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2004 Division Orals Metrobank-MTAP-NCR Math Challenge Grade 3

A. 15-second questions – 2 points each
__________1. How many P5-coins are equal to P25?
__________ 2. A dozen eggs cost P42. How much do 18 eggs cost?
__________3. Which of the following angles is obtuse? ( a. 30 b. 90 c. 100 ) Give the
letter only.
__________4. How much greater is 92 than 57?
__________5. What is the product of 14 and 15?
__________6. The distance between two barangays is 1¾ kilometers. How many meters is that
__________7. The perimeter of a square is 44 dm. What is its area?
__________ 8. If diesel oil costs P16 a liter, how much will 5 liters cost?
__________ 9. How many multiples of 3 are there between 30 and 50?
__________10. If today is Friday, February 2, what date was it last Friday?
__________11. Mother bought two dozen roses. If 1½ dozens are red and the rest are white,
how many white
roses were there?
B. 30-second questions – 3 points each
__________1. Mother bought 3½ dozen eggs. She used 15 of them. How many eggs
__________ 2. Remy bought a pair of sandals for P250 and a pair of socks for . How much
change did she get
from a P500-bill?
__________ 3. If one million is multiplied by one thousand, how many zeroes are in the
__________ 4. A rectangular field is 98 m long and 76 m wide. What is its area?
__________ 5. 120 scouts went camping. In the camp, 1/3 built the tents, ¼ gathered firewood
and the rest
prepared supper and the program. How many scouts prepared the supper and
the program?
__________ 6. Mother was planning a picnic for 12 people. Each person will need a cup, a
plate, a spoon,
a fork and a glass. How many items in all will mother prepare?
C. 1-minute questions – 5 points each
__________1. There are 360 seats in an auditorium. During a play, 126 adults and 187
children were seated.
How many seats were empty?
__________ 2. In a Math Club, the president is the oldest. Renz is older than Paul and younger
Mandy. Paul’s age is between Carla’s and Renz. Who is the president?
__________3. Admission to a school show is P20 for students and P50 for parents. There were
50 children and
31 parents in the show. How much did they pay in all?
__________4. A town plaza is 56 m long and 48 m wide. If a jogger goes around it 10 times,
many kilometers will that be?
__________ 5. Danica has finished reading 1/3 of a book. If she has finished 79 pages, how
many pages
has the book?
__________ 6. In a zoo, there are 6 cages with 3 monkeys in each cage. There are also 15
living in trees. There are 17 owls living in the trees with the monkeys. How many
and owls are there?
Clincher questions
__________1. What is 27 more than 52 – 24?
__________2. If you add 28 to my number and then divide it by 7, you will get 35. What is my
__________ 3. Liza has P24 more than Karen. Together, they have P174. How much money
has Liza?
Do-Or-Die questions
__________1. Father has three P500-bills, six P100-bills, five P50-bills and eight P20-bills in
his wallet.
How much money has Father in his wallet?
__________2. Find the sum of the first 8 odd numbers.



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