Lesson Plan Writing Time: 55 Mins Level: Third Year Middle School Material

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Lesson plan


Time: 55 mins
Level: third year middle school
 Blackboard
 Visual aids (pictures)
Objectives :
By the end of this session, students will be able to write a letter about their
favourite films.
Warm up: (5 min)
Greeting students.
Checking attendance.
Pre-writing: (10 min)
T asks Ss various questions.
T/ Ss and Ss/ Ss interaction.
While- writing: ( 30 min)
Ss answer some guiding questions and write a letter about their favourite
Class correction.
Ss write the best letter in their notebooks.
Post-writing (a game, if time permits) (10min)
A Ss reads a sentence in silence and tells it to his friend in his ear; the friend
tells the second to his neighboring classmate in his ear and so on. The last Ss
in the group has to say the correct sentence.

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