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Ex.No. Name of the exercise

1 Implementation of Symbol Table
2 Implementation of lexical analyzer in C
3 LEX program to count the number of vowels
4 LEX program to find the data type of a given input
5 LEX program to check for valid identifier
6 LEX program to display Upper case letters
7 Implementation of lexical analyzer using LEX
8 YACC program to find valid arithmetic expression
9 YACC program to recognize valid variable
10 Implementation of Calculator using LEX and YACC
11 Implementation of Stack storage allocation strategy
12 Conversion of BNF into YACC form
13 Type Checking (Structure equivalent)
14 Type Checking (Structure not equivalent)
15 Data flow analysis
16 Control flow analysis
17 Implementation of Shift-Reduce Parser
18 Implementation of Code optimization technique
19 Construction of DAG
20 Implementation of back end of the compiler(Three
address code)

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