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Interpretation of dreams of Ibn Sirin dream and interpretation of vision

definition of vision in terms of terminology

Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin Tafsir Al Ahlam

Interpretation of dreams of Ibn Sirin dream and interpretation ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬
of vision definition of vision in terms of terminology Tafsir Al Ahlam
The definition of vision in terms of the interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin
** First: Definition of visions when Muslim scientists:
Muslim scholars set out in the definition of the vision from the legal texts, especially those that were between the visions
Tafsir Al Ahlam
And other things that a person sees in his sleep, and from these texts, which the scholars set out in their definitions

The hadeeth of Abu Qatada, interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin

Agreed upon: (the sincere vision of God and the dream of the devil) (1) and the doctrine of the Sunnis in that the vision:

A set of beliefs and judgments that God casts in the heart of a servant by a king or a demon. As for

By their names. But we have made it, Ibn al-Arabi said: This is similar in the case of vigilance thoughts ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬

Which are contained in the human mind and heart) are in a pattern. Ie on a single system. It may come at odds

This is an unsolicited extension. Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin

Imam al-Masri said: The doctrine of Ahl al-Sunnah is the truth of the vision. God creates in the heart of the blind
Tafsir Al Ahlam
Beliefs as he creates in the heart of awakening He is doing what he wants does not prevent sleep and vigilance, if created

These beliefs are like making them aware of other things he creates in the second case, or he has created them.

Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin

And defined as: beliefs created by God in the heart of the sleeper as he creates in the heart of awakening, if created as if making it
Tafsir Al Ahlam
He learned about other things and created them in the second case and those beliefs are sometimes located in the presence of the king
and then fall what

Pleased. (2) Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬

The fact that the contemplator in the definitions notes that they are very similar to the reference to the distinction between the two
types of what a person sees in his sleep. Which I will talk about in the next paragraph. As Ann Haydith noted as saying: (the sincere
vision of God, and the dream of the devil) until God creates the vision

and beliefs that made him aware of what pleased without the presence of Satan. And creates what is known to the detriment of the
presence of the devil and attributed to the devil is a chance to attend him, although he did not really do him. This is the meaning of
saying (peace be upon him) ((Revelation from God and the dream of the devil)) not that the devil does something. Interpretation of the
dreams of Ibn Sirin

Some of the scholars said: The Shaytaan has direct action and influence according to the hadeeth of Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with
him) who said: A man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: "I saw that my neck was struck.
Ahmed, and this phrase to Imam Ahmad Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to the Arabs: "Do not talk to the devil by playing the devil in
your sleep." Jaber said: I heard the Prophet peace be upon him after he said, : Will they tell one of you to play the devil with him in his
sleep (3) Tafsir Al Ahlam

Imam Muhammad al-Safarini (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin

The devil is supposed to play that he sees in his sleep what grieves him. And enter the concern and anger and mix it in his visions. He is
manipulating him. He is told to anyone who does a work that does not work for him: You were a player. He said in the hadeeth of al-
Istnaja'a (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The devil plays with the seats of the sons of Adam ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬
Tafsir Al Ahlam
." (4) So that he should attend the places of Istnajah and monitor them with corruption and corruption? Because it is where the
abandonment of the remembrance of God and reveal the nakedness, he ordered Bstrha and refrain from exposure to the gaze of the
beholders and the wind and the bullets of the urine. All of this is played by the Shaytaan ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬

and this view is correct, so the dream of the devil is true. It is that which depicts for man a fact that is not an accident. This is from his
permanent and declared hostility to man. Indeed, if we tell the devil true. No excuse.
Sayyid Qutb (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬

And above all. We decide that knowing its nature or not knowing it has nothing to do with proving its existence and believing some of it.
. . Until he said. . . We envision the nature of these visions as such that the barriers of time and space are what transforms this human
being into a vision of what we call past and future. Or present Mahjoub. And that what

we call past or future is protected by the factor of time. The distant present also obscures the place factor. And that a sense in man does
not know, but wake up or strengthen, overcome the barrier of time and see behind in a vague. Not a science but a discovery. Etc. His
words. Then he said: "I can lie all things before I lie, and it happened to me and I in America

and my family in Cairo." I saw the sleeping man, the son of a young sister, and in the same eye, blood that would keep her from seeing. I
wrote to my family asking about his own eye. The response came to me with an internal bleeding and he was being treated. Internal
bleeding is not seen from outside. It was the view of a sample of those who see the naked eye a normal view, but was blocked from the
eyes with internal bleeding at the bottom, interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin
Tafsir Al Ahlam
Revelation has revealed this hidden blood inside (5) interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin
** II: Definition of the vision of non-Muslim scientists: Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin

For non-Muslim scholars, they have many misgivings about this subject, and the reason for this is that they tried to stand on facts that
do not recognize the reason they control in this and many other aspects. Nor do they believe in revelation or hearing, and therefore
their words are troubled. Those who belong to medicine attribute all visions to the ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬
Tafsir Al Ahlam
four mixtures of sputum, yellow, blood and black, for example: They say the predominant sputum sees that swim in the water, for the
occasion of water to the nature of phlegm, and overcome by yellow see fire,

and this has not been evidence and not usually , And what they said a kind of vision and not vision confined to it, we know that some of
them are of the soul, including what is the devil and some of the Rahman. Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin
Tafsir Al Ahlam
The philosophers claim that the images of what is happening in the earth are in the upper world such as inscriptions, some of which
were discussed in the heart of the blind, and this theory Plato known as the theory of ideals and this view is more corrupt than the
previous, because the debate of the attributes of the objects and what is happening in the world upper symptoms, Not discussed

Some non-Muslim scholars have tried to uncover the secret of dreams and to reach through them to judge the human psyche, its
motives, tendencies, trends, and even its holding.

In 1899, Sigmund Freud published his book The Analysis of Dreams, and he believes that when the ego is in a state of vigilance, it
controls the power of motion. This function is disrupted during sleep, and so much of the control imposed on The (he) or the
unconscious ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬

He said: and withdrawing the psychological shipments that are the function of censorship or weakening interpretation of the dreams of
Ibn Sirin Tafsir Al Ahlam

Allow some freedom that now seems. Dream dream means • Harmless. Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin
Freud used the analysis of dreams as a way to reach the depths of the unconscious and reveal his secrets. Freud considers dreams to be
the "royal path" (to the unconscious that contains the contract, the impulses and the pent-up desires).
Tafsir Al Ahlam
Karen Horney was concerned with the analysis of dreams. She believes that dreams increase insight into the situation and reveal some
of the patient's attitudes towards
Eric Fromm believes that dreams reflect reasonable elements and elements that are not explained by Ibn Sirin's dreams
Of the personal at the same time (6).

From this brief presentation of their point of view, it is noted that:

_ Their focus on the use of dreams as a way to enter the world of the patient and know the cause of his illness, or his condition.
. They focus only on the so-called dreams, which is thought by the person before sleep and then see it after sleep, or focus on something
that has nothing to do with dreams

But it is what they do with patients in psychiatric clinics after making him relax in the clinic and leave talking about himself and his work
and his wife and surrounding him, and the doctor monitor this talk, and enter through the personality of this patient, and this is
completely different from the visions seen by man in his sleep by King of Revelation.
Sayyid Qutb says: Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin Tafsir Al Ahlam ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬

The School of Psychoanalysis says about the nature of the vision: it is a picture of pent-up desires breathing dreams in the absence of
consciousness and this represents a part of dreams.
But not all of them. Interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬

Freud himself. For all his non-scientific control and his analysis in his theory decides that there is a predictive dream. (7) Interpretation
of the dreams of Ibn Sirin
Tafsir Al Ahlam
Mohammed Ali Qutb says in support of Sayyid Qutb: interpretation of the dreams of Ibn Sirin
In his most analysis and conclusions, Avroid relied on the vision and then laid down the bases and bases upon which his theories were
based on psychology. Unfortunately, he was moving in symbols and meanings of a gradual
or animal orientation. Humanity is not fair to humanism, There is no doubt - partial in the daily life of man, but in the framework of the
absence of the real world and living life and sensory practice, a vision is not the eyes but the vision, and the movement is not by the
limbs and members, but sense only. (8)

Perhaps better than explaining to us the reason for this failure of the psychologists to understand the visions and give them the right
Imam al-Qurtubi said: the reason for mixing the illegitimate reluctance to what the prophets came from the straight path and enough
this Reza (9) Interpretation of dreams of Ibn Sirin Tafsir Al Ahlam ‫ت ف س ير االح الم‬

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