Startupper of The Year - Startupper of The Year by Total - (Philippines) Final

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11/13/2018 Startupper of the Year - STARTUPPER OF THE YEAR BY TOTAL - [PHILIPPINES]

John benedick Sta. romana

AR-alan AR Learning experience

A mobile application that transforms the way students learn in a class and offers an
engaging and fun experiential learning for the students in their subject matter using
Augmented Reality technology.

Participation form

A.1 - Last name* Confidential

Sta. Romana

A.2 - First name* Confidential

John Benedick

A.3 - Title:* Confidential


A.4 - Email address:* Confidential

A.5 - Date of birth:* (Month/Day/Year) Confidential


A.6 - If you are a minor, do you have permission from your parent(s), the person(s) who has/have
parental authority or your guardian(s) to participate in the Challenge? Confidential
Not applicable

A.7 - Nationality:* Confidential


A.8 - City of residence: Confidential

Not answered

A.9 - Cell phone number:* Confidential

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11/13/2018 Startupper of the Year - STARTUPPER OF THE YEAR BY TOTAL - [PHILIPPINES]

A.10 - Are you an employee of Total, or is a member of your immediate family an employee of Total?
* Confidential

A.11 - How did you hear about the Startupper of the Year by Total Challenge?* (pick all that
apply) Confidential
From a friend
On social media

A.12 - Have you been the subject of a criminal corruption investigation in the last five years?
* Confidential


B.1 - Name of your project:* (maximum 250 characters)  Confidential


B.2 - How old is your start-up?* Confidential

Less than 2 years

B.3 - What is the status of your organization?* Confidential

No status

B.4 - Website (maximum 250 characters) Confidential

Not answered

B.5 - Which business sector does your project target?* (pick all that apply) Confidential
Arts, entertainment and recreation

B.6 - Does your project concern one or more of the fields listed below?* (pick all that
apply) Confidential
None of the above

B.7 - Please describe your project.* (maximum 250 characters) 2/7
11/13/2018 Startupper of the Year - STARTUPPER OF THE YEAR BY TOTAL - [PHILIPPINES]

AR-alan is mobile application that uses Augmented Reality technology that projects digital objects onto a real-
world surface, it aims to provides a hands-on and practical experience for classroom lessons and makes learning
fun and engaging.

B.8 - Would you like to add anything?* (maximum 1,000 characters)  Confidential
Students are provided of worksheets and books that is supported with our augmented reality technology
software, they will scan different images and information from the books and other educational materials and the
augmented objects will pop out in the book or worksheets and it will display in their mobile screen and they can
start to explore in the app. The app contains different task and challenges that they need to complete and it is
based on the activity on the worksheets or books, after they complete the task they will rewarded a points that
they can use to unlock extra challenges and information on their subject matter. Also the application will support
lab activities in a class, it will provide information and demonstration on the tasks need to complete, it also
supports simulation that can help students explore more on their subject matter. Example of this is exploring the
solar system, students can do simulation that solves some of their hypothetical questions.

B.9 - Does your project have, or will it have, a positive impact on any of the following?* (pick all that
apply) Confidential
Ensuring quality education

B.10 - More specifically, will your project contribute positively to any of the following?* (pick all that
apply) Confidential
None of the above

B.11 - Describe the current or potential positive impact of your project in more detail. (maximum 250
ARalan is an AR learning based mobile application that keeps students engaged throughout the lesson and
makes learning experience in class more fun and effortless which can result to a significant positive impact in
students learning development.

B.12 - Which issue or need does your project address?* (maximum 250 characters) Confidential
The lack of student engagement and interest in a class is a common issue that affects the learning development of
students. This is due to the lack of interaction of students with teachers and materials being used in discussions are
not interesting.

B.13 - What is your vision for the next five to 10 years if your project succeeds?* (maximum 250
characters) Confidential
Students be able to achieve better results in their subject matter as it makes students learning experience
engaging and interesting, it also provides opportunity to people who can't afford to study, as education becomes
more accessible and mobile. 3/7
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B.14 - What makes your solution useful, unique and innovative?* (maximum 250
characters) Confidential
The app uses augmented reality and supports educational materials such as worksheets, books and flashcards
which helps students keep engaged and interested than a traditional way of teaching in a class, which results to
significant positive impact.

B.15 - What is your market and who are your potential customers or users?* (maximum 250
characters) Confidential
We have a total available market size of 34 Book publishers here in the Philippines which have a total market size
17.2 Million Grade school to Senior high school students.

B.16 - Can your model be reproduced in other countries/regions around the world? Confidential

B.17 - How mature is your project?* Confidential

Prototyping, initial trials of the service, testing in progress

B.18 - How have you financed your project up to now?* (pick all the apply) Confidential
None of the above

B.19 - If you have already raised capital for your project, indicate the total amount in local currency
below (€, $, Kenyan shillings, etc.) Confidential
Not answered


C.1 - How did you come up with your business model?* Confidential
Several meetings with prospects or customers that led to the production of a business model

C.2 - Who developed the business model for your project?* Confidential
Two (or more) people with similar backgrounds and a common objective

C.3 - What stage are you at in market testing your product/service?* Confidential
The idea is being tested on a sample of potential customers, “friends” or users, and I/we have obtained key data

C.4 - How many people have used your product/service?* Confidential 4/7
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C.5 - Have you benchmarked your product/service against solutions already available in the
market?* Confidential
I/we have performed benchmarking, but the data is incomplete and I/we don’t have the quantified results yet

C.6 - Have you identified the key partners (supplier, consultant, distributor, etc.) required for the
creation and success of your start-up project?* Confidential
I/we have identified the types of partners and their profiles, and am/are now actively looking for these key partners

C.7 - What information have you gathered about the market/sector targeted by your start-up?* (pick
all that apply) Confidential
Competing offerings (prices, products, etc.)
The issue that your solution addresses, and other currently available solutions
Market influencers
Current market trends
Technology trends

C.8 - Are your invention(s) — product, manufacturing process or operational

technique — protected?* Confidential
The inventions are not protected by patent yet

C.9 - Have you already mapped your customer journey?* Confidential

The points of contact have been identified, as well as the people involved

C.10 - How is your start-up’s production capacity managed?* Confidential

It’s still too early for production capacity management to be my/our current focus

C.11 - What is your strategy for launching and developing your project’s social and environmental
impact?* (maximum 250 characters) Confidential
On our first year we're going to cover both private and public schools, Institutions and Universities all over the
country, and we plan to be one of the leading provider of the Educational materials that specializes with
Augmented Reality technology.

C.12 - At this stage of development, which of the following will be your main communication focus?
* Confidential
Help the customer/user be able to buy these products/services 5/7
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C.13 - At this stage of development, have you identified the key factors for the project’s success?
* Confidential
I/we have identified the key success factors, but I/we don’t know how to measure them yet

C.14 - Have you identified risks and introduced measures to prevent them or reduce their impact?*
(pick all that apply) Confidential
Financial: Are the financial resource requirements planned and is there a plan for obtaining these resources?
Trends: Will my/our start-up be able to adapt to market trends — technological, cultural, consumer, etc. — and
keep up with the other players?

C.15 - From the list below, choose the item that will have the most influence on the direction your
start-up takes or will take.* Confidential
Positive impact on the start-up’s external environment (users, environment, etc.)

C.16 - From the list below, choose a second item that will have a major influence on the direction
your start-up takes or will take.* Confidential

C.17 - Have you obtained any awards, prizes, certifications or quality labels related to your project?
(maximum 250 characters) Confidential
Our app is recognized and we got a certificate as we participated in the University of the Philippines
Technopreneurship 101 student bootcamp, under U.P. Enterprise, also we got certificate from NASA Space app and
won a local awards.

C.18 - How will you use the money and support if you win this challenge?* (maximum 250
characters) Confidential
We will use it as a runway to develop and improve more our product so that we can launch it on the market,


D.1 - How do you assign roles and responsibilities to the people in your organization?* Confidential
The team is very small (just me/us or only a few people) and no roles are officially assigned

D.2 - Describe your team’s composition and the skills of its members.* (maximum 1,000 characters)

The team skills composed of Game developers that have an experience using Unity and C# programming
language, also the team has an animators, 3D developers and modelers for creating Augmented Reality objects as
a component of the mobile application, the team also has a technopreneurship experience such as developing
business models, and other intellectual skills such as sales and marketing. 6/7
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D.3 - How do you manage skills and knowledge at your start-up?* Confidential
The members of the start-up have the skills required and look after their own training needs


E.1 - Do you want to provide us with a business model? Confidential

1 document

E.2 - Do you want to provide us with a document presenting your business plan? Confidential
1 document

E.3 - Do you want to provide us with a document presenting your market research? Confidential
Not answered 7/7

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