Exploring The Bad Impacts of Entertaiment Industry For Children Celebrity

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Exploring The Bad Impacts of Entertainment Industry For Children Celebrity

Children’s are the marketable stakeholder for the entertainment industry. We can see
in reality that the existence of children celebrity are really significant and has a big role in the
entertainment industry.Most of people assumed that becomed an actress or celebrity in young
age is the biggest opportunity. Glamours life, fancy lifestyle, many fans, rich, are the mindset
from society about the celebrity. On the other hand, become a celebrity or public figure also
has a high risk. The dark side of the entertainment industry seems unclear but it is really
happening.. That is why this essay is mainly focused on some bad impacts of the
entertainment industry for children celebrity for some reasons.

First, the entertainment industry gives a psychological bad impacts to the children
celebrity. Children are not mature yet, they have unstable emotion and easy to get influence
from their social environment. These two characteristics make them become the victim of the
entertainment industry. For example Shafeea Ahmad (Mulan Jameela’s daughter) was sick
and drop because of tight schedule of perform, and Lindsay Lohan in her young age has been
arrested twice for DUI (Driving Under the Influence) because she consumed alcohol. From
this problem, children will have a tendency to be stressed and it will affect their health and
mental. This issues is of particular relevance as noted by Behrens (2011) that children
celebrities are susceptible to get longterm psychologist effect. As a result, children celebrity
obtain the bad impact despite benefits that actually not really worth. So, we can see that
actually being a celebrity in young age is full of risks and pressure.

Children celebrities are the main target of bullying from social media. A lot of netizen
with different backgrounds are competing their opinions on social media. The problem is
many of the netizens are throwing words disrespectful and hurt the other party. Nobody’s
perfect in this world, it is normal if we make a mistake but not for celebrity. Any mistake can
be dangerous and affect their career. For example, Bilqis (Ayu Ting-Ting Daughter) , Azka
Corbuzier, Armand Fauzan Quinn are a few children celebrities who got bullying from
netizen. Any aspect can be a material of bully, such as physical appearance, parents issues,
behavior, or even accidentally mistake. This problem can be worst because it can lead them
to be stressed, depressed or even suicide because of much pressured. That’s why bullying is a
crime and the impacts are very dangerous for children.

Exploitation is the potential issues for children celebrities. Parents who realize the
potential of their children are naturally want to monetize it. Whereas the children have
limited capacity but they use them as their money maker. In case, children celebrity must
work overtime and limited time to rest. They have got a brainwash from their parent that they
must help the economy of the family and they called this practice as the moral obligations of
children. This concept is wrong because children under 17 years old are morally being the
responsibility of the parents. Parents have the obligation to financially their children and give
them the rights to get a good education and other necessities. Even if there is KPAI (National
Commission for Child Protection) but this is mostly run secretly and parents try hard to
pretend this case. So children are still being exploited and violated human rights. For example
in 2011 Arumi Bahscin fled her home from her mother and Misca Fortuna (7 years old) the
money she collected from her work was stolen by her father, Muhammad Delsy. From this
simple explanation, we can see that children celebrity are easy being the target of exploitation
that harms their future.

The last is, children celebrity are sacrificed their education and golden age to pursue
their career. In the golden age, children need good education, good social environment, and
good childhood memories. These 3 things are the basic necessities that children should have.
But, when they are opt-into entertainment industry. They easily leave their education and
prefer their career as children celebrity. Even if in the status quo there is homeschooling, but
it is not enough for them to get a good education. Compare with a formal school that they can
discuss, play, and sharing with their friends. In homeschooling, the system is more flexible
and private. Only the teacher and the children study together. It shows you that
homeschooling undirectly creates a selfish character and not represent good education. Better
for children spend their golden age in school and they can be having fun with their friends.
Sacrifice education is same as you broke your dream in the beginning. Education is an
investment for the future. Good education can be a basic foundation to be good young

From those explanations, we can see that being children celebrity are not as good as
we think. Many obstacles and risks can affect their future as children. Children are needs a
good education and a healthy social environment to improve their self-quality in their golden
age. Entertainment industry its seems full of happiness but it is like a mini jail for the
children. The Entertainment industry is like a cage that limits their freedom and full of
violation of human rights. Tight schedule, much pressure, and exploitation are the few
problems from a thousand problems that we cannot see. Children are same like gold, they are
the longterm investment for our nation. They deserve to get happiness and freedom. Let us
stop any children violation and give them the best education to create a great young

Referencess :
 Syarifuddin Hidayat, dan Ahmad Mahyani.2017. Perindungan Hukum Bagi Anak Korban
Eksploitasi Sebagai Artis. Surabaya: Universitas 17 Agustus Surabaya
 Des Twaites,Ben Lowe, and Lien L.Monkhouse. 2012. The Impacts of Negative Publicity on
Celebrity Ad Endorsment. United Kindom : Onlinelibrary.wiley.com
 Mwendwa Mildred Zipporah, and Dr. Hellen K. Mberia . 2014. The Effect of Celebrity
Endorsment in Advertisement. Kenya : HRmars
 Wanda Behrens-Horrel. 2011 . The Child Performer.
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-the-trenches/201106/the-child-performer. Date
of access 10 March 2019 at 23.30 p.m
bentuk-pengembangan-minat-dan-bakat-anak. Date of access 10 March 2019 23.45 p.m

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