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TYPES OF INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYERS for purposes of this Section 22 of the Tax

The following are citizens of the Philippines:
 Revenue Regulations No. 1-79:
(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at a) Immigrant - one who leaves the Philippines
the time of the adoption of the 1987 to reside abroad as an immigrant for which
Constitution; a foreign visa as such has been secured.
(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens b) Permanent employee - one who leaves the
of the Philippines; Philippines to reside abroad for employment
(3) Those born before January 17, 1973, of on a more or less permanent basis.
Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine c) Contract worker - one who leaves the
citizenship upon reaching the age of Philippines on account of a contract of
majority; and employment which is renewed from time to
(4) Those who are naturalized in accordance time within or during the taxable year under
with law. (Article IV, Section 1, 1987 Philipine such circumstances as to require him to be
Constitution) physically present abroad most of the time
during the taxable year.
 Natural-born citizens are those who are To be considered physically present
citizens of the Philippines from birth without abroad most of the time during the
having to perform any act to acquire or taxable year, a contract worker must
perfect their Philippine citizenship. have been outside the Philippines for
 Those who elect Philippine citizenship in not less than 183 days during such
accordance with paragraph (3), Section 1, taxable year
Article IV of the 1987 Constituion shall be
deemed natural-born citizens. (Article IV, Overseas Contract Worker (OCW) or Overseas
Section2) Filipino Worker (OFW)- Rev Regs. No. 1-11
 OCW refer to Filipino citizens employed in
NONRESIDENT CITIZENS: (Section 22 (E), Tax Code) foreign countries, commonly referred to as
The term ‘nonresident citizen’ means: OFWs, who are physically present in a
foreign country as a consequence of their
(1) A citizen of the Philippines who establishes employment thereat. Their salaries and
to the satisfaction of the Commissioner the wages are paid by an employer abroad
fact of his physical presence abroad with a and is not borne by any entity or person in
definite intention to reside therein. the Philippines. To be considered as an
(2) A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the OCW or OFW, they must be duly registered
Philippines during the taxable year to reside as such with the Philippine Overseas
abroad, either as an immigrant or for Employment Administration (POEA) with a
employment on a permanent basis. valid Overseas Employment Certificate
(3) A citizen of the Philippines who works and (OEC).
derives income from abroad and whose  Seafarers or seamen are Filipino citizens who
employment thereat requires him to be receive compensation for services rendered
physically present abroad most of the time abroad as a member of the complement of
during the taxable year. a vessel engaged exclusively in international
(4) A citizen who has been previously trade.
considered as nonresident citizen and who  To be considered as an OCW or OFW they
arrives in the Philippines at any time during must be duly registered as such with the
the taxable year to reside permanently in Philippine Overseas Employment
the Philippines shall likewise be treated as a Administration (POEA) with a valid Overseas
nonresident citizen for the taxable year in Employment Certificate (OEC) with a valid
which he arrives in the Philippines with Seafarers Identification Record Book (SIRB)
respect to his income derived from sources or Seaman's Book issued by the Maritime
abroad until the date of his arrival in the Industry Authority (MARINA).
(5) The taxpayer shall submit proof to the
Commissioner to show his intention of ALIENS: Section 22, (F) , (G) Tax Code
leaving the Philippines to reside  “(F) The term ‘resident alien’ means an
permanently abroad or to return to and individual whose residence is within the
reside in the Philippines as the case may be Philippines and who is not a citizen thereof.”
 “(G) The term ‘nonresident alien’ means an aggregate period of 180 days during
individual whose residence is not within the any calendar year.
Philippines and who is not a citizen thereof.”
How taxed:
Rev. Regs. No. 2-40, Section 5  Resident citizens are taxable on worldwide
 An alien actually present in the Philippines income.
who is not a mere transient or sojourner is a  Citizens who qualify as nonresident citizens
resident of the Philippines for purposes of the are taxable only on Philippine –sourced
income tax. Whether he is a transient or not income.
is determined by his intentions with regard to  Aliens, whether resident or nonresident are
the length and nature of his stay taxable only on Philippine-sourced income.
 A mere floating intention indefinite as to
time, to return to another country is not “(a) Income, in the broad sense, meaning all
sufficient to constitute him a transient. If he wealth which flows into the tax-payer other than as
lives in the Philippines and has no definite a mere return of capital. It includes the forms of
intention as to his stay, he is a resident. income specifically described as gains and profits,
 One who comes to the Philippines for a including gains derived from the sale or other
definite purpose which in its nature may be disposition of capital assets.” xxx. (Section 36,
promptly accomplished is a transient. Income Tax Regulations)
 But if his purpose is of such a nature that an
extended stay may be necessary for its “ xxxx, income may be defined as an amount of
accomplishment, and to that end the alien money coming to a person or corporation within a
makes his home temporarily in the specified time, whether as payment for services,
Philippines, he becomes a resident, though interest or profit from investment. Unless otherwise
it may be his intention at all times to return specified, it means cash or its equivalent. Income
to his domicile abroad when the purpose for can also be thought of as flow of the fruits of one's
which he came has been consummated or labor. (Hernando B. Conwi, Jaime E. Dy-Liacco,
abandoned. petitioners,
 vs. The Honorable Court Of Tax
Appeals and Commissioner Of Internal Revenue,
Rev Regs. No. 2- 40, Section 6 respondents G.R. No. 48532 August 31, 1992 citing
Loss of residence by alien: Fisher vs. Trinidad, 43 Phil. 973Madrigal vs. Rafferty,
 An alien who has acquired residence in the 38 Phil. 414. .)
Philippines retains his status as a resident
until he abandons the same and actually Income is a flow of wealth. Capital maybe defined
departs from the Philippines. as :
 An intention to change his residence does o A fund or material wealth that can be used
not change his status as a resident alien to for the further production of wealth to satisfy
that of a nonresident alien. Thus an alien human wants;
who has acquired a residence in the o Tools of production or the resources of a
Philippines is taxable as a resident for the business enterprise
remainder of his stay in the Philippines.


a) NRAs engaged in trade or business within
the Philippines; 
 Section 32 (A) SECTION 32. Gross Income. —
 A NRA is considered as engaged in (A) General Definition. — Except when otherwise
trade or business within the provided in this Title, gross income means all
Philippines if he comes to the income derived from whatever source, including
Philippines and stays therein for an (but not limited to) the following items:
aggregate period of more than 180 (1) Compensation for services in whatever form
days during any calendar year ; paid, including, but not limited to fees,
b) NRAs not engaged in trade or business in salaries, wages, commissions, and similar
the Philippines. 
 A NRA is considered as NOT (2) Gross income derived from the conduct of
engaged in trade or business within trade or business or the exercise of a
the Philippines, if his stay in the profession;
Philippines is for less than an (3) Gains derived from dealings in property;
(4) Interests
(5) Rents; 
 maintained by the employer:
(6) Royalties; Provided, That the retiring official or
(7) Dividends; 
 employee has been in the service of
(8) Annuities; 
 the same employer for at least ten
(9) Prizes and winnings; (10) years and is not less than fifty
(10)Pensions; and (50) years of age at the time of his
(11)Partner's distributive share from the net 
 retirement: Provided, further, That
income of the general professional partnership. the benefits granted under this
subparagraph shall be availed of by
an official or employee only once.
For purposes of this Subsection, the
EXCLUSIONS FROM GROSS INCOME Section 32 (B) term 'reasonable private benefit
plan' means a pension, gratuity,
The following items shall not be included in gross stock bonus or profit-sharing plan
income and shall be exempt from taxation : maintained by an employer for the
benefit of some or all of his officials
(1) Life Insurance. — The proceeds of life or employees, wherein contributions
insurance policies paid to the heirs or are made by such employer for the
beneficiaries upon the death of the insured, officials or employees, or both, for
whether in a single sum or otherwise, but if the purpose of distributing to such
such amounts are held by the insurer under officials and employees the earnings
an agreement to pay interest thereon, the and principal of the fund thus
interest payments shall be included in gross accumulated, and wherein it is
income. provided in said plan that at no time
(2) Amount Received by Insured as Return of shall any part of the corpus or
Premium. — The amount received by the income of the fund be used for, or
insured, as a return of premiums paid by him be diverted to, any purpose other
under life insurance, endowment, or annuity than for the exclusive benefit of the
contracts, either during the term or at the said officials and employees.
maturity of the term mentioned in the (b) Any amount received by an official
contract or upon surrender of the contract. or employee or by his heirs from the
(3) Gifts, Bequests, and Devises. — The value of employer as a consequence of
property acquired by gift, bequest, devise, separation of such official or
or descent: Provided, however, That income employee from the service of the
from such property, as well as gift, bequest, employer because of death,
devise, or descent of income from any sickness or other physical disability or
property, in cases of transfers of divided for any cause beyond the control of
interest, shall be included in gross income. 
 the said official or employee.
(4) Compensation for Injuries or Sickness. — (c) The provisions of any existing law to
Amounts received, through Accident or the contrary notwithstanding, social
Health Insurance or under Workmen's security benefits, retirement
Compensation Acts, as compensation for gratuities, pensions and other similar
personal injuries or sickness, plus the benefits received by resident or
amounts of any damages received, nonresident citizens of the
whether by suit or agreement, on account Philippines or aliens who come to
of such injuries or sickness. 
 reside permanently in the Philippines
(5) Income Exempt under Treaty. — Income of from foreign government agencies
any kind, to the extent required by any and other institutions, private or
treaty obligation binding upon the public.
Government of the Philippines. (d) Payments of benefits due or to
(6) Retirement Benefits, Pensions, Gratuities, become due to any person residing
etc. — in the Philippines under the laws of
(a) Retirement benefits received under the United States administered by
Republic Act No. 7641 and those the United States Veterans
received by officials and employees Administration.
of private firms, whether individual or (e) Benefits received from or enjoyed
corporate, in accordance with a under the Social Security System in
reasonable private benefit plan accordance with the provisions of
Republic Act No. 8282. two thousand pesos (P82,000) which
(f) Benefits received from the GSIS shall cover:
under Republic Act No. 8291, o Benefits received by officials
including retirement gratuity and employees of the
received by government officials national and local
and employees. government pursuant to
(7) Miscellaneous Items. — Republic Act No. 6686; 

(a) Income Derived by Foreign o Benefits received by
Government. — income derived employees pursuant to
from investments in the Philippines in Presidential Decree No. 851,
loans, stocks, bonds or other as amended by
domestic securities, or from interest Memorandum Order No. 28,
on deposits in banks in the dated August 13, 1986; 

Philippines by (i) foreign o Benefits received by officials
governments, (ii) financing and employees not
institutions owned, controlled, or o covered by Presidential
enjoying refinancing from foreign th
governments, and (iii) international Decree No. 851( the 13
or regional financial institutions month pay law), as
established by foreign governments. amended by Memorandum
(b) Income Derived by the Government Order No. 28, dated August
or its Political Subdivisions. — Income 13, 1986; and 

derived from any public utility or o Other benefits such as
from the exercise of any essential productivity incentives and
governmental function accruing to Christmas bonus: Provided,
the Government of the Philippines or That every three (3) years
to any political subdivision thereof. after the effectivity of this
(c) Prizes and Awards. — Prizes and Act, the President of the
awards made primarily in Philippines shall adjust the
recognition of religious, charitable, amount herein stated to its
scientific, educational, artistic, present value using the
literary, or civic achievement but Consumer Price Index (CPI),
only if: as published by the National
i. The recipient was selected Statistics Office (NSO).”
without any action on his part (f) GSIS, SSS, Medicare and Other
to enter the contest or Contributions. — GSIS, SSS, Medicare
proceeding; and and Pag-Ibig contributions, and
ii. The recipient is not required union dues of individuals.
to render substantial future (g) Gains from the Sale of Bonds,
services as a condition to Debentures or other Certificate of
receiving the prize or award. Indebtedness. — Gains realized from
(d) Prizes and Awards in Sports the sale or exchange or retirement
Competition. — All prizes and of bonds, debentures or other
awards granted to athletes in local certificate of indebtedness with a
and international sports maturity of more than five (5) years.
competitions and tournaments (h) Gains from Redemption of Shares in
whether held in the Philippines or Mutual Fund. — Gains realized by
abroad and sanctioned by their the investor upon redemption of
national sports associations. shares of stock in a mutual fund
(e) 13th Month Pay and Other Benefits. company as defined in Section
— (as amended by Republic Act 22(BB) of this Code.
No. 10653

Gross benefits received by officials and

 entities: Provided, however,
That the total exclusion under this General Principles:
subparagraph shall not exceed eighty-
(1) As a general rule, employed or salaried employee for his employer under an employer-
individuals are subject to tax on their gross employee relationship, unless specifically
compensation income. excluded by the Code.
(2) The tax on the compensation is deducted  The name by which the remuneration for
and withheld by the employer. services is designated is immaterial.
 Salaries, wages, emoluments and honoraria,
allowances, commissions (e.g. transportation,
representation, entertainment and the like);
Who is considered an employee fees including director's fees, if the director is, at
the same time, an employee of the
o The term "employee" is an individual employer/corporation; taxable bonuses and
performing services under an employer- fringe benefits except those which are subject
employee relationship. to the fringe benefits tax under Sec. 33 of the
o The term covers all employees, including Code; taxable pensions and retirement pay;
officers and employees, whether elected or and other income of a similar nature constitute
appointed, of the Government of the compensation income.
Philippines, or any political subdivision  The basis upon which the remuneration is paid is
thereof or any agency or instrumentality. immaterial in determining whether the
remuneration constitutes compensation.
Who is considered an employer.  Thus, it may be paid on the basis of piece-work,
or a; percentage of profits and may be paid
o The term employer means any person for hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or annually.
whom an individual performs or performed
any service, of whatever nature, under an Compensation may be paid in kind.
employer-employee relationship.
o The employer and employee relationship a) Compensation may be paid in money or in
exists when the person for whom services some medium other than money, as for
were performed has the right to control and example, stocks, bonds or other forms of
direct the individual who performs the property. If services are paid for in a
services, not only as to the RESULT to be medium other than money, the fair market
accomplished by the work but also as to the value of the thing taken in payment is the
DETAILS AND MEANS by which the result is amount to be included as compensation
accomplished. subject to withholding.
o An employee is subject to the will and b) If the services are rendered at a stipulated
control of the employer not only as to what price, in the absence of evidence to the
shall be done, but how it shall be done. contrary, such price will be presumed to be
the fair market value of the remuneration
c) If a corporation transfers to its employees its
The term “employer” also includes the following: own stock as remuneration for services
rendered by the employee, the amount of
a) The person having control of the payment such remuneration is the fair market value of
of the compensation in cases where the the stock at the time the services were
services are or were performed for a person rendered.
who does not exercise such control.
b) Any person paying compensation on behalf RULES on the FOLLOWING:
of a non-resident alien individual, foreign
partnership, or foreign corporation, who is 1. LIVING QUARTERS AND MEALS- convenience
not engaged in trade or business within the of the employer rule
c) The term "employer" as defined under a&b SMALL VALUE
above is intended to determine who is the 3. TIPS AND GRATUITIES
 In general, the term "compensation" means all a. for ordinary and necessary travelling
remuneration for services performed by an and representation or entertainment
 maids, butlers, valets, laundresses,
b. Liquidation /substantiation - gardeners, chauffeurs of automobiles for
 - Reasonabvle amounts- family use.
precomputed on adaiiy basis 
  The remuneration paid for the services
6. VACATION AND SICK LEAVE ALLOWANCES above enumerated which are
a. Commutation of VL credits 
 performed in or about rooming or
b. Can SL credits be commuted to lodging houses, boarding houses, clubs,
 hotels, hospitals or commercial offices or
establishments is considered as
Deductions made by employer from compensation  Remuneration paid for services
of employee.- performed as a private secretary, even if
they are performed in the employer's
Any amount which is required by law to be home is considered as compensation.
deducted by the employer from the compensation 4. Remuneration for casual labor not in the
of an employee including the withheld tax is course of an employer's trade or business.
considered as part of the employee's  The term "casual labor" includes labor
compensation and is deemed to be paid to the which is occasional, incidental or
employee as compensation at the time the regular. The expression "not in the course
deduction is made. of the employer's trade or business"
includes labor that does not promote or
Exemptions from withholding tax on compensation. advance the trade or business of the
— employer.
 Thus, any remuneration paid for labor
1. Those classified as exclusions from gross which is occasional, incidental or
 irregular, and does not promote or
2. Remuneration paid for agricultural labor - advance the employer's trade or
Remuneration for services which constitute business, is not considered as
agricultural labor and paid entirely in compensation.
products of the farm where the labor is
performed is not subject to withholding. Withholding of the Tax.
 The term, "agricultural labor" does not
include services performed in  Every employer must withhold from
connection with forestry, lumbering or compensations paid, an amount of tax
landscaping. computed in accordance with the regulations.
 All payments made in cash or other  No withholding of tax shall be required where the
forms other than products of the farm total compensation income of an individual
where labor is performed, for services does not exceed the statutory minimum wage
constituting agricultural labor as (SMW), including holiday pay, overtime pay,
explained above, are not within the night shift differential and hazard pay
3. Remuneration for domestic services – Allowance of Personal Exemption for Individual
 Remuneration paid for services of a Taxpayer. –
household nature performed by an
employee in or about the private home  In General. - For purposes of determining the tax
of the person by whom he is employed is provided in Section 24(A) of this title, there shall
not subject to withholding. be allowed a basic personal exemption
 A private home is the fixed place of amounting to Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) for
abode of an individual or family. each individual taxpayer.
 If the home is utilized primarily for the  In the case of married individual where only one
purpose of supplying board or lodging of the spouses is deriving gross income, only
to the public as a business enterprise, it such spouse shall be allowed the personal
ceases to be a private home and exemption.
remuneration paid for services
performed therein is not exempted. Additional Exemption for Dependents. – There shall
 In general, services of a household be allowed an additional exemption of Twenty-five
nature in or about a private home thousand pesos (25,000) for each dependent not
include services rendered by cooks, exceeding four (4).
 The additional exemption for dependents legally separated, widow or widower with
shall be claimed by only one of the spouses no dependent child.
in the case of married individuals. 3. Status of the spouse of the employee-If the
 In the case of legally separated spouses, employee is legally married the name/TIN, if
additional exemptions may be claimed only any, of the spouse and whether the spouse
by the spouse who has custody of the child is employed unemployed, employed
or children. abroad or is engaged in trade or business
 The total amount of additional exemptions should be indicated in the application.
that may be claimed by both shall not 4. Qualified dependents- Name and date of
exceed the maximum additional birth of qualified dependent children.
exemptions herein allowed. 5. Claimant of exemption for children- the
husband is the proper claimant of the
Dependents: additional exemption for dependent
children. However, the wife shall claim the
A "dependent" means-
 additional exemption for dependent
children in the following instances:
a) legitimate, illegitimate or legally adopted a) The husband is unemployed; 

child b) The husband is a non-resident citizen
b) chiefly dependent upon and living with the 
 deriving income from foreign
taxpayer if such dependent is not more than sources; 

twenty-one (21) years of age, c) The husband waives the right to
c) unmarried and not gainfully employed or claim the exemptions of children in a
d) if such dependent, regardless of age, is sworn statement to be attached in
incapable of self-support because of the application for registration. 

mental or physical defect.

 The husband shall be the proper claimant of the

of the additional exemption for qualified MINIMUM WAGE EARNERS
dependent children unless he explicitly waives
in favor of his wife in the application for Rep. Act No. 9504- AN ACT AMENDING SECTION 22,
registration or in the Certificate of Update of 24, 34, 35, 51, AND 79 OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8424,
Exemption of Employer’s and employee’s AS AMENDED OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE NATIONAL
Information. INTERNAL REVENUE OF 1997
 Where the spouse of the employee is
unemployed or is a non-resident citizen deriving 1. It increased the basic personal exemption from
income from foreign sources, the employed P20,000 for a single individual, P25,000 for the
spouse within the Philippines shall be head of the family, and P32,000 for a married
automatically entitled to claim the exemptions individual to P50,000 for each individual.
for children. 2. It increased the additional exemption for each
 Every employer should ascertain whether or not a dependent not exceeding four from P8,000 to
child being claimed is a qualified dependent P25,000.
under the provisions of the regulations. 3. It raised the Optional Standard Deduction (OSD)
 If the employee should have additional for individual taxpayers from 10% of gross
dependents, during the taxable year he may income to 40% of the gross receipts or gross
claim the corresponding additional exemption sales.
as the case may be in full for such year. 4. It introduced the OSD to corporate taxpayers at
no more than 40% of their gross income.
Application for registration of the employee.- 5. It granted MWEs exemption from payment of
income tax on their minimum wage, holiday
The application for the registration of the pay, overtime pay, night shift differential pay
employees shall be accomplished by both and hazard pay.
employer and employee stating the following  The term 'minimum wage earner' shall refer
information: to a worker in the private sector paid the
statutory minimum wage, or to an employee
1. Name/TIN, address of the employee, and in the public sector with compensation
other information required under BIR Form income of not more than the statutory
1902 minimum wage in the non-agricultural
2. Status of the employee- whether single, sector where he/she is assigned."
 The term 'statutory minimum wage' shall  overtime pay

refer to rate fixed by the Regional Tripartite  night shift differential pay and
Wage and Productivity Board, as defined by  hazard pay
the Bureau of Labor and Employment
Statistics (BLES) of the Department of Labor Hazard pay shall mean the amount paid by the
and Employment (DOLE). employer to MWEs who were actually assigned to
danger or strife-torn areas, disease-infested
BIR RULING NO. 013-09 places, or in distressed or isolated stations and
camps, which expose them to great danger of
Golden Arches Corporation requested for contagion or peril to life.
clarification on whether RA 9504 applied to part-
time employees. Any hazard pay paid to MWEs which does not
satisfy the above criteria is deemed subject to
It employs a large number of part-time, hourly-paid income tax and consequently to withholding tax.
employees for its stores and that most of these part-
time employees are students, working on a six- day Rev. Regs. No. 10-2008
work week, performing about two (2) to four (4)
hours of work in a day. An employee who receives/earns additional
compensation such as commissions, honoraria,
The basis of the computation of the minimum wage fringe benefits, benefits in excess of the allowable
rates prescribed by law shall be the normal working statutory amount of P30,000.00, now P82,000,
time of eight (8) hours a day. 
 taxable allowances and other taxable income
other than the SMW, holiday pay, overtime pay,
By practice, the statutory minimum wages fixed by hazard pay and night shift differential pay shall NOT
the Regional Tripartite Wage Boards (RTWB) are enjoy the privilege of being a MWE and, therefore,
daily rates based on an eight-hour workday. his/her entire earnings are not exempt form income
Applying the aforementioned law and regulation, it tax, and consequently, from withholding tax.
can be determined with ease whether an
employee who renders at least eight (8) hours of MWEs receiving other income, such as income from
work in a day would qualify as a minimum wage the conduct of trade, business, or practice of
earner — one only has to compare if the profession, except income subject to final tax, in
employee's daily rate is equal to the minimum addition to compensation income are NOT
wage rate as determined by the RTWB. 
 exempted from income tax on their entire income
earned during the taxable year.

This rule, notwithstanding, the SMW, Holiday pay,

This simple process of comparing rates, however, overtime pay, night shift differential pay and hazard
will not apply if the employee renders work for less pay shall still be exempt from withholding tax.
than eight hours per day as in the case of part-time
employees who are paid by the hour. The difficulty An employee who receives/earns additional
arises because the RTWB does not prescribe compensation such as commissions, honoraria,
minimum wage rates for hourly paid workers. fringe benefits, benefits in excess of the allowable
Hence, to determine whether a part-time statutory amount of P30,000.00, now P82,000,
employee qualifies as a MWE, his hourly rate should taxable allowances and other taxable income
first be multiplied by eight (8) hours to arrive at his other than the SMW, holiday pay, overtime pay,
daily rate. If the product is equal to the minimum hazard pay and night shift differential pay shall NOT
wage rate fixed by the RTWB, then the part- time enjoy the privilege of being a MWE and, therefore,
employee is a MWE entitled to the tax incentives his/her entire earnings are not exempt form income
under RA 9504. tax, and consequently, from withholding tax.

The minimum wage earners as defined in Section 22 This rule, notwithstanding, the SMW, Holiday pay,
(HH) of the Code shall be exempt from the overtime pay, night shift differential pay and hazard
payment of income tax on their taxable income. pay shall still be exempt from withholding tax.

The following items of income received by a

minimum wage earner shall likewise be exempt
from income tax:

 the holiday pay

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