CT Assignment (AutoRecovered)

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Table of contents Page

1.0 Introduction
1.1. Overall Summary-----------------------------------------------------------2
1.2. Work Distribution ----------------------------------------------------------2
1.3. Interview--------------------------------------------------------------------3~4

2.0. Group Assignment

2.1. Site Plant and Equipment-------------------------------------------------5-8
2.2. Scaffoldings----------------------------------------------------------------9-12
2.3. Health and Safety Measures on site------------------------------------13-16

3.0. Individual Conclusions and Recommendations

3.1. Janet Own QianYi----------------------------------------------------------17
3.2. Low Xin Wei----------------------------------------------------------------18
3.3. Loy Xiao Yi----------------------------------------------------------------- 19
3.4. Yap Lai Sian-----------------------------------------------------------------20

4.0. References-------------------------------------------------------------------------21


Overall Summary:

Construction Technology is basically regarding to the methods, materials, plant and

equipment that they use in any construction processes on site. In this report, we have
discussed about the site plant and equipment, scaffoldings, health and safety measures on site
which are significant and important in the process of structure and building construction.
In these three topics, they have their own importance role in construction industry.

For plant and equipment, is to make sure the quality and nature of work in a larger project,
also to complete the task which cannot done by manpower.

While the scaffolding, act as a temporary work and support that established around the
building for the labour to carry out their work.

And the last, health and safety measures could be said that it is most important in
construction industry. Without this measures, the workers and building team in construction
project cannot ensure their life safety when work on site and the process also will be

We also have make an interview with a quantity surveyor about these topics and asked her
some question related to the situation on construction site.

Work Distribution


Date: 23rd June 2018

Interviewee: Cloe Shum Pui Yan (Master of Science Construction Management)
Occupation: Quantity Surveyor
Company: SP Mega Sdn. Bhd.

Cloe (2018, pers. comm. 26 June) said that she has no proper office on Kuala Lumpur due to
her company is at Penang, so she just sitting at different site in Kuala Lumpur. For her
responsibility, beside doing paper work, she also will visit site to make sure the process is
right to go, whether the rate of progress is fast or slow and observe the situation on there.

Normally how often will the accident happen on site? Is it always very serious or just
small accident?
So far the sites that I have been visit was just only some small accident happened only.
There’s one time the site that I worked on, the scaffolding has already erected around the
building. A labour drove the forklift too fast, accidentally bump to the scaffolding and caused
another labour fall down from top there when he was working. But the luckily the labour has
no injured badly because the height of scaffolding was not so high yet.

How to ensure that the labour have the qualification to work in construction site?
If they want to apply for the job, they have go to the CIDB (Construction Industry
Development Board) to join their course. Only the person who get the Green card can get into
site to work.

Extra information
If the contract value sum of a project over 20 million or 40 million, there must be a safety
officer, which is more higher level and qualification to work on site full time.
Especially in MRT project at Malaysia, also need the safety officer due to the underground
work is more hazard.

Photos from construction site:

The scaffolding (Figure 1) are place on the side when no use

Figure 1: Scaffolding

These scaffolding (Figure 2) are already build and established

Figure 2: Scaffolding

2.1 Plant and Equipment

Plants with different uses and classifications is very useful in post contract stage. In the
construction, the right choices of plant used is definitely make the construction works to be
done faster, more efficient, and economically thus reduce overall building cost. It also helps to
overcome man’s limit as many of the works cannot be done manually. (Chudley, R and Greeno,
R 2006, p.53) There are some plants and equipment commonly used in Malaysia with their

1) Pneumatic breaker / Hydraulic breaker

 Pneumatic breaker (Figure 3) or hydraulic breaker (Figure 4) are used to break up the
hard surface such as concrete. (Chudley, R et.al 2006, p.60)
 Demolition of the buildings.
 Break up the rock first when doing trench excavation.

Figure 3: Pneumatic breaker Figure 4: Hydraulic breaker

2) Bulldozer ( Figure 5)
 Push the heavy object or excavation products such
as sand, soil or other materials to another place in
large quantity to be discard during construction.
(Chudley, R et.al 2006, p.70)
 Clear obstacle.

Figure 5: Bulldozer

3) Face shovel ( Figure 6 )
 Used to excavate by moving the bucket in front
of it which operate in forward and upward
 Excavation depth is limited due to they are not
flexible enough as the machine cannot move
below the wheel level.
 Transport the excavation soil into the dumper
truck. Figure 6: Face shove

4) Backactor ( Figure 7)
 Excavation for basement, pits and
trenches.( Chudley, R et.al 2006, p.77)
 Excavation is done by the backward and
inward motion of the bucket.
 Small demolitions.

Figure 7: Backactor

5) Dumper track ( Figure 8)

 Carry large amount of the materials over the distance
at site. (Chudley, R and Greeno, R 2004, pp.159-160)
 Bulk earthmoving purpose by collecting the
unwanted soil to be eliminated.

Figure 8: Dumper truck

6) Forklift ( Figure 9)
 Transport materials and goods on pallet or packs
over short distance at site. (Chudley, R et.al
2006, p.87)
 Can move vertically to take the goods at a higher

Figure 9: Forklift

7) Concrete mixer ( Figure 10)

 Used to make small quantity of concrete by
combining cement, aggregate and water in
required proportion on the spot at construction
site. (Chudley, R et.al 2004, p.177)
 Give time to work before the concrete hardens.

Figure 10: Concrete mixer

8) Pile hammer ( Figure 11)

 Pile in the reinforced concrete pile until it
reach hard layer of soil.
 Is used when there is deep foundation.

Figure 11: Pile hammer

9) Concrete vibrator( Figure 12)
 Reduce the number of air bubbles inside
the concrete as much as possible.
(Rodriguez, J 2017)
 To make the concrete more compact.
 As a vibrating tool.

Figure 12: Concrete vibrator

10) Cranes
 Can be divided into various type such as mobile crane ( Figure 13), crawler crane
( Figure 14), and tower crane ( Figure 15) in order to conduct the works at different
places based on suitability. (Chudley, R et.al 2006, pp.94-108)
 The general uses is for the movement of heavy objects by hanging them up. For example,
lift, move and transport the object or building material from one place to another place
or place that cannot reach easily.
 Hold an object in upright position in order for installation purpose. For example, hold
the reinforced concrete pile vertically before pile driving process.

Figure 13: Mobile Crane Figure15: Tower Crane

Figure 14: Crawler Crane

2.2 Scaffolding

In building constructions, scaffoldings are temporary structure used to elevate and support
labours and materials during the construction, repairing and cleaning section. Other than that,
scaffold is also used as supporting structure. Scaffolds normally made up by tubular steel,
aluminium alloy, timber or bamboo. Scaffolding usually will be needed when the working
height is 1.5m or more above the ground. Due to the height, every worker must be trained
before using scaffolds. Other than this, high quality safety netting should be provided for
workers to prevent any accident to happened. Putlog scaffolds and independent scaffolds are
the basic forms of scaffolds. There are several types of scaffoldings which still obtainable for
use at the construction site such as slung scaffold, truss-out scaffolds, suspended scaffolds,
patent scaffolding and more. According to the interviewee Cloe (2018, pers. comm. 23 June),
mobile tower scaffolds and birdcage scaffolds are mostly used in Malaysia. (The Editors of
Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d, Scaffold Construction)

Putlog scaffolds

Putlog scaffold (Figure 16) is made up by only one row of standards and parallel toward to the
construction building. Ledgers will join the outer row of standards and support the transverse
putlogs. It normally suitable for brick or blocks. (Putlog and Independent Scaffolding at DH
UK for Scaffolding Hire, n.d)

Figure 16: Putlog scaffold

Independent scaffolds

Independent scaffolds (Figure 17) is mostly same with putlog scaffolds but it has two rows of
standards each row and joined together by ledgers as well to provide enough support to the
transverse transoms. (Putlog and Independent Scaffolding at DH UK for Scaffolding Hire, n.d)

Figure 17: Independent scaffold

Mobile Tower Scaffolds

It is a basic form of independent scaffold. Functions of mobile tower scaffolds (Figure 18) are
providing to limited area or when movement is needed. However, there is few rules workers
should follow while moving the scaffolds. For example, firmness of the ground must be
checked, never move the scaffolds while there is worker on it or during windy weather, the
height of platform must not more than 4m. Some accidents had happened before due to the
mobile tower scaffolds overturned. Dangerous ways of installation or removal also one of a
reasons to cause an accident. Therefore, every worker should be trained before using
construction scaffolds. (R. Chudley & Greeno, e.d 2006, Building Construction Handbook 4th
edn, p121 )

Figure 18: Mobile tower scaffold

Birdcage scaffolds

It is also one of an independent scaffold. Birdcage scaffolds (Figure 19) usually used to provide
a large area complete working platform at a certain height. There will be two directional
arrangement of standards, ledgers and transoms laced together to provide support to a close
boarded at the required height. Birdcage scaffolds is designed to support working platform For
safety tips, standards are not allowed to place at more than 2.5m in each direction to make sure
the stability of scaffolds. (R. Chudley & Greeno, e.d 2006, Building Construction Handbook
4th edn, p123 )

Figure 19: Birdcage scaffold

Slung scaffolds

These slung scaffolds (Figure 20) are a form of suspension scaffold. It suspended by wire ropes
or steel chains. Thus, it cannot move upward or lowered. Slung scaffolds are used to gain excess
to high celling or under site of high roof. Minimum six evenly spaced suspension wire ropes
or steel chains securely anchored at both ends. Working platform in excess of 2.500 x 2.500
plan size should be checked to make sure that the supporting tubular components are to being
overstressed. (R. Chudley 1997, Construction technology volume IV, p260)

Figure 20: Slung scaffold

As a result, I wish our government may improve scaffolding system. There must be some of
the important aspects not to be skipped. For example, maximum lift height, type of scaffolds
required, platform arrangement and more. To decrease the cases of construction accidents,
workers should follow every aspects which mentioned in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
while using any scaffolds. Lastly, everyone in construction site have their responsibility to
prevent any accidents happened. Thus, wish everyone giving their cooperation and follow all
those rules.

2.3 Health and Safety Measures on Site
Keep the construction site clean. (Figure 21) Tidy up the tools and materials after done using
them and make sure the construction site is clean and safe. Make sure all walkways were clear
and free debris to prevent worksite accident happen in construction site. For example, slips,
trips, and falls. (How to Prevent an Accident at Construction Site, 2014)

Figure 21: Clean Construction Site

Safety Gear. All the workers on the job site must wear the proper safety gear at all times. For
example, hard hat, goggles, gloves, steel-toed shoes, hearing protection and high-visibility
clothing (Figure 22), steel-toed shoes, (Figure 23). Other than that, harnesses (Figure 24)
should be used for all workers while they are working on a high place such as rooftops and
scaffolding. (How to Prevent an Accident at Construction Site, 2014)

Figure 22: Hard Hat, Goggles, Gloves, Hearing Protection, high-visibility clothing

Figure 23: Steel-Toed Shoes Figure 24: harnesses

Safety training should be provided for all workers on job site (Figure 25). All the
employees should know all the workplace safety standards and the hazards that they may face
in the construction site. Worker must pay attention to the health and safety policies for the job
that they have to do. The written safety policy should include procedure, name and location of
a trained first aid responder. The workers on job site should not operate any equipment that
they are not qualified or trained to use. (How to Prevent an Accident at Construction Site, 2014)

Figure 25: Safety Training

The equipment and tools should be maintain (Figure 26). Worker on the job site must ensure
the equipment or machinery is in proper working order before using a piece of equipment or
machinery. All tools and machinery should be kept on a regular inspection schedule. If the
heavy equipment was not working properly, worker will get trapped in or under heavy
equipment. Broken parts and malfunctioning gear will happen serious injuries and deaths. (Fred
Fanning, Cfm, Pmp, Leed Green Associate, 2014)

Figure 26: Maintain the Machinery

Be careful with vehicles (Figure 27) . There are a lot of moving parts in construction site such
as vehicles, machinery and trucks around the construction site. Workers in jobsite are more
susceptible to being hit by the moving vehicles and machinery. So all the employees should
have a practice for defensive driving, parking and backing to prevent the failure of equipment
(Figure 28) . (How to Prevent an Accident at Construction Site, 2014)

Figure 27: Signs Warning Board

Figure 28: Failure of Equipment

Prevent falls. Every morning, the safety officer will go to check the scaffoldings, if the
scaffoldings are safe to use, a green tag will be hang on the scaffoldings. If it is a yellow tag
hang on the scaffoldings, that means the scaffoldings does not meet all safety standards. If a
red tag hang on scaffoldings, the scaffoldings are unsafe and do not use it (Figure 29) . Besides,
Scaffold safety net is also used in construction site, the scaffold safety net (Figure 30) is used
to prevent something fall out and prevent the workers on the scaffold hit by the falling pieces
from higher places of the buildings. . (Fred Fanning, Cfm, Pmp, Leed Green Associate, 2014)

Figure 29: Scaffolding Safety Tag

Figure 30: Scaffold safe net

For extra information, according to Cloe (2018, pers. comm. 23 June), every morning before
start working on site there will be a toolbox talk around 15-30 minutes. This is to brief the
labour what they need to notice and be careful with what on site. For example, if there have
any accident happened, they will brief the labour to pay more attention on that things which
causes the accident and also always remind them the precautions on toolbox talk.

3.0 Individual Conclusions and Recommendations


The possible problem happened at the construction site is the workers may fall down
from the high-rise building. The appropriate solutions to prevent this problem happen is all the
workers must wear safety harness when they are working on the high-rise building. Besides
that, all the workers must also use safety tie belt when they are working on high-rise building.
After that, the building materials stolen from site may happen at the construction site. So, the
contractor need to install railing and hoarding to prevent the building materials stolen from site.
Other than that, the possible problem may happen at the construction site is the falling objects
hit the workers that working at the construction site. To prevent this problem happen, the
contractor will install the safety net to prevent falling objects and the workers must wear the
safety helmet at all time when they are working at the construction site. The workers that
working at the construction site may injuries cause by the tools at the walkways, contractor
should require every worker on the construction site to wear the safety boot at site to avoid that
problem happen. Furthermore, the possible problem happened at the construction site is the
construction drawing not updated. The project manager and project team need to work closely
with consultant for most updated drawing to prevent the construction drawing not updated
problem happen. Previously, the subcontractor is may construct with old drawing, old drawing
shall be superseded to avoid confusion. In conclusion, the safety and health in construction site
is very important, it is because construction site is very dangerous place. It may cause accident
or lost life if any careless happen in construction site. (Fred Fanning, Cfm, Pmp, Leed Green
Associate, 2014)

3.2 LOW XIN WEI (18WVD05532)

As technology developed in these few years, people do mostly focus on speed and quality but
not health and safety. Therefore, our government should more concentrate on safety
management from few aspects and different viewing points. This is because, there is a lot of
accidents had happened before such as workers falling from height, scaffolds collapse and more.
It might cause serious personal injuries such as broken bones, internal organ injury and Severe
lacerations. Although there’s a lot of basic safety tips such as employer should provide scaffold
netting to avoid workers falling from height, workers should wear hard hat, steel-toe-boots and
face protections. But those basic tips are not enough to avoid accidents happen in the future.
So, I would like to share some physical health and safety tips, human skills. There are three
factors such as emotional intelligence, interpersonal skill and also leadership.

For motivating ourselves and managing emotions well, emotional intelligence do act as an
importance role. It is closely connected to the performance in various industries, including
construction industry. Self-awareness, relationship management, self-management and social
awareness are the aspects of emotional intelligence. It mostly talked about people tend to be
concentred while working and respond to specific situation by mature and rational mind.

Next, the second human skill is interpersonal skill. It refers to teamwork, resolving conflict and
comfort communication between individuals and clients, workers and other parties. They
communicated about safety and motivated people to know more about safety knowledge during.
As a safety leader, they should have responsibility to remain their interpersonal skill day by
day with others to provide safety leadership.

Furthermore, leaderships as the last component of human skill. Leaderships act as an important
role for their followers and let them respected, admired and trusted their leaders as well. Beside
of making followers to get the right instruction clearly, they also need to provide necessary
training and showing the moral value of safety. In shorts, leadership help to promoting those
positive minds and attitudes towards safety.

3.3 LOY XIAO YI (18WVD05093)

Technology of construction not only use in building construct in Malaysia but also the
infrastructure such as LRT station, MRT station, highway road, bridges and more which are
very important in our life. And this causes the development of construction industry become
advance. The rate of construction process is hope to be as fast as possible to complete so that
it can brings more convenience for us. But, in my opinion, the safety measures is the first before
the completion of project. The building or structure only can be completed successful when the
labours are safe to work on site.

But there are still some individual or company didn’t pay more attention on it and causes the
accidents often happen on site. The possible problems that occur on safety is the insufficient
experience of labour. This is because the labour may hurt themselves while using the equipment
due to they’re still not dexterous. So, the project contractor should provide course and also
practical class for the labour before the project start. Give them more chance to contact with
the equipment so that they won’t be too inexperienced when the construction work begin.

Sometimes, the careless and rudeness of labours also will be the possible problems on site,
some labour may apply the work just to get salary and think that it is not completely their
responsibility to take care well the structure facilities in the workplace. For example, the
workers just simply throw the waste around the site, skip one of the step of construction work,
or didn’t manage well their plant and equipment while using them, this can lead the process of
building project become dangerous. For this problem, they should plan to be arrange more site
officer and supervisor stay on site to notice and warn the labour who have no intention to do
well. Besides, they can add more rules to the worker and alert them there will be deduction in
salary if they do not follow the rules. So that the workers will become more aware in workplace.

To sum up, not only the materials or the methods are important for a building project, but the
safety awareness also should be enforce because it may affect the whole process of building
construction. So, it is also a part of construction technology as same as the scaffoldings, plant
and equipment.

3.4 YAP LAI SIAN (18WVD02967)

Construction site is a quite dangerous and high-risk place as many complex construction works
with heavy machines will be carried out.

In Malaysia, the possible problems happen at construction site is environment issues such as
site is not clean and not achieve minimum hygiene requirement. As we know, the workers may
throw the rubbish anywhere, the construction process will produce a lot of dust and the rainy
day will result in stagnant water. The surrounding people may feel not happy with this then
make a complaint. In order to prevent this problem, the main contractor must conduct cleaning
service and removal of rubbish daily. Furthermore, they can conduct insect repellent process
in order to prevent the breeding of mosquito. Besides, the neighbours will get disturbed by the
noise. So, the construction works are suggested not to be continued at night, especially the
residential area. Normally, the construction works will be stop at 5pm.

On top of that, falling object from a distance height result in the injuries or death of the workers.
In this case, the safety net is used and recommended to hang them as close as possible. For our
information, the safety net also used to catch the workers if they fall.

Then, we also cannot deny that accident is the most possible problem happen at site. The
suggestion is everyone who go to the site must have personal protective equipment such as
safety helmet, safety boot and so on to prevent themselves get injured. Most of the construction
workers in Malaysia are the foreign workers who cannot understand the language well and
might have poor education background. They just conduct the construction works based on
common sense without safety education. For example, they dare to climb up to the scaffolding
at high position without any personal protective equipment. So, a safety induction must be
conducted before the construction works get started. Besides that, the contractor must prepare
first aid box and at least one first aider to make sure the workers can get the treatment as soon
as possible in case they injured. Moreover, make sure there is safety supervisor and safety
official at site.

In conclusion, construction is a long process and it needs cooperation of many parties to make
it. We should appreciate the construction team and also hard-worked labor so that the
construction project can be done successfully, completed on time and we just sit idle and enjoy
the fruits of their work. Always remember, a good and quality construction project must be
conducted in proper way and method, which follow the rules and regulation in Occupational
Safety and Health Act 1994 in order to prevent tragedy, pecuniary loss and dispute happen.

Reference list
Access birdcage scaffolds, n.d, viewed 23 July 2018, <https://scaffmag.com/scaffolders-

Chudley, R & Greeno, R (ed.) 2006, Advanced Construction Technology, 4th edn, Pearson
Education Limited, Harlow.

Chudley, R & Greeno, R (ed.) 2004, Building Construction Handbook, 5th edn, Elsevier
Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.

Chudley, R 1997, Construction technology volume IV, Longman Group Limited, London.

Fred Fanning,Cfm,Pmp,Leed Green Associate 2014, Basic Construction Safety and Health,

How to Prevent an Accident at Construction Site 2014, viewed 16 June 2018,


Patrick X.W.Zou, Riza Yosia Sunindijo 2015, Strategic Safety Management.

Putlog and Independent Scaffolding at DH UK for Scaffolding Hire, n.d, viewed 22 July 2018,

Rodriguez, J 2017, Concrete Vibrator Tips: How Fast, Frequent and Deep, viewed 22 July
2018, <https://www.thebalancesmb.com/how-to-vibrate-concrete-844451>.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d, Scaffold Construction, viewed 22 July 2018,

Trekker Group 2017, Basic Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Construction Workers,


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