Z1.4 & Z1.9 - Sampling Questions

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Category: Z1.4 & Z1.9 – Sampling

Z 1.4 Inspection Levels


I am using a reduced switching rule and I don’t understand the meaning of the numbers in the rst box. Total
noncomforming less than limit number? What’s my limit number?Does production stability mean capability?
Would I use 1.33?  The table has an arrow to reduced, so would I move to the next box?


The ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 standard has three inspection levels: normal, reduced and tightened inspection.  Initially you
start at normal inspection, and can move to either tightened or reduced inspection depending on how lots are
dispositioned.  Based on Figure 1 of the standard, the determination to move amongst the levels can be
ascertained.  When you get to the reduced inspection level (Table II-C), you need to read the footnote (†).  It
states “If the acceptance number has been exceeded, but the rejection number has not been reached, accept the
lot, but reinstate normal inspection.”

A stable process or production is less about a capability index, and more about the control chart of the data
showing a stable process.  In other words, the process is stable over time.

Steven Wal sh
For more information about inspection, please view the resources found here.

July 6, 2018 / Z1.4 & Z1.9 - Sampling / inspection, steven wal sh, z1.4 inspection table

Con dence Levels


I would like to con rm if ASQ Z1.4-2008 attribute tables are calculated based on 95% con dence level? I am
using Table II-A, on page 11.


ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 tables are not technically calculated based on a 95% con dence level.  The technical de nition of
AQL is the quality level that is the worst tolerable process average when a continuing series of lots is submitted
for acceptance sampling.  Some interpret it to mean if a lot has AQL percent defective or less, a lot would have a
high probability of being accepted based on the sampling plan.  The standard does not specify the probability of
acceptance explicitly.  The operating characteristic curve (OC Curve and the tables de ne the AQL as the percent
defective that has a 95% probability of acceptance.  So though it is not a 95% con dence level, it is a 95%
probability of acceptance.

Steven Wal sh

For more information about AQL, please view the resources here.

July 6, 2018 / Z1.4 & Z1.9 - Sampling / AQL, steven wal sh

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