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Samuel Bejko

31620 Cowan Road, Apt. 207

Westland, MI 48185
Home/Cell: (734)-578-6649

Conceivably graduating as valedictorian in June 2019, I plan to attend Oakland University, in
Rochester, Mich. to pursue my studies in the field of Biomedical Sciences; and, after completing
undergraduate school, will attend graduate school to specialize in Endocrinology and earn at
least a Master’s Degree. My final career goal is to be employed at a company that deals with
researching and testing new medicines and possible cures for the diabetic field.

● Participated in activities involving leadership roles such as the States Conference for
High School Student Council (MASC/MAHS)
● Active in extracurricular activities and enrolled in Advanced Placement courses
● Affinity for languages and world geography. Fluency in four: Italian, English, French and
● Very adept in mathematics and physics, as well as other STEM fields.


● In track of time management and organization in and outside of school.

● Precisive, direct, and social.
● Stabilizing health problems while controlling events within and out of school and/or


John Glenn High School​ (June 2019 : Projected Graduation)

● Honor Roll, Projected Valedictorian, Student Council Representative, Class Council
Representative, French Club Representative and Officer


John Glenn High School​ - First Year Honoree Award, Second Year Chevron Award, Third
Year Chevron Award.

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