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Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Factors Affecting Management and Operation of Mr. Frosty

A Business Research
Presented to the faculty of the
College of Hospitality Management
Major in Hotel and Restaurant Management
Holy Angel University

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Major in Hotel and Restaurant Management

Bais, Van Russel
Dungca, Hazon
Manansala, Choco
Obnial, Emmanuel
Santos, Christian Lowie
Zablan, Archie

October 2010
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


College of Hospitality Management
Holy Angel University

Approval Sheet

This business research Entitled “Factors Affecting the Management and Operation of Mr. Frosty

“ Prepared and Submitted by Bais Van Russel, Dungca Hazon, Manansala Choco, Obnial Emmanuel,

Santos Christian Lowie and Zablan Archie. In partial Fulfillment of the required for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management Major in Hotel Restaurant Management, is herby

recommend an accepted for oral presentation.

Mr. Cesar Gerolangin


Approval Sheet

Approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality

Management Major in Hotel and Restaurant Management with the following grade if the researchers

Researchers : Bais, Van Russel

Dungca, Hazon

Manansala, Choco

Obnial, Emmanuel

Santos, Christian Lowie

Zablan, Archie


Mrs. Noraing Uy
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation



The Researchers would like to express our deepest gratitude to the people who inspired us in

completing this paper.

To our parents who supported us in our finances and their unending love that keep us motivated

with our academics.

To our friends who given us the Encouragement and who always believe in our skills.

To our Adviser Mr. Cesar Gerolangin who guided us in preparing ourselves in making this

proposal possible.

To our respondents who allowed us in giving their time and patience.

And most especially to the Lord God Almighty for his endless love and guidance that keep us

optimistic with all our actions.

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Table of Contents

Title Page …………………………………………………………………….. i

Approval Sheet ………………………………………………………………. ii

Acknowledgment ………………………………………………………………………. iii

Table of Contents


Abstract ………………………………………………………………………. 1

Introduction ……………………………………………………………. 2

Related Literature ………………………………………………………………. 8

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………………. 14

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………. 15

Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………………. 17

Scope and Limitation of the Study …………………………………………. 18

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Chapter 2 Method

Research Design ………………………………………………………………… 19

Respondents ………….…………………………………………………… 19

Instruments ……………………………………………………… 20

Data Collection Procedures ……………………………………………………… 20

Data Analysis ……………………………………………………… 21

Results ……………………………………………………… 23

Discussion ………………………………………………………….. 29

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………….. 32

Recommendation ………………………………………………………………… 34

References ………………………………………………………………… 36

Appendix A ………………………………………………………………… 37

Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………………………… 39

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Management and Operation is essential; in helping a company continue

to move its business forward. Therefore, it’s important for business to have

employees with good customer service skill. Customer’s service performance

gives customers an image of the company. If a company has employees with

poor customer service skills, this will paint a bad image of the company to the

public and may also hurt business. Consumers may decide to take their

business elsewhere if they aren’t treated in a pleasant and respectful manner.

There is a saying, “CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT.” Even in instances where

the customer may not be right, customer service representative should be able

to handle the problem in a courteous and professional; manner and try to

ensure that the customer leaves satisfied.

“Management and Operation research” is concerned with defining that

state, measuring what has been defined and analyzing those data, and applying

the resulting information so as to positively influence customer experience

resulting in increased Management and Operation. As it stands, the article on

“Management and Operation” seems more focused on describing that state and

introducing the practices of a handful of services providers.

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with is or her job.

The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be.

Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job

design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance; methods include job

rotation, job management style and culture, employee involvement,

empowerment and autonomous work groups. Job satisfaction is a very

important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. The most

common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees

report their reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to rate pay, work

responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself an co-


Measuring Management and Operation is a relatively new concept to

many companies that have been focused exclusively on income statements and

balance sheet. Companies now recognize that the new global economy has
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


changed things forever. Increased competition, crowded markets with little

product differentiation and years of continual sales growth followed by two

decades of flattened sales curves have indicated to today’s sharp

competitions that their focus must changed.

Competitions that are prospering in the new global economy recognize

that measuring Management and Operation is key. Only by doing so can they

hold on to the customers they have and understand how to better attract new

customers. The competitors who will be successful recognize that Management

and Operation is a critical strategic weapon that can bring increased market

share and increased profits.

The problem companies face, however, is exactly how to do all of this

and do it well. They need to understand how to quantify measure and track

Management and Operation. Without a clear and accurate sense of what

needs to be measured and how to collect, analyze and use the data as a

strategic weapon to drive the business, no firm can be effective in this new

business climate. Plans constructed using Management and Operation

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


research result can be designed to target customers and processes that are

most able to extend profits.

Too many companies rely on outdated and unreliable measures of

Management and Operation. They watch sales volume. They listen to sales

reps describing their customer’s state of mind. They track and count the

frequency of complaints. And they watch aging accounts receivable reports,

recognizing that unhappy customers pay as late as possible – if at all. While

these approaches are not completely without value, they are no substitute for a

valid, well-designed Management and Operation surveying program.

It’s no surprise to find that market leaders differ from the rest of the

industry in that they’re designed to hear the voice of the customer and achieve

Management and Operation. In these companies:

Marketing and sales employees are primarily responsible for designing

(with customer input) Management and Operation surveying programs,

questionnaires and focus groups.

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Top management and marketing divisions champion the programs.

Corporate evaluations include not only their own Management and Operation

ratings but also those of their competitors. Satisfactions result are made

available to all employees. Customers are informed about changes brought

about as the direct result of listening to their needs. Internal and external

quality measures are often tied together. Management and Operation is

incorporated into the strategic focus of the company via the mission statement.

Stakeholder compensation is tied directly to the Management and Operation

surveying program. A concentrated effort is made to relate the Management

and Operation measurement results to internal process metrics. To be

successful, companies need a Management and Operation surveying system

that meets the following criteria: The system must be relatively performance and

compensation can be attached to the final results. It must generate actionable

reports for management. Because the concept of Management and Operation

is new to many companies, it’s important to be clear on exactly what’s meant by

the term. Management and Operation is the state of mind that customers have

about a company when their expectations have been met or exceeded over the

lifetime of the product or service. The achievement of Management and

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Operation leads to company loyalty and product repurchase. There are some

important implications of this definition

Because Management and Operation is a subjective, no quantitative

state measurement won’t be exact and will require sampling and statistical

analysis Management and Operation measurement must be undertaken with an

understanding of the gap between customer expectations and attribute

performance perceptions. There should be some connection between

Management and Operation measurement and bottom – line results.

“Satisfaction” itself can refer to a number of different facts of the relationship

with a customer. For example, it can refer to any or all of the following:

Satisfaction with the quality of a particular product or service Satisfaction with

an ongoing business relationship Satisfaction with the price-performance ratio

of a product or service Satisfaction because a product/service met or exceeded

the customer’s expectations each industry could add to this list according to the
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


nature of the business and the specific relationship with the customer.

Management and Operation measurement variables will differ depending on

what type of satisfaction is being researched. For example manufactures

typically desire on-time delivery and adherence to specifications, so measures

of satisfaction taken by suppliers should include these critical variables. Clearly

defining and understanding Management and Operation can help any company

identify opportunities for product and service innovation and serve as the basis

for performance appraisal and reward systems. It can also serve as the

basis for Management and Operations surveying program that can ensure that

quality improvement efforts are properly focused on issues that are most

important to the customer.

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Harris (1991) defined customers’ satisfaction, it is the customer

interaction. It recognize the difference between customer expectations and

customer perceptions. Satisfying may develop quickly or may be cultivated

over a period of time.

Khan (1991) stated that in the food operation the “fast” refers to the

serve rather than to the food it is a term common misunderstood by many. It is

therefore, currently referred to us “quick service” to attach through meaning to it

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Genke and Woods (1997) customer service is a question and yet

misunderstood it is not just about how you handle transaction, it is about the

relationship with people who are essentially a part of everything you do.

According to Natividad et al (1993) “food ad service quickly should be

improved and maintain, and by the establishment so that customers could

always find their way back to you. Friendly and courteous practices while

serving customers will feel comfortable and relax while eating and rely for quick

services. Also a smooth relationship between management and customer is the

factor that greatly influence customer to appreciate his/her safeties within

the company advance of equipment which greatly influences a quick and fast

service to the customer.

Cabral et al (1998) “found out that customer are important instrument in

the success of the company because they are the one who patronize the

product and services if the company. Customer are satisfied with the quality

and price of the product and cleanliness of the environment”

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


According to Timm (2002) Value is the quality of a product relative to

cost. If a product performs better, lasts longer, or cost less than expected

customer became raving fans.

Based on Harris (2005) I know that the people who run the company are

going to work as hard or harder than me. The same principles that where here.

Before I got here will be in place after I retire. That’s encouraging. I

really like that. You cant teach culture. You have to live it. You have to

experience it. You have to share it. You have to show it.

As mentioned by Dahmer and Kahl (2002) servers, also referred to as

wait staff restaurant employees who wait a guest by making them feel welcome

and comfortable taking their orders, serving the meal, cleaning the area and

setting the table for the neat party of guest.

As stated by Goncalves (2002), one of the challenges for service is to

fully understand what it takes to make and keep customers happy. Happy

customers’ are the foundation of the business.

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


According to Schmitt (2003) satisfaction is an outcome oriented attitude

deriving from customers who compare the performance of the product with their

expectations of it. If the product is below customer expectations they will feel

the below satisfaction but if it is above expectations customers will be satisfied.

As discussed by Hill and Alexander (2006) Management and Operation

is a measure of how your organization total produce perform in relation to a set

of customer requirements. The customer view of your organization

performance will be a perception. Management and Operation is in the reality

of this situation.

Scott Davis G. (2003) mentioned that satisfying customer is one of the

main objectives of every business. Businesses recognize that keeping current

customers is more profitable than having to win new ones to replace those lost.

Good Management and Operation has an effect on the profitability of nearly

every business. For example, when customer perceive good service, each will

typically tell nine to ten people. However, alack of Management and Operation

has an even larger effect on the bottom line. Customers who receive poor
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


service will typically relate their dissatisfaction to between fifteen and twenty


Evan and Deans (2003) defined accuracy as service performs right the

first time. Employee must be accurate in rendering service to their customer.

The service given by the employees to a customer should be the same as

others. They also stated that responsiveness is when the service personnel

react quickly and resolve unexpected problems and to be ready at the time the

customer arrived they should know when and how it reacts on a certain


Dwyer (2002) noted that customer service is not satisfaction customer

service, like a brand, is what the customer perceives and remember of the

service they received. What a customer perceives is the service they receive is

not necessarily the service they actually receive. Several published studies

reveal that the mood of the customer has a significant impact on the perception

of the service received. For example, if customer has been waiting for a long
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


time in a check-in queue, the perception of the friendliness of the person at the

check in desk deteriorates. Conversely, studies have shown that people waiting

a long time for elevators due to slow speed of the elevator have a better

perception of the experience of waiting in there is some distraction such a

mirror in the lobby.

According to the study of Oliver (2000) satisfaction can be to an

individual pursuit, goal to be attained from the consumption of products and

patronization of service. Few consumers want to be satisfied. Three possible

answers are as follows:

1. satisfaction itself is a desirable end estate of consumption or

patronization, it is a reinforcing, pleasurable experience.

2. it obviates the need to take additional redress actions or to suffer

the consequence of a bad decision.

3. it reaffirms the consumer decision making process.

In the study made by Hayes (2000) those processes, components, and

standards that ate deemed important by the customer are another important
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


source of information. In order for a business to meet the needs and desires of

the customer. This information is vital not only for successful business, but also

for understanding and improving Management and Operation. These important

components of satisfaction from the perspective of the consumer.

According to Montes (2005) customer are the one who determines

whether your company will win or lose and rest assumed, if you don’t give them

what they want, your competitor will. Learn how to treat customers as Queen

and King that needs royal attention.

According to Finch (2001) customer loyalty is often overlooked but

critically important result of operations; the feedback from customers frequently

is something like your product is great, but I hate doing business with you.

“Customer loyalty doesn’t result from evaluation like most companies which

focuses on their product creation process, thus customer service process is

overlooked. They should improve their service because great service will build

customer loyalty.

Statement of the Problem

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


This study aimed to measure the level of satisfaction on the service of

Mister Frosty. It specially answered the following questions:

1. How the Respondents may be characterized in terms of:

1.1. Gender

1.2. Occupation

1.3. Age

2. How the customer service satisfaction on the Mr. Frosty may be

identified in terms of the following qualities:

2.1. Facility

2.2. Product

2.3. Staff

2.4. Price
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


A Conceptual framework is shown in figure 1 to outline possible courses

of action to present a preferred approach to a system analysis project. The

framework built from a set of concepts included to a plan or existing system of

methods, behaviors, functions, relationships and objects. The framework was

conceptualized by using IPO (Input, Process and Output) method. On the

current operation of Mister Frosty Balibago, Angeles City, the researchers find

to identity tangibles like facilities, product and price and as well as the

intangibles like the staff and over-all satisfaction.

The trend of satisfaction of the customer with the tangibles and

intangibles product is the basis and inputs of the researchers. The process

used to further data is by using descriptive analysis, mean rating, frequency and

percentage distribution. This method was used to identify the sample size of

the respondents that led the researchers to be specific with the questionnaires

they have given. And the desired output would be the effectiveness and

efficient customer service relation for this would be the main objective of the

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation



Tangibles Descriptive Management and

Analysis, mean Operation on the
- Facilities, rating, Frequency service of Mr.
Product, and Percentage Frosty, Balibago,
staff and Distribution A.C.


- Staff,

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Significance of the Study

This study may be beneficial to the following sectors:

Employees. This study will help the employees of the Mister Frosty to

enhance and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their service and to be

knowledgeable about their field. Customer this study will prove the importance

of a customer behind every business success and let them realize the service

and product they had experienced was should well in the establishment.

Researchers. This study has given the researchers useful information

about Management and Operation that serves as guidance for them in the

future if join the hospitality industry. Future investors. This will serve as a

source of information for future investors especially if the nature of the business

focusing in Management and Operation.

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Future researchers this study will serve as reference for the future

researchers when they conduct a study relating to Management and Operation

and to continue researching on their information which his not covered in this


Scope and Limitation

This study focused mainly on the Management and Operation of Mister

Frosty Balibago, Angeles City. This study will only cover those who dine-in and

also the management who is currently in charge with the productivity of the


The information of this study pertains to the customer level of service

satisfaction with the facilities, product, price and the attitude of the staff while

the other aspects are not included with this study. Likewise, validation of the

results with the restaurant management was not tackled in this study.
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation



Research Design

The descriptive design was used in determining of customer’s service

satisfaction at Mister-Frosty. Descriptive method is the most logical method that

could be used suitably to allow description of the preset customer in terms of



The principal respondents of the study were be the manager who will

provide the needed information regarding to the establishment and the

customers of Mister Frosty who will be providing their feedbacks using the

survey questionnaires. By selecting on the current customers who dine in

Mister Frosty, the group decided to choose 100 respondents because the group

based on the average check of the establishment. The average customer per

day of Mister Frosty is 30-40. We came up to choose 100 respondents to

further test the customers satisfaction, we based on the average customer per

day of the establishment. The survey was conducted in two consecutive days,
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Thursday and Friday which is the peak of the restaurant. We surveyed the

restaurant twice a day which is morning and afternoon.

Research Instruments

The researchers used an interview guide and survey questionnaire

obtained necessary information to achieve the research objectives answer that

will provide the solution to the problem. The researchers personally asked

questions directly to the manager using an interview guide and to the customer

using the survey questionnaire guarantee the desired information that were

obtained. The goal was to rate whether the food establishment provide the

guests with the best service and highest quality meals possible and if the

establishment satisfied the expectations of the guests by simply encircling the

number on each statement.

Data Collection Procedures

The primary data were obtained directly from the Mister Frosty. They

provided us the necessary documents. A personal interview was also

conducted in obtaining essential response to a certain questions asked by

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


researchers, as well as conducting survey with the customers who currently

dine inside the establishment.

Data Analysis

The study used the method of mean rating to consider the way how the

customer will rate the level of Management and Operation offered by Mister


The study also used the method of frequency and percentage distribution

to determine the number of observations that lie based on the answers provided

in the questionnaire.

The study also used multiple linear regression which attempts to model

the relationship between two or more explanatory variables and a response

variable by fitting a linear equation to observed data.

The survey was presented in the form of level of agreement as to

Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Needs Improvement.

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Satisfaction Level Range of Weighted Mean

Descriptive Ratio

Poor 1.00 – 1.54

Dissatisfied 1.55 – 2.54

Good 2.55 – 3.54

Very Satisfied 3.55 – 4.54

Excellent 4.55 – 5.00

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation



Table 1 shows profile of the respondents as to age, the respondents are

relatively young as many of them belong to the age groups of 15 to 20 years old

(35) and 21 to 25 years old (45) and 26 to 30 years old (17). As to gender,

male respondents (38) and female (62) comprised the customer of Mr. Frosty

Balibago, Angeles City.

TABLE 1 Profile of the Respondents

1. 1 Age of Frequency Percentage

15 – 20 35 35%
21 – 25 45 45%
26 – 30 17 17%
31 – 35 3 3%
Total 100 100%
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


1.2 Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 38 38%
Female 62 62%
Total 100 100%

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 66 66%
Married 34 34%
Total 100 100%

Table 2.1
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


2.1 Facilities Mean Rating Descriptive

1. The tables are always cleared and 3.81 V.S.

presented in good condition.

2. The utensils are sanitized 3.92 V.S.
3. The Mister Frosty has good ventilation. 3.85 V.S.
4. Location/Visibility of the establishment is 3.85 V.S.

5. Mr. Frosty is accessible to any potential 3.87 V.S.


In this table 2.1 the respondents are very satisfied in the food

establishment in terms of their equipment and tools that the establishment

used. The customers rate the utensils as the highest rating. This one question

means that the customers are very satisfied in the operation of the


2.2 Product Mean Rating Descriptive

1. The food and beverage taste good and 3.92 V.S.

2. There is a selection of food and beverage 3.80 V.S.

available that perhaps the preference of

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


the customer.
3. The orders of customers are always 3.82 V.S.

presented well and it has an enticing look.

4. The preparation of the food and beverage 1.25 Poor

are too long to serve.

5. Hot foods are being served hot and cold 3.89 V.S.

foods are being served cold.

The table 2.2 shows the respondents rated the products of the

establishment. Designating rating shows that “the food and beverage taste

good and tummy friendly”, “there is a selection of food and beverage available

that perhaps the preference of the customer”,”The orders of customer are

always presented well and it has an enticing look” Very Satisfied. There is one

question that they rated as poor which is “the preparation of the food and

beverage are too long serve”.

2.3 Staff Mean Descriptive

Rating Analysis
1. Employee provides quality service to the 2.81 Good

2. Employees are attentive with what the 2.18 Good
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


customer wants
3. Employees perform their job effectively 2.91 Good

and efficiently.
4. Employees are friendly and appeasable. 2.80 Good
5. Staff are honest. 2.76 Good

Table 2.3 shows the designating rating of the employees are not well

trained so that operation of establishment are rated good. The respondents

rated the staff are honest is the lowest although it is a good.

2.4 Price Mean Rating Descriptiv

1. The table of the food and beverage and 3.73 V.S.

other services are reasonable.

2. The rates of the food and beverage and 3.82 V.S.

other services are affordable.

3. The prices are comparable to the 3.76 V.S.

4. The prices are match to the quality of the 3.82 V.S.

5. The prices are all tax paid included with 3.76 V.S.
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


service charge fee and the receipt was

always issued and proud in good


Table 2.4 they rated the price as very satisfied. The price of the product

is reasonable and fair enough to the consumers of the establishment.


This chapter presents the summary of findings and analysis of the study.

Collected data were focused on social activity of the company to formulate

strategies or alternative actions for the betterment of the company. The

researchers personally gathered data from Customers of Mr. Frosty at Balibago

Angeles City using survey questionnaires.

Through the information gathered, this study distinguishes that a good

management will carry the whole operation of the establishment. The

management is responsible for ensuring that service encounter is planned,

organized and to the extent that it can be controlled to ensure Management and

Operation of Mr. Frosty. It all starts with the management making every visit of

customers to be excellent and leave them satisfied as the dining experience

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


ends. Starting from the manager down to the servers, the methods used in

delivering actual service and lastly on the tangible aspect of the establishment

which their customers mostly prefer. Although every variable of the

establishment may direct to give satisfaction, in the end it is the customer’s

judgment to be satisfied on the service. The best way that the establishment

can do is to give their best and improve their performance each day to provide

the highest quality of service possible.

After a successful data gathering and the interpretation of the results, the

following recommendations were established. Even though the results were at

the satisfied state, the management should not be contented. They must further

improve their service and management operation to increase the satisfaction

level of their customers. The establishment should know about the needs and

wants of their customers. Not just needs, but also what they prefer. Customer is

the life line of the establishment. They should be provided with outmost service

and quality products to build satisfaction and eventually gain their loyalty to the


The respondents supplied the information for the purpose of the study.

The methods and research instruments that were presented in methods used to
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


help the researchers analyze the problem and to be able to formulate the


The data gathered were analyzed and summarized using weighted mean

method. This data will help to determine the problems that are existing and for

the researchers to be able to give recommendations on how to resolve the

identified problems with regard to management and operation of Mr. Frosty

Balibago, Angeles City.

The relevance of conducting the survey and interview is for the

researchers to know the perceptions of Customer of Mr.Frosty Balibago,

Angeles City about the relationship between the management and the

Customer. The purpose of the survey is to know in what factor/s that satisfied

the customer that might help the employees in satisfying their customer in the

establishment. This way the researchers will be able to formulate

recommendations to the problem of the establishment.

The researchers came up of a survey form that pertains from the related

studies and related literature of this paper. They want to see the point of view of

the customer towards to management of Mr. Frosty. The survey contains

relevant information regarding the customer-employee relationship inside the

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


establishment. The respondents rated the management of Mr. Frosty in terms

of: Product, Facilities, Staff, and Place.

The researchers identified the mean rating results with levels which are

level of satisfaction level in order to distinguish which variables are treated

developing satisfaction among the customer. With these results, the

researchers can conclude that most of the Customers of Mr. Frosty are with

satisfaction in the establishment.

The general demographic profile of Mr. Frosty’s Customer that are

described in terms of age are 16 to 45, which the researchers conclude that

most of the customers are adults, students, young professionals and fresh

graduates. These segments are represented by being energetic, vigorous,

dynamic, enthusiastic and full of life. With this, most of Customers of Mr. Frosty

are still eager on acquiring and looking for satisfaction the exhaustion therewith.

The profile of Mr. Frosty Customer in terms of civil status resulted to 66%

being single and only 34% on married. The researchers concluded that with the

average age of 16 to 24 years old, most of them are single. Singles have less

complicated life than married ones. They don’t worry on their spouses on
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


coming home late and taking money out of the banking machine that you don’t

have to justify it to your wives. Simply stated, singles have undemanding life.

Base on the interpretations of every table all of the variables indicated on

the statement of the problem got positive results these is Very Satisfied (VS)

This means that every Customer of Mr. Frosty is well and satisfied in terms of

the product and services.

The primary data collection consists of interview and direct observation.

In an interview, the researchers gathered data and information through face to

face conversation from authorized persons and asked them certain questions

about the current situation of the company and gathered data to serve as

a reference for the study.

This section contains the conclusion of the study. The obtained results

were focused on the satisfaction towards Management and Operation of Mr.

Frosty Balibago Angeles,City.

The general results on demographic profile of Mr. Frosty customer in

terms of age: 35% on 15-20 years old, 45% on 21-25 years old, 17% on 26-30

years old, 3% on 31-35 years old. As to Gender 38% on Male and 62% on

Female. These results are relevant to each other, most of them are on range of
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


15-35 years old, researchers concluded that they are single, married and

obviously received the level of satisfaction of Very satisfied.

According to the study and information gathered, Mr. Frosty Balibago,

Angeles City got a mean rating of 3.59 (Very Satisfied) in level of satisfaction.

Therefore, the researchers conclude that customers are comfortable on dining

their respective Tables regardless of warm temperature inside the

Establishment and in the waiting area even though exhausted.

Different people learn in different ways, and as previously suggested, it is

imperative to know one's preferences as well as the internal and external things

that reinforce behavior and learning, and satisfied an individual.

To effectively satisfied customers, managers need to understand what

Satisfied customer within the context of the roles they do. Of all the functions a

manager performs, management and operation is one of the most difficult.

Igniting a spark of satisfaction in your workforce starts with figuring out how to

appeal to each Customer unique needs and desires.

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


Satisfaction is an individual matter and one needs to know and

understand the individuals that are to be satisfied. Individuals have their own

goals and aspirations. Individual Customer is being asked to make a

improvement on service. One cannot hire only the hand and the brain; the

owner of that hand and brain must always come along.

This section contains the recommendation of the researchers to this

study. Recommendations that are based from the results and with this, the

company can use this and able to benefit the management, employees and

company itself.

The researchers would like to recommend the establishment to improve

their standards on being Customer-oriented Company. Base on the interviews,

they implement the Customer program called “Lagi Akong Kasali D’yan” or

simply LAKaD which gives chance to Employee becoming Restaurant

Team Member (RTM) which is a promotion for propitious employees.

The researchers would also like to recommend being more open on

Potential Customer to give them chance to experience the opportunity of a good

service. This will benefit the employees and the Mr. Frosty management as well.

Having this policy, more employees will encourage working hard and doing their

job well in order to achieve higher seat turn over every day. With good
Factors Affecting the Management and Operation


performance of these employees, sales of Mr. Frosty may possibly reach high

amount that will also benefit the said establishment.

The researchers would also like to recommend that the employees of Mr.

frosty would engage in sport activities such as fun run and sports festivals.

Events like basketball, badminton, volleyball and bowling that will also

encourage Mr. Frosty employees to mingle and get to know one another while

also motivating them to become physically fit.

Factors Affecting the Management and Operation



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