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[ This Week’s Citation Classic

Price D J D. Little science, big science.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1963. 119 p.
lYale University, New Haven, CT]

This book contains four introductory lectures on more trials, but I included it as the last lec-
quantitative methods in the analysis of historical ture in an inaugural lecture series when I fi-
and modern science: 1. Prologue to the science of nally got a chair and a department at Yale
science (exponential and logistical growth of University, and it was published in Science
scientific publication and manpower); 2. Galton re- since Babylon in 1961.~
visited (productivity distributions, laws of l,otka “Although most of my time was then giv-
and Zipf); 3. invisible colleges and the affluent en to straight history of science, mainly in
scientific commuter (multiple discovery and ancient astronomy and scientific instrumen-
authorship, Bradford’s law, half-lives of papers); tation, the exponential growth business
4. political strategy for big scientists (saturation, needled me a lot, and I began to pursue
language distribution, emergence of Japanese other quantitative researches about science,
science, big science phenomena). [The Science stimulated much by Robert Merton’s writ-
Citation Index® (SCI®) and the Social Sciences Cita- ings in the sociology of science, by Eugene
tion Index® (SSCI®) indicate that this book has Garfield’s new book on citation indexing,
been cited in over 690 publications since 1963.1 and by rereading Desmond Bernal’s books
which had prepared my mind for the initial
sensitivity that led me to this field in the first
place. A few months after Science Since
Babylon hit the bookstores, I was asked if I
would like to expand that last lecture into a
Derek J. de Solla Price new series for the Pegram lectures at Brook-
History of Science haven. The series met with an enthusiastic
Yale University reception from the physicists who were very
New Haven, CT 06520 interactive while I lived there working out
the weekly lectures and writing them up for
publication as I went along as I had done for
May 18, 1983
the Yale lectures before. I ladled into those
lectures all the half-baked results I had col-
“In 1949, I was at Raffles College (now lected together in this non-field over the
the University of Singapore) when their new past several years, and tried to give the
library, not yet built, received a complete whole thing some measure of coherence. It
set (1 662-1 930s) of the Philosophical Trans- was, apparently, an immediate success, and
actions of the Royal Society of London. I sold quite well among the scientists, remain-
took the beautiful calf-bound volumes into ing totally alien to the historians and
protective custody and set them in ten-year historians of science. Little Science, Big
piles on the bedside bookshelves. For a year Science became a success and a Citation
I read them cover to cover, thereby getting Classic, I think, because just at that time
my initial education as a historian of sci- there were two new fields emerging as part
ence. As a side product, noting that the piles of the academic explosion of the 1960s, the
made a fine exponential curve against the sociology of science and library science (as
wall, I counted all the other sets of journals distinct from library trade schools). Those
I could find and discovered that exponential two fields seemed to react almost alchemi-
growth, at an amazingly fast rate, was ap- cally with my offbeat development of quan-
parently universal and remarkably long- titative methods in what was to become sci-
lived. In 1950, to mark my transition from ence of science or scientometrics; my book
physics and mathematics to the history of was accepted as one of the prime sources
science, and from Asia back to Europe, I for the techniques and results.
gave a paper on this topic to the Internation- “For recent reports of work in this field
al Congress
1 2 for the History of Science in Am- the reader should refer to the journal Scien-
sterdam. ’ It passed totally unnoticed, and tometrics
4 and Essays of an Information Sci-
was very ill-received when I entered Cam- entist. Also, a major book has appeared in
bridge for a second PhD in the new field. It Russian, but is5 not yet available in an En-
went over like a lead balloon on a couple glish edition.”

I. Pitce DID. Quantitative measures of the development of science. Arch. mi. liLci. Sd. 14:85-93. 1951.
2. . Quantitative measures of the development of science. Actes du VI Congrès International d’Jlistoire des

Science, 1950, Amsterdam. Paris: Herman & Cie, 1951. p. 413-21.

3. . Science since Rabylon. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1961. 149 p.

IThe Sd and the SSCI indicate that this book has been cited in over 200 publications since 1961.1
4. GarfIeld E. Essays of an information scientist. Philadelphia: ISI Press, 1983. 5 rots.
5. Hahun S D. Naalcometriya. Moscow: Aksdemiya Nauk, 1983. 344 p.

S&BS ®1983 by SI®

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