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How to configure conditionally displayed / required fields in nCino

Useful Knowledge articles:


Projected Closing date field on Loan is only required to be mandatory in Stage Due Diligence/Doc
Prep/Closing/Booked/Complete; however, it can be left blank by users in
Qualification/Proposal/Credit Underwriting/Final Review/Approval/Loan Committee stages

In order to fulfil this requirement in nCino, we will need 3 separate sets of routes/screens/screen
sections: one for when the field is editable, one for when it is required, and one for when it’s locked

Identify which parent Route this requirement applies to. Here, for example, the Parent Route is
Origination, with Child Route groups used to display information in the UI (the reason there are
‘duplicate’ child routes, is because each child Route satisfies a different requirement – ie. when fields
are locked, or editable, or hidden, we need separate child routes).
The Child Route Group is the junction record between the parent route, and the child one. This is also
where you’d write your conditional rendering statement.

The actual syntax you need to use to write up that query, is detailed in this article:

In our scenario, we would have three Child Routes, and thus, three Child Route Groups.

 Query example for the Child Route Group 1

{{IF="A OR B OR C"}}{{COND="A" FIELD="LLC_BI__Loan__c.LLC_BI__Stage__c" IS="Qualification"}}{{COND="B"
FIELD="LLC_BI__Loan__c.LLC_BI__Stage__c" IS="Proposal"}}{{COND="C" FIELD="LLC_BI__Loan__c.LLC_BI__Stage__c"
IS="Credit Underwriting"}}{{COND="D" FIELD="LLC_BI__Loan__c.LLC_BI__Stage__c" IS="Final Review"}}{{COND="E"
FIELD="LLC_BI__Loan__c.LLC_BI__Stage__c" IS=" Loan Committee"}}{{SHOW_ROUTE}}{{ENDIF}}

Note: Conditional Rendering queries must be written without any spaces.

The same syntax applies to the other two child route group, with the stages being mutually exclusive
(there must be no overlap between queries, otherwise the system does not know which route to render
in the UI).
Child Route:

Screen. Here, we see that this screen will render with two sections.
Screen Section:

The Section Configuration records dictate which field set the UI is rendered against – here, we can see
the field set used to render this specific screen section is ‘UI_Mortgage_Origination_Progress’, which
was created on the Loan object (see the value of ‘LLC_BI__Loan__c’ for sObject Type).

Note the setting ‘Is Editable’ – this setting applies to all fields rendered in this screen section.

Field Configuration records will be used to tell the UI which specific fields must be read only, required,
etc. In this snapshot, there aren’t any, because all fields within this section must be editable.
In our scenario, we will create this Field Configuration record on the relevant Screen Section, to tell the
UI that ‘Close Date’ is required. Repeat this process for any other required fields.

Using Field Configurations, we can fine tune the UI to make any field either required, editable, read-
only, or hidden.

Please note: Settings on Field Configurations override the settings on Screen Section level.

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