media.

b. Prohibit kids to have soil media access in the in the internet.
c. Inform the parents about the harmful effects on Facebook.
d. Tell the danger of having tweens get access on Facebook.

___________ 2. All of the points are started for the issue in the text EXCEPT

a. Kids, who are in an early school age, should observe restrictions in using the
b. Having an access in Facebook can be also harmful and dangerous especially for
c. Parents can be open- minded and help their kids to safely navigate the Internet.
d. It might be the situation that kids can lead of giving away personal information to

____________ 3. Why is it inappropriate to allow kids to use Facebook?

a. It might spoil their innocence.

b. They might read prohibited pages.
c. They might spill important personal details.
d. All of the above.

____________ 4. How was the persuasive text concluded?

a .It gave a short summary of all the points started.
b. It ended with strong question for the readers.
c. It ended with a convincing point for the parents.
d. It calls the parents to act immediately on the issue.

____________5. Which is an opinion?

a. There are millions users of Facebook.

b. Social media is great tool to connect with others.
c. Facebook is a social media Web site.
d. Facebook can restrict the age for its age for its users.

___________ 6. It is a type of sentence that contains two or more independent clauses.

a. Simple sentence
b. Compound sentence
c. Predicate
d. Subject

__________ 7. Which of the following is not a simple sentence?

a. I rode a horse in Baguio.

b. We toured Bicol.
c. Miguel travelled to Palawan, but she did not swim.
d. I rented a house last week

_________ 8. Which is not a coordinating conjunction?

a. for
b. but
c. and
d. because

__________ 9. What do you call a group of words that has a complete thought or meaning?

a. phrase
b. sentence
c. subject
d. predicate

__________ 10. I wish I could tell them to stop. Which of the underlined words is a subject?

a. wish
b. tell
c. I
d. could
B. Identify the sentence according to structure. Write the letter of your answer on the line.

________ 11. He who perseveres succeeds.

a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. sentence
________ 12. Suggestions to help solve the dreadful traffic situation continue to reach government
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. sentence
________ 13. Zoe can be rude at times but she is a nice girl.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. sentence
________ 14. The guests will arrive tomorrow and will stay for a month.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. sentence
________ 15. The girl sprinted after the tiger.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. sentence
________ 16. Susan teaches the kids who live in the neighborhood in the evenings after she comes
home from work.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. sentence
________ 17. The eagles which live in the local mountain range attract many tourists, but the local
politicians still refuse to protect them.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. sentence
________ 18. Sandy never met her uncle who had fought in WW II, yet she wanted to ask him about
his experiences.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. sentence
________ 19. Bosco chased his tail, but he never did catch it.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. sentence
________ 20. My mother mopped and waxed the hardwood floors in our house.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. sentence

C. Identify the following statements based on the given explanation whether it is fact or
____________ 21. The Mindoro crocodiles are only found in the Philippines.
____________ 22. Do not patronize products made out of crocodile’s skin.
____________ 23. Illegal hunting and land clearing are the primary reasons for the dwindling
numbers of animals.
____________ 24. Species being endangered doesn’t only happen in tropical countries but also
around the world.
____________ 25. We must act now to conserve our endangered wildlife.

D. Identify whether the given item is a PHRASE or a CLAUSE.

_____________ 1. What they see beyond
_____________ 2. That there is another planet
_____________ 3. Think well
_____________ 4. How they celebrate the fruits and vegetable day
_____________ 5. In a station near the mall
_____________ 6. I will agree to
_____________ 7. With the blue shirt
_____________ 8. Put it on the shelf
_____________ 9. I love learning, so I spend a lot of time reading.
_____________ 10. Because of her glittering smile

E. Write the correct transitional device for each item. Choose your answer from the box.

as a result because whenever but

1. ___________ of the low test scores, Gio was tasked to study more.
2. Jero can’t help you with Math, _____________ I know someone who can.
3. ___________ of the janitor’s honesty, he was awarded as a model employee.
4. My grandparents always bring home local delicacies ____________ they got back home from
the province.
5. We have to plan ahead for our project ___________ the other group seems very competitive.

F. Read the following statement. Identify the cause and effect.

1. Most students have short attention span because they rely too much on the use of Internet.
2. Since technology is always available, kids sometimes lose their interest with printed books.
3. Due to the availability of the Internet, many can access various types of information.
4. Eye strain is due to long exposure to the computer.
5. Some kids do not play outside with other kids because they prefer online games.

G. Answer the following questions based off the bar graph.

How many pets were sold in July and April combined? _____________

How many more pets were sold in June than March? _____________

How many pets were sold in March, January, and June? _____________

What month has the highest number of pets sold? ____________

Were more pets sold in January or in April? ____________

H. Give atleast three coordinating conjunctions and use each of them in the sentence.

1. _________ -
2. _________-
3. _________ -

I. List down atleast 2 subordinating conjunctions.

J. Use the data below to create your own graph.

Students' Favorite After-School Activities

Activity Number of Students
Play Sports 45
Talk on Phone 53
Visit With Friends 99
Earn Money 44
Chat Online 66
School Clubs 22
Watch TV 37
Saints Peter and Paul Early Childhood Center
Cabangan, Legazpi City

A. Write the correct order of the
Saints Peter and Paul Early Childhood
Early Childhood Center
Cabangan, Legazpi City
Name: _______________________________________________________ Date: _____________

K. Complete the topic or phrase outline based on the details in the given paragraph. Give the
outline an alternative title.
Things to Do on a Rainy Afternoon Weekend
There are many fun and exciting things that you can do on a rainy weekend afternoon.
It’s a perfect time for entertainment. You can catch up with your favorite TV series. You can
finally watch the episodes you missed and even watch other episodes in advance. You can
also update your MP3 playlist and listen to songs that make rainy days feel both chilly and
relaxing. You can also play video games or spend time browsing your favorite social Web
sites. It’s also a perfect time to binge. Noodle soups, pork, chicken, or beef stew, hot porridge,
and chocolate drinks make rainy days the perfect time to eat alone or with your loved ones.
Lastly, a rainy Saturday afternoon may be the best time to relax. You surely don’t want to go
out and stress yourself with the hustle and bustle of a rainy street on your way to the mall to
watch a movie or to the coffee shop to drink a cup of hot coffee, so you choose to stay in the
comforts of your bedroom. You avoid stress. You get more time to rest. You get more time
sleep. Indeed, a rainy weekend afternoon is the best.

________________________________________ (1)
I. ______________________________________________________________________ (2)
A. Watching TV series
B. ___________________________________________________________________ (3)
C. Playing video games
II. Binging/ Eating
A. ___________________________________________________________________ (4)
B. Eating stew (chicken, pork, beef)
C. Eating hot porridge
D. Drinking chocolate drinks
III. ______________________________________________________________________(5)
A. Time to avoid stress
B. Time to get stress
C. Time to sleep more

L. Complete the graphic organizer by enumerating/ listing information based on the

paragraph above
Things To Do on a Rainy Day

Entertainment Eating
M. Identify the sentence according to structure. Write the letter of your answer on the line.
________ 1. He who perseveres succeeds.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. compound- complex sentence
________ 2. Suggestions to help solve the dreadful traffic situation continue to reach government
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. compound- complex sentence
________ 3. Unable to find the high-powered firearms, the police confiscated fan knives and radios
from the suspect.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. compound- complex sentence
________ 4. The guests will arrive tomorrow and will stay for a month.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. compound- complex sentence
________ 5. Dino, who is a pilot, wrote the maiden article for the local airline company.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. compound- complex sentence
________ 6. Susan teaches the kids who live in the neighborhood in the evenings after she comes
home from work.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. compound- complex sentence
________ 7. The eagles which live in the local mountain range attract many tourists, but the local
politicians still refuse to protect them.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. compound- complex sentence
________ 8. Sandy never met her uncle who had fought in WW II, yet she wanted to ask him about
his experiences.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. compound- complex sentence
________ 9. Bosco chased his tail, but he never did catch it.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. compound- complex sentence
________ 10. My mother mopped and waxed the hardwood floors in our house.
a. simple sentence c. complex sentence
b. compound sentence d. compound- complex sentence

N. Analyze each sentence carefully. Underline the problem once and the solution twice.

1. The residents of Barangay Maugong complain about the clogged drainage system, so the
barangay captain asked his council it propose a plan address the matter.
2. That Science teacher allotted one more session to each his students the difficult concepts
about measurements and scientific methods because half of the class failed the chapter test.
3. Because most of the staff and employees are not well-informed about the safety measures
during natural disasters like earthquakes and typhoons, the of the company approves the
proposal of his management to conduct a series of drills.
4. The secretary of Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) consulted some foreign
experts to find ways to resolve the worsening traffic problems in Metro Manila.
5. The National elections have always been an avenue for cheating, vote buying, and other
related crimes in the country. To address this concern, educators should teach the youth
about responsible voting and their power change the system.

O. Identify whether the given item is a PHRASE or a CLAUSE.

_____________ 1. What they see beyond

_____________ 2. That there is another planet

_____________ 3. Think well

_____________ 4. How they celebrate the fruits and vegetable day

_____________ 5. In a station near the mall

_____________ 6. I will agree to

_____________ 7. With the blue shirt

_____________ 8. Put it on the shelf

_____________ 9. I love learning, so I spend a lot of time reading.

_____________ 10. Because of her glittering smile

P. Arrange the following steps to complete the recipe. Number it from 1-5. Put a necessary
transitional device to complete the recipe.

____________ 1. __________________, slice the bananas to the desired thickness.

____________ 2. __________________, place another bread on top of the layered


____________ 3. __________________, prepare one banana, two slices of bread, a cup of

chocolate hazelnut spread for ingredients.

_____________ 4. __________________, put the banana slices on top of the bread with


_____________ 5. __________________, spread a generous amount of chocolate hazelnut

spread on a sliced bread.

Q. Write the correct transitional device for each item. Choose your answer from the box.

as a result because whenever but

6. ___________ of the low test scores, Gio was tasked to study more.
7. Jero can’t help you with Math, _____________ I know someone who can.
8. ___________ of the janitor’s honesty, he was awarded as a model employee.
9. My grandparents always bring home local delicacies ____________ they got back home from
the province.
10. We have to plan ahead for our project ___________ the other group seems very competitive.

R. Read the following statement. Identify the cause and effect.

6. Most students have short attention span because they rely too much on the use of Internet.
7. Since technology is always available, kids sometimes lose their interest with printed books.
8. Due to the availability of the Internet, many can access various types of information.
9. Eye strain is due to long exposure to the computer.
10. Some kids do not play outside with other kids because they prefer online games.


S. Give atleast three coordinating conjunctions and use each of them in the sentence.

6. _________ -
7. _________-
8. _________ -

T. Give two subordinating conjunctions and use each of them in the sentence.
1. _________ - ________________________________________________________________
2. _________ - ________________________________________________________________

1. What is young and hottest star?

a. Red star
b. Blue star
c. Yellow star

2. It is the coolest and oldest star.

a. Yellow
b. Red
c. Blue
3. It is a wind instrument that detects the direction of the wind
a. Wind vane
b. Anemometer
c. Rain gauge
4. A weather instrument that measures the speed of the wind.
a. Wind vane
b. Anemometer
c. Rain gauge
Which is caused by water pollution?
a. Bronchitis
b. Flu
c. Diarrhea
6. Which is renewable material?
a. Metal
b. Oil
c. Plant
7. What will you do to extend the life of nonrenewable resources?
a. Throw
b. Waste
c. Recycle
8. Where can you find fresh water?
a. Seas
b. River
c. Oceans
9. It is the land part of Earth.
a. Hydrosphere
b. Lithosphere
c. Core
10. These are resources which are hard to replaced.
a. Renewable Resources
b. Nonrenewable Resources
c. Natural Resources
11. The gaseous part of the earth is called_______.
a. Clouds
b. Atmosphere
c. Weather
12. A kind of clouds that are thin, curly and feathery.
a. Cumulus
b. Nimbus
c. Cirrus
13. Heavy rain is usually accompanied by lightning and thunder is called __________.
a. Thunderstorm
b. Storm’
c. Weather
14. It is a collection of droplets of water floating in the air.
a. Weather
b. Clouds
c. Rain
1. What is the third planet from the sun?
a. Mercury
b. Jupiter
c. Earth
2. These rocks forms quickly.
a. Igneous Rocks
b. Extrusive Rocks
c. Sedimentary Rocks
3. What is the kind of sedimentary rock that evaporates from seawater?
a. Clastic
b. Chemical
c. Metamorphic
4. ____________ is breaking down rocks into smaller and smaller pieces.
a. Weathering
b. Physical
c. Chemical
5. What are the agents of physical weathering?
a. High temperature and pressure
b. Weathering and erosion
c. Temperature, water, plant roots, wind
6. Tides are ____________________.
a. Rising and falling of the oceans water level.
b. Rising of sea level.
c. Falling of sea level.
7. What are the two kinds of tides?
a. High tide and low tide
b. Spring and neap tide
c. Physical and chemical
8. It is a hot glowing ball of gas.
a. Constellation
b. Nebula
c. Stars
9. What is the meaning of PAGASA?
a. Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
b. Portugal Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
c. None of the above.
10. What are the 3 types of storms?
a. Hurricane, typhoon, cyclone
b. Origin, mature, dissipation
c. Tropical cyclone, thunderstorm, Hurricane, typhoon, cyclone
11. Southwest Moonsoon are also known as ____________.
a. Habagat
b. Amihan
c. Easterly waves
12. What is the meaning of ITCZ?
a. Intertropical Cyclone Zone
b. Intertropical Convergence Zone
c. None of the above.
13. It is the hottest star.
a. Blue
b. Red
c. White
14. What is the smallest star?
a. Yellow
b. Violet
c. Red
15. What are the 2 kinds of stars?
a. Low mass, high mass
b. Ursa major, ursa minor
c. Cassiopeia, Cygnus
16. Motion, Location, and time of Earth are ___________________.
a. Factors Affecting the Viewing of Constellations
b. Uses of Constellations
c. Zodiac Signs
17. What are the uses of constellations?
a. Can tell general directions, measure and tell seasons, locate stars and galaxies, tracking
artificial satellites
b. Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn
c. Zodiac signs
18. Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius are in the season of _____________.
a. Summer
b. Autumn
c. Winter
19. In summer the zodiac signs are ____________, ___________, and ______________.
a. Virgo, Libra, Scorpio
b. Gemini, Cancer, Leo
c. Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius
20. What are the Astronomical Tools?
a. Optical and Radio Telescopes, Satellites
b. Wind Vane, Anemometer, Rain Gauge
c. Flame and Horsehead Nebula
A. Bilugan ang payak na simuno at salungguhitan ang buong simuno

1. Ang mga anak ay tulong-tulong na gumawa ng gawaing-bahay.

2. Nag-alay ng bulaklak sa altar si Rowena.
3. Sina Billy at Arnold ang mga bago kong kaibigan.
4. Nagbabasa ng aklat ang mga bata.
5. Ang bulaklak ay totoong mabango.
6. Sinumpong ng sakit ang matanda.
7. Masayang sumalubong sa ama ang mga bata.
8. Naligo at nagbihis ng maganda si Lolita.
9. Ang mga bata at matatanda ay umawit at sumayaw.
10. Si G. Toralba ay nagbebenta ng iba’t ibang produkto.

B. Lagyan ng X ang payak na panaguri at salungguhitan ng makalawa ang buong panaguri.

1. Ang babae ay mahusay maglala ng banig.

2. Dumating ang mga balikbayan kaninang umaga.
3. Sama-sama kami sa pagdalaw sa ampunan.
4. Namalengke at nagluto si Aling Melba.
5. Ang nanay ko ang pangulo ng PTA.
6. Tuwang-tuwa sila na tinanggap na sweldo.
7. Si Kuya Dan ay mabait at matalino.
8. Sinigang ang paborito niyang ulam.
9. Ang guro ay matiyagang nagpaliwanag ng aralin.
10. Mahal ng Diyos ang mapagkumbaba.
C. Kahunan ang payak na simuno at lagyan ng ang payak na panaguri.
1. Mabilis na tumawid ng kalye ang lalaki.
2. Ang buhok in Ester ay itim na itim.
3. Nag-aaral siya ng kanyang leksyon gabi-gabi.
4. Buong pusong tumulong ang mga tao sa mga nasunugan.
5. Ang mga prutas at gulay ay itinitinda niya sa palengke.
6. Malusog ang bunsong anak ni Daria.
7. Si. Dr. Fe Del Mundo ay mahusay na manggagamot.
8. Siya ang aking pinakamamahal na ina.
9. Laging malinis ang uniporme ng mag-aaral.
10. Magbabakasyon sa lalawigan sina Luis at Teresa
Salungguhitan ang simuno at kahunan ang panaguri.

1. Natulog ang bata nang mahimbing.

2. Ang Pilipinas ay binubuo ng mahigit pitung libong isla.
3. Tahimik ang mga mag-aaral sa pagbabasa ng aklat.
4. Si Ginoong Martinez ay nagtratrabaho sa Lungsod ng Makati.
5. Ang gatas ay masustansiya.
6. Ang araw ay sumisikat sa silangan.
7. Gumagawa ng bangka ang mga mangingisda.
8. Si Nida at Ramon ay magkakapatid.
9. Nagdala ako ng isang dosenang mangga para sa aking pinsan.
10. Nanonood si Mang Ricardo ng balita gabi-gabi.

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