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She made a few friends and she started being a teacher’s aid.

You said you were going out to get yourself something to eat.
Try to get out and about whenever possible, making new friends and contacts.
I was happy to let the pleasant sunny days go by.
When in army soldiers look to a patron for rewards, in return for allegiance and support.
Regarded as a barometer of interest-rate excpectations, shorter-term notes made strides amid speculation.
John Wesley broke away from the ceremonial formalism of the church of england to found a Christian movement based on social justice and
personal piety.
Omission: a common verb (say, think) as the controlling verb, co-refrential subjects in the main
clause and that-clause (odnose se na stvar ili istu referencu), a personal pronoun as subject of
that-clause. Retention: coordinated that-clauses, use of passive vocie with the controlling verb,
an intervening NP or clause between the controlling verb and the that-clause
The comparative element:
Man has the greater power over his enviroment than he has ever had before. DO
Tech has given more people than ever the means f leading a comportable andeasy life. IO
More has been discovered about the universe in the last fifty years than in all the previous centuries. S
Science has progressed more rapidly in the ast few decades than in hundreds of years. Adverbial
Yet are we really happier than our ancestor were? Sc

What caused the fire was a cigarette end. NRC

We never discovered what caused the fire. NRC-interr
Who first reported the fire is still uncertain. interr
Whoever reported the fire was only doing his duty. NRC
Can you tell me where your friend are? interr
Home is where your friends and family are. NRC
Do you remember when columbus discovered america? Interr
Do you remember when we first came here, darling? NRC-interr
What we all need is a spell of warm sunshine. NRC

F)Non-finite dependent clause; structural type:

She made a few friends and she started being a teacher’s aid.
You said you were going out to get yourself something to eat.
Try to get out and about whenever possible, making new friends and contacts.
I was happy to let the pleasant sunny days go by.
When in army soldiers look to a patron for rewards, in return for allegiance and
Regarded as a barometer of interest-rate excpectations, shorter-term notes made
strides amid speculation.
John Wesley broke away from the ceremonial formalism of the church of england to found a Christian movement based on social justice and
personal piety.

The little boy wearing a blue scarf(NF:-ing p

cl:Sc), asked an embarassing question(NF:-ed p
cl:DO), as soon I as called him(F:Adv:Adv).
When one is an artist(verbless, S) one has no
time for people who won't respond. (F: nom rel
cl, DO)
Years later I was told by a lawyer that if seperate
accounts given by two witnesses agress in every
detail(F:nom that cl, DO) you are listening to a
She struggled against them even though she
knew(F:adver-concessive:adv) this was the war
she was destined to lose.(F:nom that cl,DO)
She thinks her children more obedient(
verbless,DO) than they were last year.
N.Brown detects worrying trends that relate to
what the culutre of phones, pagers, laptops and
wirelles has done to the minds of the young.
(F:nom relat cl, DO) (F, wh-interr)
But he is making his foray even as he embraces
what much of the world sees as the most hatred
remnant of the Bush presidency. (NF, wh-
What the Scotsman decided to do(F,nom relat,S)
was to print it (NF,to-inf cl, DO) and in fact
headline it.

Mr Gorbachev agreed that the NATO and the

Warshaw pact would be maintained and that the
translantic members of the western alliance-the
US and Canada would play a vital role in the
common E home. Retention: coordinate that-
But I find this really odd because Lucy told me
that Cynthia told her that you know that it really
wasn’t appr for her to be staying with us.
Retention: the intervening NP, use of passive
voice with
The second US reaction was to reassure the W
Germains that Washington was happy to leave
the details in Bonn’s hands. Retention: an inter
Western leaders were convinced that NATO’s
steadfastness had been crucial in bringing the
communist block in from the cold. Retention: adj
compl, use of pass voice
He started to realize that it was a scam all along
and that he wanted to see this guy. Retention:
coordinated that-clauses
He said he lost his hair from taking showers all the
time. Omission: a common verb as the controlling
verb, co-refer subjects in the main cl and that-cl, a pers
pronoun as S of that-cl

I think I’m the only person who doesn’t have it.

Omission: common v as the controlling v, co-ref
subjects in the main cl and that-cl, a pers pronoun as S
of that-cl

Some students believe that teachers are vindictive.

Some students belive the teachers to be vindictive.
It is belived by some students that teachers are vindictive.
That the teachers are vindictive is believed by some students.
The teachers are believed to be vindictie by some students.

The police expect that they are going to travel north in a stolen brown sedan.
It is expected by the police that they are going to travel…
That they are going to travel north in a stolen brown sedan is expected by the police.

They suspect that they were involved in the assault of a teenage girl last week.
It is suspected by them that they were involved …
That they were involved in the assault of a teenage girl last week is suspected by them.


Adjective+adjectival complement The postmodifiers

I think she’s happy that I really got a lot done in the It’s amazing that He disregarded the idea, that It was an idea that is
last couple of days. NTC only three hundred science could explain beyond a taking hold among a
died. Nominal that- certain point. That-clause small but diverse
clause, extraposed S group of religios
fugres. PP, Relative cl
Its hard to believe how one human mind could have What I’m saying is We are faced with the problem It addressed a problem
created them. Extraposed S that I’m sure that I that the structures of local that doesn’t even exist.
was told at least once government differ from nation to Relative cl
in person. NTC nation. NTC, PP, appos clause
Do we have your
permission to record
you? To-inf cl, Appos.
0After a phone conversation with clinton, nixon I think she should just He took an introduction to biology There’s possiblity of
thinks its strange and meaningful that he never be happy that my and zoolgy at one time. PP private ownership of
brought up hillary. NTC mess isnt spilling out the land. PP,PP
of my room. NTC Well he had every intention of
finding work. PP There was no question
who Michael was. Wh-
Western leaders were convinced that NATOs He’s in a meeting and Old Taskerson, a kidnly sharp man,
steadfastness had been crucial in bringing the I’m not sure when had lost the only one of his sons
communist bloc in from the cold. NTC, PP he’ll be back. wh- who’s inherited any degree of
interr clause literary talent. App NP, relative cl,
The test was PP
expensive to produce.
To-inf clause

Rob’s birthday is the sixth of august. It’s only a week The government is An agreement on fishing quotas The yound man began
after yours. It should be easy to remember. To-inf unlikely to meet the reached by EC minsiters yesterday his climb from rags to
clause full cost. To-inf could push half of Soctland’s fleet riches. 2PP
clause to bankruptcy.PP, ed p clause
A problem involving a
chemical reaction. –ing
p clause
All the cylindrical surfaces are displayed only as two We’re quite happy to Toronto is a logical site because the The arrests were
circles joined by a start line. As this representation is rent for a while. To- canadian ambassador to peru, carried out under broad
difficult for the draughtsman to interpret, mesh lines inf clause former hostage anthony vincent, powers given to police
have been inserted. belongs to the comission of in the martial law
Without those guarantors.PP,App, PP decree.PP, ed p clause
powers, computer
hacking would be
almost impossible to
prove. To-inf clause

Adverbials: Perhaps- content, according to-style, not

suprisingly-content, to tell you the truth-style,
hopefully-style, indeed-content, luckily-content,
strictly speaking-content, confidentally-style, as a
matter of fact-stype, quite rightly-content, foolishly-
content,personally-style, understandably-content.

Relative clauses
Ok, this is all the shift that I got. O
And the fair hundred dollars that was in there? S
One of the things I want to do is go through our books. DO, zero relative
The private group, which measures invoices and financing arrangements,
recorded failures in the first half of this year. S
This is the second year in a row that the opposition leader had claimed
to be too busy to talk to the boisterous crew. RP, S, Adverbial
But we do not only communicate with people with whom we share our lives. Prepcomp
NF clauses F clauses
My greatest pleasure is to listen to chamber music. Scom If you cant do it, i’ll give you ten dollars. adv, concessive.
Standing here all day I see many stange faces. Adver you can do it if you try. adver, adjunct
Standing here all day is extremely tiring. S that you can do it is still uncertain. s
Glancing up at my tired face…how was I feeling. S,Adv, S that you could do it i always knew. do
What i wanted to say was, as I didn’t know whether you were
going to say that you could come or you couldn’t, could you
make it the following Saturday. S, Adv, O, Sc
Steinweg had a large room where we always breakfasted
together. Adv
He was a delightful companion, always cheerful and
considerate. Adv
She sang completely out of tune, so that permission was
seldom granted. Adver (result), Adver
That’s what I remebmber hearing-that’s why I asked how they
were doing, cause I remember that you kept buying fish.
The long journey over, we relaxed in the arm
sunshine. Adv

Prva parcijala Druga parcijala

Types of subord clauses that have no indic Factual verbs: They agrred that she was misled. Emotive: I
regret she worries about it. It surprises me that she should
of subordination: NTC I suppose that I can worry about it.
use your phone. Zero relative cl: I can’t find
the note you sent me. Some comment clauses
5 synt funct of that-cl: S,DO,Sc,App, IO with ditrans verbs: O and Prepboj, IO and That cl object,
IO and wh cl object, IO and to inf cl object, Preobj and that cl
3 synt funct of explanative cl: extraposed s: I Ditrans prep verb that takes a prep second object: We
reminded him of the agreement.
it incredible how fast she can run. DO: I Adj compl by –ing p clause: She’s not capable of looking
remember what a good time I had at your after herself.
5 synt funct of nominal relative cl: Postmodificaton: PP, relativ cl, NF cl
NR modification: the head can be viewed as unique or as a
S,DO,Sc,App, Prepcom, Objcom. 4 synt funct member of a class that has been indep ident and any modif is
of to-inf cl: S,DO,Sc, App: It is out of the only add infor not essent for ident the H.
question to be neutral in this conflict.
5 synt functions of –ing cl: S,DO,Sc, App,Adj Who: The girl who spoke to him. Whom: The girl whome he
3 synt funct of verbless cl: Sc. What the plan Fronting: To the list may be added 10 further items of
does is to ensure a fair pension for all. Oc: Cleft sent: It is his coldness that I
They made her pay for the damage, S.
Hypothetical cond: They would be here with Pseud-cleft: What you need is a good rest.
Extraposition of claus S: It surprised me to hear him say that.
us, if they had time. If you had listend to me, Object: when the O is an ing cl in SVOC, SVOA cl types it
you wouldn’t have made so many mistakes. can undergo extrapos, when it’s a to-inf cl/that cl it must do so.
Contrast cl: I ignore them whereas my
husband is always worried about what they
think of us. John teaches phys while Jane
teaches chem; whilst.
Exception cl: Nothing would satisfy the baby
but that I place her on my lap; except that, save
Comparison cl: She looked as if she is getting
better. She treated me as though I were a
stanger; like.
Sent relative cl: they refer back to the
predicate or predication of the clause or to a
whole clause or sentence or series of sentences.
Thing then improved, which surpised me.
4 func of the comp element:

Oprosti ako san te ikada razljutila riječima,nisam razmišljala o njima...

Oprosti ako si mislio da te ne gledam,moj pogled je bio u svakoj zraci sunca koja je pala na tvoja
leđa...Oprosti ako ti nisam rekla koliko lijepe su tvoje oči,u njihovoj dubini se i danas skrivam od
svijeta...Oprosti ako nisam primjetila tvoju kosu...Oprost ako nisam nikad osjetila tvoj miris,sad
ga čuvam u jutarnjem vjetru...Oprosti ako nikad nisam pjevala s tobom,svaka moja pjesma
posvečena je tebi...Oprosti ako sam ti propustila reći lijepu riječ,cijelo vrijeme je bila na mojim
usnama...Oprosti ako si ikada sam pogledao prema nebu,bila sam u svakoj zvijezdi koja je
treperila...Oprosti ako sam te ikada povrijedila,tvoje suze mi nikada neće oprostiti...Oprosti ako
si ikada pomislio da sam te napustila,bila sam u svakoj kapljici proljetne kiše koja te
umila...Oprosti ako si ikada pomislio da te ne volim...Voljela sam te i još uvijek te volim...
Drugu ljube usne tvoje,a za mene ne postoje.....

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