Project IN Practical Research 1: Grade 11 - Abm 1 Group 2

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-Abelynn Telesforo -Christine Enero

-Francine Borcelis -Helen Vargas
-Jewel Coronel -John Butlig
-Joseph Cardeño -Louise Bulo
-Reinch Reyes -Shely Cunanan
-Jane Cahayag


I. Introduction

As stated by some researcher, mothers tend to get paranoid of what they’ll be eating

for a week and the week after that / what they’ll be gathering for monthly needs. Some of

their problems are; the goods to be bought, their budget, obstacles like the crowd in the

market and many more. Mothers are the treasurer of the family (in most cases). They have

the obligation to budget the money in every member of the family. So, when it comes to

grocery buying / needs buying, Markets are their number one destination.

When a person hear the word “wet-market”, they eventually think its dirty, crowded

and smelly, but they shouldn’t think about those negative thoughts if they want to buy a

good food with a lower price. While in the “supermarket”, they think it’s clean and have

clean surroundings.

Supermarkets are enclosed market with centralized heating and cooling that allows

customer to walk through aisles and leisurely pick up groceries without hassle. It offers

self-service, where the consumers are free to roam around and pick the goods they want

that are arranged into an organized aisle sections, numbered and labeled altogether.

Wet-markets are associated with fresh food, wet floors and humid temperature. They’re

usually composed of several dozen stalls in rows under shared roof. Consumers can find

fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and meat there. It is called “wet-market” because of the use of

water. For example; washing up the floor frequently, to water vegetables, fish and many
more. They use water to change the temperature also. Humid temperature ensure that the

food will stay fresh for a period of time. Though the goods are fresh, there is a chance that

it is contaminated because wet-markets are an open place; the reason why flies and germs

can roam around freely.

In earlier times, wet-markets were very in-demand. Most people gather around there to

purchase different kinds of commodities. Until in 1915, supermarkets were developed. The

consumers started to split; some will be at wet-markets and some will be at supermarkets.

And with that, conflicts have been made.

Vendors and consumers are affected by this “conflict”. Vendors are very confused

whether selling in supermarket is better than in wet-market. They’re trying to figure out if

there will be more customer in neither of the two. Consumers will have trouble in choosing

some goods because of the comparison of the two. In wet-markets, commodities there are

very affordable and can be bargained to the lowest price possible. While in supermarket,

they have good source of air conditioning that is very convenient in shopping especially

for meticulous person.

The researcher aim to distinguish what are the preferences of Late Adulthood in

choosing a market to promote practical buying of goods. They want to know which among

the markets (supermarket and wet-market) are trusted to buy common commodities to

improve budgeting, health and security. In addition in this statement, the researcher will

also discover the difference among the two markets and by means of that, it will show the

advantages and disadvantages of both sides; those people who are planning to build a

business in neither of the two in the future will gain knowledge of it and will be very wise

about the factors that might affect their business.

II. Statement of the problem

Budgeting, freshness of food, cleanliness of the place are the factors that affects their

preference in choosing a market to promote practical buying of goods. The wellness of

people rely on what food they are taking inside their body and that’s the reason why most

consumer is having a hard time choosing where to buy. In supermarket, the products are in

good quality but it has a higher price than the products that are sold in the wet-market. If

the price will be the basis, wet-market is often picked but if the quality of product is the

basis, consumer go and shop to supermarkets (most of the time).


Major Issue: How does the preferences of Late Adulthood in choosing a market affects

the promotion of practical buying of goods?

Minor Issue: 1.) How does the quality of product affects the preferences of Late Adulthood

in choosing a market?

2.) How does Market Establishment persuade Late Adulthood to promote

practical buying of goods?

III. Significance of the study

This research will be very essential and helpful to many people. This will stand as

a tool for building knowledge because of its wide information (about late adulthood

preferences), it will help to understand various issues and to increase awareness knowing

the flows of public market and supermarket

Everyone often have choices between purchasing goods and services from

supermarket or public market. Most of the people always look at the quality of the foods

by means of not being able to know if the quality of the food is still the best. This research

would help a lot of people especially to all the parents to become wise and smart buyers in

terms of foods and products.

Consumers are expecting to be more alert and aware next time. They shop after

heading the researchers study. They should know the difference between supermarket and

wet market by simply reading the study. They are about to know what are the do's and

don’ts in shopping.

In specific, mothers who do the cooking and every household choice is the number

one who will benefit to the study. In terms of budgeting, the researchers study will teach

them what product they should buy and what price (suggested retail price) does that product

showed; like discounts and freebies. Vendor bargaining is a written study to raise an

awareness aside from product standardization.

Future businessman / woman needs to be educated first before starting a business.

They need to obtain different kinds of data and a large investment. And if they’re planning

to build a business in either of public market and supermarket, this research will benefit
them. This will discuss whether where do people usually shops and what are their top

preferences. And if the researcher proves something where people usually shop / what do

they prefer most, they will choose what the conclusion says. An additional, it gives an idea

to prevent a business to deficit.

Economist are very well known over the world. They’re expert who studies the

relationship between a society's resources and its production. Supermarkets and public

market hold taxes that strengthen the economy. The future researchers may set the study

as their guide of what they are going to conduct or study about something that is connected

with the researchers study now.

IV. Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of this study is to identify what late adulthood mostly prefer in

choosing a market like Munting Palengke and Puregold Kalentong in Mandaluyong City.

This study limits its coverage on mother consumers only aging 30 to 60 years old

out of 386,276 people living in Mandaluyong. 5-10 mothers will be ask whether they prefer

Munting Palengke or Puregold Kalentong. The mothers will be split into two categories:

the first categories will be the house wife mothers and the other category will be the

working mothers. This study will consider all their opinions and experiences on the market

they have chosen. The status of their living and daily income will be very important in this

aspect. Each respondents will be asked to answer accordingly.

This study only focus on Late Adulthood mothers this year and if all things that are

needed or if all questions or problems in this research have already a solution, then it’s the

researcher’s order to decides who to end this research but that year is this year 2018-2019.
V. Conceptual Framework


“Factors that affect the Preferences of Late Adulthood in Choosing a Market”

- Monthly income and budget

- Safety and security in Market Establishment

- Quality of products

- Family preferences

-Discounted coupons and sales

- Acquaintance’s opinions

- Advertisement of products (promotion)

- Location of the Market


- Stating opinions and ideas about the research / topic

- Defining the problem

- Reviewing the literature and theory

- Identifying the significance of the study

- Gathering and collecting data through experiences and interviews

- Analysis of gathered data

- Analysis of gathered data

- Differentiating and comparing the data (supermarket and wet-market)

- Formulating conclusion


- To promote practical buying of goods and to give guidance to those people

who plan to build a business inside a market establishment.

VI. Theoretical Framework

THEORY: The Research on the Marketing Strategies Theory and Empirical Based on the

Product Value

AUTHOR: Jerome McCarthy, Stanley F. Slater

After the financial crisis, people are concern about the value. In this paper, the

theoretical analysis and empirical research findings include that marketing strategy

enhance the value of product that has significantly positive effects.

This paper further describes the evolution of the value agricultural society value =

output / input, focusing on inputs; industrial society value = benefits costs, focus on

interest; only the commercial society’s value = value added loses, net only focusing on

value-added, while paying attention to the losses return value’s origin.

The existing marketing strategy is more than to satisfy customers differentiated interest

needs and the commerce societies. Marketing strategy is for investors to create more

product value. The results show that the marketing strategy to the product values has

significant positive impact.

The differentiation and satisfaction of driving factors enhance product value, it proves

driver factors, intermediary guiding significance on marketing activities of the real estate

market and the whole value market.

THEORY: Consumer Theory

AUTHOR: Kelvin S. Lancaster

This theory explains what does consumer seeks in buying goods. It states that

consumers derive utility not from the actual contents of the “basket” but from the

characteristics of the “goods” in it. Consumer Characteristic Demand also affects too. This

approach allows researcher to predict how preferences will change when they change the

option or basket presented to consumer by studying how these vary according to the change

in characteristics that made them up.

“However, by relying on a study of characteristics rather than the goods of service

involved, researcher can predict how changes will affect a consumer’s behavior without

needing to start once again”.


Both theories are related to the research because it involves consumer preferences and

strategies that will help and support most of the stakeholders of this research. Let’s say,

markets have different kinds of products that the consumer needs, and to determine what

will they choose, consumer theory will be used as a guide. And because business and

marketing comes here too, there are strategies about how to attract consumers and ideas

about what’s best for the business. This theories and the research both needs to predict how

preferences will change within the options that are presented to the consumer.
VII. Definition of Terms

● Wet Market

-Conceptual: a place associated with using water or foods, floors and have humid


-Operational: symbolizes average-family

● Supermarket

-Conceptual: self-service grocery store

-Operational: symbolizes rich family

● Budget

-Conceptual: plan for spending money

-Operational: tight belt

● Compete

-Conceptual: to try to get or win something that someone else is trying to win

-Operational: life versus life

● Grocery Biz

-Conceptual: the foods and supplies sold by a grocer / business

-Operational: evolution, changes, development

● Late Adulthood

-Conceptual: ages from 18-20, people

-Operational: a person in between

● Centralization

-Conceptual: to bring (something) under the control of one authority

-Operational: authority

● Public Markets

-Conceptual: are usually composed of several dozen stalks in rows under shared roof

-Operational: a shop that sells cheap and affordable products

● Mother

-Conceptual: a female parent

-Operational: are basic consumers in the market

● Goods

-Conceptual: something that is right

-Operational: daily necessities of every customer

● In-demand

-Conceptual: a forceful statement in which you say that something must be done or given

to you

-Operational: very prominent or very important

● Cheap

-Conceptual: not costing a lot of money

-Operational: this is heaven for average and low earner consumer

● Conflict

-Conceptual: a struggle in agreement / a strong disagreement

-Operational: disagreement between public market and supermarket

● Budget

-Conceptual: an amount of money available for spending that is based on a plan for how it

will be spent

-Operational: allowance of the consumer when buying goods

● Empirical

-Conceptual: originating in or based on observation or experience

-Operational: work

● Practical

-Conceptual: relating to what Is real rather than to what is possible or imagined

-Operational: mind / mindset

● Objectives

-Conceptual: based on facts than feelings or opinions not experienced by feelings

-Operational: questions
● Preferences

-Conceptual: a feeling or liking or wanting one person or thing more than another person

or thing

-Operational: choices of consumers

● Establishment

-Conceptual: to cause (someone or something) to be widely known and accepted

-Operational: referring to market

● Persuade

-Conceptual: to cause (someone) to do something by asking, arguing or giving reasons

-Operational: to attract consumer

● Value

-Conceptual: the amount of money that something is worth the price or cost something

-Operational: prices of products or goods

● Benefits

-Conceptual: a good or helpful

-Operational: discounts

● Aisles

- A passage between rows of seats in a building such as church or theater, an airplane or a

● Quality

-the standard of something as a measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree

of excellence of something

● Retailers

-a person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or

consumption rather than for resale

● Raw Materials

-the basic material from which a product is made

● Efficiency

-a state or quality of being efficient

● Anticipating

-regard as probable; expect or predict

● Deemed

-regard or consider in a specified way

● Advertising

-published or broadcast advertisement

● Society

-the people of a particular country, area, time etc. thought of especially as an organized

● Potential

-capable of becoming real

● Awareness

-knowing that something (such as a situation, condition, or problem) exist

● Market

-a place where products are bought and sold

● Economist

-a person who studies or specializes in economics

● Function

-the special purpose or activity for which a thing exist or is used

● Basis

-something (as a principle or reason) on which something else is established the court

would not imagine any conceivable basis for the status

● Goods

-merchandise or possessions

● Health

-is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence

of disease or infirmity
● Marketing

-the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market

research advertising

● Stakeholders

-a person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business

● Customer Satisfaction

- is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of how products and services

supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation

● Internal Market

-another term for single market

● Sequential

-something that is sequential often, a numerical or alphabetical order and also forming or

following in logical order or sequence

● Discovery

-the process of finding information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time, or

the thing that is found

● Various

-different from one another of different kinds or sorts or an indefinite member greater than

one step of various terms

● Behavior

-the way in which one acts on conducts oneself, especially toward others

● Alternative

-ways of achieving the same derived end or goal

● Recognition

-acknowledgement of something's existence, validity or legality

● Sneaky

-behaving in a secret and usually dishonest manner

● Spoiled

-something valuable or desirable that someone acts by working or trying hard

● Generally

-in a general way: in a way that is not detailed or specific

● Duped

-to deceive or trick (someone) into believing or doing something

● Market

-a place where products are bought and sold

● Promote

-to change the rank or position of (someone) to a higher or more important one
● Tackle

-is a word used in a discussion when it need to be discussed by the teacher

● Practical

-if you want to buy a much lower price that you see in malls

● Platform

-is a kind of advertisement use when you promote a business or product

● Establishment

-being known or been produce

●Vice versa

-with the order changed

● Cleanliness

-is when you know how to clean after

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