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Let’s Look at the psychopathy or what professor calls psychopath

So, many of these people around have it.
- What is a psychopath: It is thinking about one self and environment in ways which
are inconsistent which are acceptable social behaviour? Where do see all the
Psychopath? – prison. When you see a lot of successful people but there are many
people in business and who have psychopath tendencies. You can tell if they are
psychopath in your work place, they tend to physiologically lie. They are very
manipulative. They have absolutely no guilt feeling towards you. They care nothing
about you as a person, they have no empathy and they don’t see anything from your
POV, and they only see the things from their POV, very shallow emotions, no feeling
what so ever. And you see these people in the high corporate positions.

2. Let’s take this for a moment, you are corporate psychopath and you are driven by
the need of power over other people, you are driven by the need of this power,
control over other people, Dominance and prestige, you have got this in you your
corporate psychopath. Why does it lead you to high positions in the corporations?
Can you think? People are very manipulative, and they take short cuts. That’s right.
And why do think it is good. SO why they are in this power? They take shortcuts.
When you deal with head-hunters, very often corporations look for people which
has characteristics that a corporate psychopath has, as they want someone who can
take control and make good decision and increase the profits of the company and
there are people who can do that. But aren’t necessarily corporate psychopath, but
they have these characteristics and attitudes. So, many of these gets higher bcz
corporate think that they are the guys and they can make money as they value them
as they make money.
- May be our top political and business leaders and perhaps even negotiations
counter paths are negotiating psychopaths. Now, so the reasons that they are in this
position is that whatever these character tics that corporations want, they want this
guy to be able to control over and make decisions and make money. You will find
that these characteristics of a psychopath are satisfied when there is an evil in the
corp., if everything is going smoothly, there is nothing much for him to manipulate
as everything is going smoothly. They tend to excel in situations where there is evil
such as, if there is downsizing in the corp.. Now, people will be going to get fired,
and corporate psychopath loves it as they have control over people, if there is
restructuring within the corpo, he is manipulative people around, If there is a
merger acquisitions, this is up evil in the corporations as now they can manipulate
and control and exercise the power, they can join venture (when you get into
situations with other companies), now the corp psychopath can control the
- Chaotic environment is best for the psychopaths and in fact what will happen is if
everything is going smoothly, the corporate psychopath will create a chaotic
environment, he will try to restructure. Create downsizing situation, and restructure
the things, allows to Manipulate the things. Mess with this guy mind and other guy’s
- Psychopath can be described as cunning, manipulative, untrustworthy, unethical,
parasitical and worst. There is nothing that can’t do to get what they want.

 Lets compare with the guy who has biplor: a guy who has bipolar doesn’t wish you
any ill will, he is not out to manuplative you to get what you want, but corporate
phycopath will bug and kill. Whereas the people with other types of disorder .. they
are not out to manuplate you or do any ill will againist you, corp. phycopath has ill
will towards you. A phycopath will do whatever is necessary to achieve his meeting
which means sacrifisding you and they will do it in a second. Sometimes you can
have a guy who is an assistant. As they have the same sort kind of want, want
power, prestige and control which is same as phycopath but a phycopath can engage
in some stuff…. Towards you. He will going to scarifies you.. tahts fine as far as he is
concerned, …. Power and control to satisfy the self esteem. He just want poer and
control to satisty his power of esteem. You can tell as narisst… they require a
constent…they want to look good in the eyes of others. As they wnant to look good
how they are…. It is very hard for them to … they have got a stify… t satisfy these
needs. But they will not going to satisfy the needs by looking at the satisfaction…
there situations is concerened. … they can only look at the things from your pov.
Sometimes they can be violent… challenged. … you might want just walk out.

3. Lets take a look at phychotic disorder: PD means when you are halusanating, ….can
you think of what is commonly..Eg: this huy was taking the bus in the Edmonton. The
guy who was sittign in the bus and guy sitting next to bus killed they other. And
nothing hsppended to him. Because……. Else idea. But this a type of situation that
you may have for the ….. your voices, people are telling you to do the stuff. Well, if
you are … yo will not going to think logically…. ….. that’s what is there mind telling
you to do.. lots of … they cant think logically . They also have trouble with… well I got
get up n the moring and get to school and need to do things. SO, they cant handle
ordinary daily life. Most often you can see this as they appear normal as they talk
normally. SO, if you can….. they will not going to be ble to think logically ….> you also
got this concept, in school there was a case: this giy went down the streets and his
wife gave him the divorce. They have to do with the agreement they were in and the
wife was saying that thi,,,….. because he sees the pink elephant. And the jugdesays if
he sees p=pink Elephant… even though eh seems to be nuts …. Respect to the
melts.SO, sometimes you can be dicutional about stuff. But this dilution can effect in
negotiation… and you may be b able to negotiate with the guy.

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