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Class 1

Negotiations paper on the Mental health issues

Mental health issues do not prevent many people from holding high positions in corporations.
You got your normal high stress situation, death in a family, job changes, divorce this type of
thing can provide an resolve in mental health issues. But there are other types of mental issues
but sooner or later when you are negotiations you are doing to need somebody with these
issues, how does mental health effect neg. in fact somebody will typical mental health issues
may not be able to nego. With that person. They say approximately 1 out of 5 Americans over
the age of 18 suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder. Now when you got this mental
health disorder, bcz you got this disorder in the mind, the person is trying to look at the
information in front of them. That person mat tent to distort that information. He can process
this information incorrectly, and sometimes they can be detaching from the reality. Certain
type of mental health of issues can cause the person to be careless, manipulative or delusional.

On the top of all that, many people have health issues are unaware of the fact as they don’t
know that they have these issues and they don’t know how these issues are affecting their
abilities to function properly.

 Our next problem with mental issue is that you are coming with broker leg and can see
physical health issues offer, but mental issues you can’t see them as you can’t see the
person’s mind, as when you see them they are normal.
 Mental health issues cannot have physical symptoms, so you can’t tell. Mental disorders
like major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, cytopathic and physotic disorder can
impact the individual’s ability to engage in rational nego. So, if you are nego. When
someone with this disorder, all of a sudden you realize that he is not being rational. He
is saying and doing stuff with is irrational. Let’s take a look at disorders.
1. Major Disorder: He is not taking about dep. When your team loses or something.
This goes beyond than that It is said that depression affects 9.5% at the age of 18
which is close to 20 M Americas who suffer from depression. Apparently, this type of
depression is the leading cause of the disability in the world more than cancer or
anything else in the world. What this does? A person get loss of interest in daily
activities usually lasts for 2 Weeks or more and bcz it effects your ability to function
in your daily ability because you lose interest in everything as hopeless is there (daily
basis) And if your ability to function on daily basis is effective, then your mind has
problems concentrating (Think about it), your mind can’t Concentrate and make
decisions. SO, if you can’t do these two then how can you negotiate. Now How can
you tell if the person has depression. They have view of things. They have the view
of negativity that world is coming to an end. The world is negative. So, if you are
Negative, you will be going to interpret everything in negative way. So, if you are
depressed and negative and you are negotiating. You get into negotiating session,
you want to be negative. So, the whole negotiation session is negative. You won’t
get anywhere with this. You have to be positive while negotiating. When you
negotiate, you can go back and forth. So, when you are negative, you can’t think
logically because everything will going have a negative effect and it will come out
the negative affection. You can’t represent
- Client interest
- Your interest

 Another issue when these people are depressed, that it effects, think about that
your mind is negative, Now your mind is filled with these thoughts. This negativity
consumes your mind. And if does that, you can’t concentrate on the matter of hand
and negotiation bcz your mind is preoccupied in bunch of other stuff. So, these
things can’t involve discussions. They have trouble focussing on stuff. it is next to

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