Library Anxiety - A Grounded Theory and Its Development

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Library Anxiety: A Grounded

Theory and Its Development

Constance A. Mellon
This qualitative study explored the feelings of students about using the library for research.
Personal writing, collected in beginning composition courses over a two-year period, was ana-
lyzed for recurrent themes. It was found that 75 to 85 percent of the students in these courses
described their initial response to library research in terms of fear. Three concepts emerged from
these descriptions: (1) students generally feel that their own library-use skills are inadequate
while the skills of other students are adequate, (2) the inadequacy is shameful and should be
hidden, and (3) the inadequacy would be revealed by asking questions. A grounded theory of
library anxiety was constructed from these data.

study conducted at a southern the populations to be studied, quantita-

university with six thousand tive techniques use statistics to predict
students explored the feelings how and why people behave as they do
of students as they did research under certain conditions. These tech-
in an academic library for the first time. niques are useful in studying the causes
This study is unique for two reasons. First, and consequences ~f things people experi-
it applied rarely used methods of qualita- ence in library settings.
tive research to a library problem. Second, On the other hand, qualitative studies
to collect data for the study it used class- focus on viewing experiences from the
room techniques that were taken from the perspective of those involved: users, li-
''Writing across the Curriculum'' move- brarians, and administrators. There is an
ment. The following essay presents both attempt to understand why participants in
the study and the theory behind the a library setting react as they do. This may
study. The intent is not only to share re- be accomplished by applying research
search findings with colleagues but to methodologies from areas where the tra-
stimulate interest in an alternate research ditional focus has been the in-depth study
methodology that seems useful in a pro- of people, i.e., the ethnographic tech-
fession whose major aim is service to peo- niques of anthropology and the qualita-
ple. tive methods of sociology. 1 They involve
THE THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE the gathering and analyzing of descriptive
OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH data in an attempt to see a setting or an ex-
perience from the participants' point of
To understand how the theory outlined view. This holistic approach tries to de-
in this paper was developed, it is impor- scribe all the bits and pieces, the variables,
tant to understand the method by which it that compose an individual's world rather
was derived and how that method differs than trying to control for them as in quan-
from the quantitative techniques tradi- titative approaches.
tionally used in the field of library science. To view the world through the eyes of
Drawing upon large samples to represent their subjects, qualitative researchers

Constance A. Mellon is assistant professor in the department of Library and Information Studies, East Carolina
University, Greenville, North Carolina 27834.

Library Anxiety 161

have used a variety of techniques that are writing or journal writing can also provide
limited only by the imagination of the re- a rich source of qualitative data on stu-
searcher. Although the techniques are rig- dents' perceptions of any activity or idea
orous and empirical, aimed at as full a de- that the instructor may wish to explore.
scription of the situation under study as
possible, researchers have successfully ANALYZING
combined existing techniques and created QUALITATIVE DATA
new ones in an attempt to study and de-
The type of data gathered for qualitative
fine events as they are experienced by real
analysis is very different from the type of
people in their everyday lives. A number
data quantitative researchers collect. It
of these techniques aim toward collecting
generally consists of several hundred
data that Robert Bogdan and Steven Tay-
written pages that reflect the perspectives
lor call "personal documents. " 2 Many of
of many individuals. Before discussing
these personal documents yield data that
how such data are analyzed, the goal of
are strikingly similar to the "personal
this type of analysis needs to be under-
writing" that composition theorists en-
stood. Unlike quantitative research where
courage as a general learning activity.
the goal is to produce a replicable study,
PERSONAL DOCUMENTS one in which two researchers working
AND PERSONAL WRITING with the same methodology would arrive
at the same conclusions, qualitative analy-
Bogdan and Taylor define personal doc-
sis is intended to produce a unique theory
uments as "an individual's descriptive,
grounded in the situation or event under
first-person account of the whole or part of
study. The theory is written in narrative
his or her life or an individual's reflection
form, incorporating descriptions and quo-
on a specific topic or event. " 3 One cate-
tations taken from the data to ' 'describe
gory of personal documents included
the social world studied so vividly that the
transcripts of unstructured interviews.
reader, like the researcher, can literally see
These are frequently long, open-ended
and hear its people.' ' 7 .
conversations that capture an individual's
The analysis of qualitative data using
perspective of a situation, event, or activ-
the constant comparative method is an on-
ity. Personal documents can also include
going process that is closely integrated
autobiographies, diaries, and letters writ-
with the data collection process.8 The pri-
ten either for the self or at the request of a
mary purpose of this analysis is to dis-
cover themes, topics, or situations that oc-
Bogdan and Taylor's description of per-
cur in the conversations or writings of
sonal documents bears a marked resem-
respondents. These themes are used to
blance to the initial stage of the rriting
construct hypotheses or to develop ideas
process described by composition theo-
about how individuals define themselves,
rists. 4During the first stage of the writing
their activities, or the events or organiza-
process, sometimes called "personal writ-
tions in which they participate.
ing,'' the writer is talking on paper with
no concern for audience, style, or the rules
of grammar and spelling. This technique
allows the writer to tap into a stream of
consciousness, thus uncovering personal
knowledge, interests, and conclusions As part of an ongoing effort to under-
about a topic. 5 Since personal writing can stand students' perceptions of the library
help one to clarify and organize thoughts research process, a component of a
and to produce better papers, activities funded project to integrate library instruc-
such as free writing (writing steadily for tion into beginning composition courses
short periods, putting down thoughts as at a southern university, twenty English
they occur) and journal writing (diarylike instructors assigned and collected per-
entries on specific aspects of a subject) sonal writing from students in their com-
should be used in teaching writing. 6 Free position classes over a two-year period.
162 College & Research Libraries March 1986

Instructors required students to keep claimed she felt like "a lost child," an-
search journals. These were diarylike en- other that she was "lost in there and actu-
tries that described the search process and ally scared to death,'' while a third de-
the students' feelings about it. In addi- clared,
tion, toward the end of the semester, stu- I, as many freshmen, was lost in the library for a
dents were required to do an in-class essay very long time. It was like a big maze to me and
that addressed variations of four basic was easy to get lost in.
Feelings of being lost stemmed from
• What were your experiences using
four causes: (1) the size of the library; (2) a
the library to find information for your re-
lack of knowledge about where things
search paper?
were located; (3) how to begin, and (4)
• How did you feel about the library what to do. Again and again, students
and your ability to use it? mentioned the "large size" of the library.
• Did these feelings change over the (Actually, the study was conducted in a
course of the semester? relatively small academic library of only
• How do you feel about using the li- three floors.) A student explained, "Ire-
brary now? late my fear of the library . . . to its large
Data were collected each semester from size," and another declared that "the
participating instructors and were ana- largest library I'd ever been in seemed like
lyzed for recurrent "themes" using the a small room compared to this." Instead
constant comparative method. It was of a paragraph, one student produced a
found that 75 to 85 percent of students in list of words that included "big, expan-
each class described their initial response sive, vast, majestic, awesome." Another
to the library in terms of fear or anxiety. declared, ''The library seems like a huge
Terms like scary, overpowering, lost, help- monster that gulps you up after you enter
less, confused, and fear of the unknown ap- it."
peared over and over again. A description Confusion about where things were lo-
from the journal of a freshman is typical of cated was a second theme that appeared
the feeling~ expressed by these students: frequently in students' writing. "This li-
brary stuff is confusing,'' one student
Using the library is a scary prospect, especially printed in big capital letters. "Where are
when I think about in-depth research. I know the reference books? Which card catalog
that research cannot be done without frequent
visits to the library and I know that nothing in do I use? There are so many drawers!"
here will hurt me but it all seems so vast and Another student declared, ''I have no idea
overpowering. where the encyclopedias are. I don't even
know where to go to find out where those
Some students described their fear as a type of books are.'' Later she added, '' Oh,
''phobia.' ' As one student explained, ''I'll well. I guess I'll make it-somehow!''
admit I'm one of those people who has a In flowing handwriting, a student
library phobia." This phobia caused stu- summed up the feelings expressed by
dents to describe library use as a ''night- many of her peers,
mare," something they "dreaded all se- When I first entered the library, I was terrified . I
mester." A student described her didn't know where anything was located or
thoughts about beginning research for her even who to ask to get some help. It was like be-
paper in this way, ing in a foreign country and unable to speak the
Oh! Now I have to begin my research paper and language.
what am I to do? Although I have been using Two related themes, how to begin and
the University's library for a little more than what to do, also appeared with great fre-
one semester, I'm still frightened each time I
push those wide glass doors apart!
quency as students wrote about their li-
brary experience. "I've always been lost
Most of the students who discussed when I do research at the library," wrote
their fear of the library talked about the one student. "I never know where to be-
feeling of being "lost." One student gin looking for information.'' Another de-
Library Anxiety 163

dared, "I am always puzzled as to what tions, '' wrote a student, while another ex-
step to take first." And a third explained, plained, "I was scared to ask questions. I
''I knew where the card catalogs were, but didn't want to bother anyone. I also didn't
there were so many little drawers, I want them to think I was stupid."
wouldn't even know where to start.''
While some students worried where to THEORY INTO PRACTICE
begin, others expressed their concern The final stage of qualitative research in-
about what they were supposed to do in volves examining the grounded theory
the library. "I don't understand this li- developed for a specific situation or event
brary system at all!" a student printed an- in terms of existing research. In this study,
grily across his paper. ''I spend an hour or the original purpose of collecting data was
two in the library every day," wrote an- to help find better ways to teach search
other, ''but I still don't know what's going strategy and tool use within the fifty-
on." A third explained rationally, "The li- minute session allotted by the composi-
brary can be an overwhelming place to tion faculty. The intent was to use the
someone who doesn't understand how to findings to shed light on the increasing lit-
use it." erature about how library instruction
Descriptions such as these led to the for- should be accomplished. It was discov-
mulation of a grounded theory that when ered, however, that when asked about us-
confronted with the need to gather infor- ing the library for research, students did
mation in the library for their first research not discuss the problems they encoun-
paper many students become so anxious tered with search. Instead, they discussed
that they are unable to approach the prob- feelings of fear that kept them from begin-
lem logically or effectively. The question ning to search or that got in the way of
arises, Why didn't students explain their their staying in the library long enough to
lack of library skills to their professors? master search processes. The library pho-
Further examination of the data indicated bia that they described seemed to tie in
that students' fears were due to a feeling closely with the work being done on math
that other students were competent at li- and test anxiety. 9 1t thus seemed logical to
brary use while they alone were incompe- describe students' fear of the library as li-
tent, that this lack of competence was brary anxiety and to consider treating it
somehow shameful and must be kept hid- within the anxiety framework.
den, and that asking questions would lead The literature indicates that acknowl-
to a revelation of their incompetence. edging the anxiety and its legitimacy, and
"I can't believe I don't know anything then providing successful experiences to
about this!" wrote one student who counteract the anxiety, is the most effec-
signed "Knucklehead." Another de- tive method for treatment. While we con-
clared, ''They never taught me how to use sidered it unlikely that composition fac-
the library. I guess they thought I would ulty would radically revise their courses to
already know.'' A third student added, incorporate more sessions on library use,
"As soon as you enter the university, you we began sharing our findings with sup-
are expected to know how to use the li- · portive colleagues in the English depart-
brary." ment to determine where changes could ··
The feeling that students should already be made to acknowledge and deal with li-
know how to use the library for research brary anxiety.
led to the concern one student explained A cooperative relationship had existed
this way: "I tend to feel like I'm the only between the instruction librarians and the
one in the university that doesn't know composition faculty prior to the study;
where to look for things in the library.'' however, this cooperation was mainly in
A feeling of inadequacy in comparison the form of a fifty-minute ''orientation
to others can cause a continuing incompe- seminar'' conducted by librarians early in
tence when students do not ask questions the semester. Due to insufficient library
because they fear revealing their igno- staffing for instruction, it was planned to
. ranee. "I'm shy and afraid to ask ques- design a library instructional session to be
164 College & Research Libraries March 1986

given by composition faculty as part of position classes and the design of the
their course work. However, the data in- library-instruction program.
dicated that library anxiety was considera-
bly reduced by interaction with a librarian IMPLICATIONS OF THE STUDY
in the fifty-minute orientation session. FOR LIBRARY INSTRUCTION
While the librarians were aware that fifty There are a number of ways in which the
minutes did not provide sufficient time to findings of this study might be of value to
develop a real working grasp of search those involved in library instruction. First,
strategy, or even tool use, they were un- the study documents students' attitudes
aware of the importance students placed toward library research and presents a
on ''getting to know the librarian'' and theory to explain these attitudes. Why is
"realizing those people really want to this important? librarians might ask. The
help me." The resulting redesign contin- lack of library skills is no surprise to refer-
ued to include a fifty-minute library in- ) ence or instruction librarians. Most of
struction session that we called our them know students are afraid of the li-
"warmth seminar." Although search brary and know why. Our faculty col-
strategy and tool use were still empha- leagues, however, do not often know this.
sized, the redesign provided maximum In my experience, providing people with
interaction between student and librarian. documentation is faster and more effec-
In addition, instruction librarians incorpo- tive than any arguments I can muster from
rated information about library anxiety my library expertise. After all, we have
into their presentations. They assured stu- known for years that tests and mathemat-
dents that this anxiety was both common ics make many students anxious; how-
and reasonable. ever, until the theories of "test anxiety"
Composition faculty began to devote and ''math anxiety'' appeared in the liter-
classroom sessions to library instruction, ature, no programs existed to deal with
and accompanied their students to the li- these anxieties. Good qualitative research
brary. Faculty positioned themselves at a can provide us with the theoretical labels
table near the reference desk and acted as and documentation we need to support
a liaison between their students and the and legitimize our commonsense knowl-
reference librarians. As they worked more edge.
closely with the librarians serving their Second, the study can provide a new di-
students, the faculty became more knowl- rection for research in the field of library
edgeable about library search strategies. instruction. While most of us are aware
This resulted in a better professional rela- that fifty minutes allows only the rare few
tionship between librarians and faculty to master either tool use or search strategy
and in more realistic library research as- very little has appeared in the literature
signments from instructors who began to about being warm, friendly, and ap-
appreciate the intricacies of using the li- proachable. While we may assume every-
brary. Composition faculty had formerly one already knows this, many instructors
spent only one class session in the library. try to pack everything the student should
Now they conducted more than half their know into the precious fifty-minute slot. I
class sessions there. understand the need to share all we know
Formulating a grounded theory of li- with students whom we fear we may
brary anxiety and examining its underly- never see again. I also understand the feel-
ing causes helped librarians and composi- ing of failure when our empathy with the
tion faculty to understand better the group tells us they haven't understood or
problems students encountered in using don't care about anything we said! This is
the library for research. From these obser- quite different from perceiving an instruc-
vations, a closer cooperation between tion session as a "warmth seminar." In
composition faculty and librarians re- this session, our primary goal is to help
sulted. This changed both the presenta- students see the library as a great place
tion of library research in beginning com- with fascinating information and warm,
Library Anxiety 165

friendly people available to help them. We IMPLICATIONS OF QUALITATIVE

can pass out handouts that tell students DATA FOR LIBRARY STUDIES
how to use the Readers' Guide and an as- While this research study is important,
signment that verifies they used it, but the implications of the research technique
only a good instruction librarian can con- are far greater. The major aim of librarian-
vince them the library isn't scary. ship is to bring people and relevant infor-
Finally, there are the implications of this mation together. While measurement has
study. Many librarians have been con- its uses, measurement alone does not pro-
fused by the literature on the evaluation of vide us with an understanding of the peo-
library instruction and the difficulty of ple we serve. Techniques such as the one
documenting instructional effectiveness. described above not only can provide an
But with the goal of alleviating library anx- understanding of our users but can do so
iety as an important initial emphasis in a without disrupting the service upon
library instruction program and with the which our field is based. It is vital to em-
use of classroom writing to gather data, in- phasize that good qualitative research car-
struction librarians are provided with a ries with it a demand for rigor and excel-
new standard and a new technique for lence, a demand as strong as that of its
documenting the effectiveness of their quantitative counterpart. However, it
programs. It is hoped that further evalua- may also provide a fresh approach toward
tion studies will use this technique and user services and a research option for a
that the results will expand the dimen- different type of researcher.
sions of the theory of library anxiety.


1. Robert Bogdan and StevenJ. Taylor, Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods : A Phenomenological
Approach to the Social Sciences (New York: Wiley, 1975); James P. Spradley and David W. McCurdy,
The Cultural Experience: Ethnography in Complex Society (Chicago: Science Research Assoc., 1972).
2. Bogdan and Taylor, p .6-7.
3. Ibid., p.96.
4. James Britton, Language and Learning (Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1970); Janet Emig, The
Composing Process of Twelfth Graders (Urbana, m.: CTCE, 1971); Linda Flower and John L. Hayes, AII

Cognitive Process Theory of Writing," College Composition and Communication 32:365-87 (Dec. 1979);
James Moffet, Teaching the Universe of Discourse (Boston: Houghton, 1968).
5. James Moffet, "Writing, Inner Speech, and Meditation," College English 44:231-46 (Mar. 1982).
6. Denny Wolfe and Robert Reising, Writing for Learning in the Content Areas (New York: J. Weston
Walch, 1983).
7. Barney G. Glaser and Anselm L. Strauss, The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies For Qualitative
Research (Chicago: Aldine, 1967), p.228 .
8. Ibid., p. 107-15.
9. Sheila Tobias, Overcoming Math Anxiety (Boston: Houghton, 1980).
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