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Contents and Expected Migraines of a Mission Statement

A mission statement must first contain a purpose for its existence. This is the reason as

to why the organization has been formed. Unlike the vision statement which focuses on the

future, it is more based on the current activities of the business. Secondly, it should be based

on the capability of the organization. Before formulating a mission statement, it is important to

be aware of the competency of the organization within that area and beyond. This is comprised

of the advantages as well as strengths associated with the organization. “It should point out the

ways in which the organization will dominate others amazingly to ensure highest performance

registration” (Desmidt, 2016). A good mission statement should also be inspirational. Meaning

that it should be able to motivate the working staff in case of any obstacle that may hit the

organization. It should aim at re-energizing individuals and recalibrate the organization in case

of the uncertainties. It should also be of great clarity. Meaning that it should be precise and

short but address the main purpose of the business. It should not be ambiguous or contain words

that difficult to understand. Lastly, as much as the mission statement should be simple, it should

be able to pose the organization legacy for the sake of the future of the organization.

How Execution and Implementation Is a Survey Full of Destine

Many organizations fail to achieve their goals due to lack of proper execution and

implementation of the strategies put forward. “These strategies implementation and execution

also determines the manner in which clients will stick the organization” (Serra & Kunc, 2015).

A major step towards execution and implementation is through getting specialist or

professionals who may in some cases be the highest rank officials in the organization to take a

landscape of the scopes of the business including the changes in the clients’ preference and

taste. This is to ensure that the organization remains relevant to the needs of the client to keep

the old ones while attracting the new ones. The second should involve designing the long term

vision. This helps to avoid diverting from the main goals of the business in case some other

short-term adjustments accrue in the process of trying to make the organization flexible. Lastly

is putting every design strategy into practice and enabling it to help the organization achieve

its goals.

Concept Failure or Pass of an Organization

An organization survival amid competition from others is dependent on many factors.

Failure to execute such factors would lead to its failure. These include proper business or

organization planning including finances marketing as well as management. In case of poor

management, marketing, financial and organization planning, it will lead to its failure to

achieve the business or organization goals.

Features of A Proper Strategic Control System of a Performing Organization

An organization or a business is usually opened after following all the procedures

required to make one. After that, there is need to do a follow-up whether it is performing to

meet aims that were put forward by the owners as it was being opened. The four main strategies

required to assess a performing organization are as discussed below:

Premise control which looks into the future assumptions of the business. It assesses as

to whether the organization will achieve its aims if all the strategies are put into practice amid

setbacks such as the environmental factors, completion, inflation rates among others.

Implementation control which involves putting all the strategies formulated into practise. “The

different techniques used in implementation can be used to monitor as conduct a full-scale

assessment of the organization” (Bryson, 2018). Special alert control is used to assess how the

organization deals with uncertainties that may accrues such as natural disasters market spikes

as well as product recalls. Strategic surveillance controls are composed of the strategies that

are necessary to help an organization to protect itself against external attacks and threats.


Desmidt, S. (2016). The Relevance of Mission Statements: Analysing the antecedents of

perceived message quality and its relationship to employee mission

engagement. Public Management Review, 18(6), 894-917.

Serra, C. E. M., & Kunc, M. (2015). Benefits realisation management and its influence on

project success and on the execution of business strategies. International Journal of

Project Management, 33(1), 53-66.

Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and non-profit organizations: A guide to

strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.

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