5 Parcial Micro Med. Diagnostica

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Fernanda Daniela Villa Urbán 148257

Inglés IV: Sección 1

Paragraph HW - The Microbiology Lab

Topic Sentence: The Microbiology Lab, on the First Floor of UDLAP is small and dirty

Topic: The Microbiology lab on the First Floor of UDLAP

Controlling Idea: Is small and dirty

Topic: The Microbiology Lab, on the first Floor of UDLAP is small and dirty

Supporting Idea: The dark grey walls and the white ceiling make the room look small, tight, and
thus even smaller than it is.

Detail: At the top of the Microbiology Lab we can see the extraction bells (extraction hoods)
covering the entire roof and making it look everything pilled up and dirty.

Detail of the Detail: Even though the extraction bells (extraction hoods) do not give a good looking
to the Microbiology Lab they allow us to breath without face masks when we are using chemicals.

Supporting Idea: As you keep walking into the Microbiology Lab at the right side you can see the
white, thin and small freezer where we keep the strains isolated by social service.

Detail: Next to the white, thin and small freezer we can see the two large windows over the place
of work hidden by many dark green plants which are from a student for an experiment.

Supporting Idea: Against the wall to your left pushed into a corner behind the place of work, we
can observe the large bookcase that is crammed with paper, and the two large UV-Visible lamps
that occupies the entire room and seems to look small and dirty.

Detail: Finally, at the bottom we can see the white nut dirty floor with drops of water, ice cubes
and shoe marks, also too much material dropped in the floor like spatulas, gloves, powder and

Concluding Sentence: Now every time I visit the Microbiology Lab I know how is to work in a small
and dirty Microbiology Lab on the First Floor of UDLAP.
Fernanda Daniela Villa Urbán 148257
Inglés IV: Sección 1

The Microbiology Lab on the First Floor of UDALP is small and dirty

The dark grey walls and the white ceiling make the room look small, tight, and thus even smaller
than it is. At the top of the Microbiology Lab we can see the extraction bells (extraction hoods)
covering the entire roof and making it look everything piled up and dirty. Even though the extraction
bells (extraction hoods) do not give a good looking to the Microbiology Lab they allow us to breath
without face masks when we are using chemicals. As you keep walking into the Microbiology Lab at
the right side you can see the white, thin and small freezer where we keep the strains isolated by
social service. Next to the white, thin and small freezer we can see the two large windows over the
place of work hidden by many dark green plants which are from a student for an experiment. Against
the wall to your left pushed into a corner behind the place of work, we can observe the large
bookcase that is crammed with paper, and the two large UV-Visible lamps that occupies the entire
room and seems to look small and dirty. Finally, at the bottom we can see the white but dirty floor
with drops of water, ice cubes and shoe marks, also too much material dropped in the floor like
spatulas, gloves, powder and papers. Now every time I visit the Microbiology Lab I know how is to
work in a small and dirty Microbiology Lab on the First Floor of UDLAP.

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