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Govt. Degree Girls College Block K North Nazimabad


1. Aldehydes can be distinguished from ketones by

a. Fehling`s solution b. Conc. HNO3 c. Conc. H2SO4 d. Grignard`s
2. Which One is caused by Iodine Deficiency
a. Rickets b. Blindness c. Goiter d. Iodopneumonia
3. Alkaline Earth metals comes under the heading of
a. Representative elements b. Transition c. Outer Transition d. Inner transition
Elements Elements Elements
4. Baking Soda is
a. Na2CO3 b. NaHCO3 c. Na2CO3.10H2O d. NaHCO3.10H2O
5. All noble gases fulfill the octet rule except
a. Ne b. Ar c. He d. Xe
6. Outer electronic configuration of alkali metals is
a. ns2 b. ns2np6 c. ns2np1 d. ns1
7. In Castner Kellener`s cell, cathode is made up of
a. Mercury b. gold c. silver d. iron
8. Which one belongs to o-para directing and deactivating groups
a. COOH b. NH2 c. NO2 d. F
9. SN1 reaction completes in
a. One step b. two steps c. Three steps d. Four steps
10. Reactivity of Alkyl Halides is due to the polarity of
a. C-X bond b. C-C bond c. X-X bond d. none of these
11. Methanol reacts with Acetic acid to form
a. Methanal b. Formaldehyde c. Ester d. Acetone
12. Which one of the following Functional groups is found in Amino acids
a. –CH3 b. -NH2 c. –COOH d. both b and c
13. Which one has the maximum unpaired electrons
a. Fe+3 b. Fe+2 c. V+2 d. Sc+2
14. Total number of degenerated d-orbitals are
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
15. In graphite the layers are held by
a. Vander wall`s forces b. Covalent forces c. Metallic forces d. Ionic forces
16. Royal water is
a. HNO3 conc. b. HCl conc. c. Aqua regia d. H2SO4 conc.
17. The oxidation states shown by Hydrogen in its compounds are
a. Zero only b. +1 only c. -1 only d. All of them
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Section B (Short Question Answers)

Inorganic Chemistry
Q2. i. Why transition metals are paramagnetic?

ii. Give the characteristic valence shell configuration of the following

a. Zero group elements

b. Representative elements
c. Outer transition elements
d. Inner transition elements

iii. Give scientific reasons of the following

a. Hydrogen exhibits +1 and -1 oxidation states in its compounds.

b. Boric acid is soft and silky.
c. Transition elements show variable oxidation states.
d. Alkali metals cannot be used in voltaic cell.

iv. Complete the following reactions and give IUPAC names of the products:

a. AgOH + NH4OH →
b. Zn(OH)2 + NaOH →

v. Write the electronic configuration and identify the period group and block of
Bearing the following at. Numbers: 17, 24, 29, 32.

vi. Give the chemical equations for the following:

a. Reaction of aluminium with conc. H2SO4.

b. Reaction of sodium carbonate with silica.
c. Reaction of caustic soda with Aluiminium sulphate.
d. Reaction of bleaching powder with atm. CO2 and moisture.

vii. Are the reactions of ordinary molecular Hydrogen slow or rapid? Why?
What is atomic Hydrogen?
viii. How is blister copper removed from matte?

ix. Define the following:
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a. Catenation b. Functional groups c. Metamerism d. Glycosidic linkage.

x. The structure of two organic compounds are shown below

a. Draw the hybrid orbital structure of A showing bonds.

b. Write eq. for the preparation of B from CH3I
c. Write Equation for the reaction of A with S2Cl2.

xi. Write the sulphonation reaction in benzene along with its mechanism.

xii. Write stepwise reaction for the following preparations:

a. m-nirobenzoic acid from benzene.

b. Glyoxal from benzene.

xiii. Write IUPAC names of the following:

xiv. How will you distinguish the following:

a. An alkene and alkane.

b. An alkene and alkyne
c. An alkane and alkyl halide
d. An aldehyde and ketone.

xv. How can amino acid act as a buffer?

xvi. Differentiate:

a. Gastric digestion and Intestinal digestion.

b. Pancreatic juice and bile.

Section C
Detailed Question and Answers.
Inorganic Chemistry
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Q3. a. What is meant by Metallurgy? Describe the extraction of 99.9% pure Aluminium from
bauxite ore containing SiO2 and Fe2O3 as impurities.
b. write note on any one of the following:
1. Lead pigments
2. Boric acid
3.Corrosion and its prevention
4. Lunar caustic
c. Describe any two of the following properties of d-block elements:
1.Magnetic 2. Catalytic 3.Formation of colored compounds 4. Variable ox.states
Q4. a. the following chart represents stages in the manufacture of HNO3 by Ostwald`s


Oxidation chamber Absorption

Converter A Boiler B chamber

HNO3 68%
HNO3 98%

i. Give the reactions in chambers A,B and C with conditions.

ii. Describe conditions to get 95% oxidation of NH3 into NO and how 98%
Pure HNO3 is obtained?

How is caustic soda manufactured by electrolysis of brine using moving
Mercury as cathode?

b. What is meant by binary compounds of hydrogen? Give their classification?

Give preparations and chemical properties of covalent hydrides?
c. How is chlorine manufactured by Nelsons cell? Draw diagram.
Give equation for the auto oxidation-reduction reaction of chlorine?


Q5. A. explain molecular orbital treatment of benzene? Also draw resonance structure of
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b. give the structure of the following compounds (any 5)

i.pyrogallol ii. P-cresol iii. Caproic acid iv. β-methylbutyraldehyde

v. phenyl hydrazine vi. Diethyl acetylene

c. What happens when:

i. Acetone is treated with iodine in the presence of sodium carbonate.

ii. Methyl iodide is treated with sodium metal.

iii. Excess ethanol is treated with conc. H2SO4

iv. Solution of sucrose iterated with yeast.
v. Phenol is treated with bromine water.

Q6. A. what is nucleophile? Explain the reaction mechanism of SN1 and SN2 with examples.

b. What is fertilizer? Give its types? Explain phosphatic fertilizers?

c. Complete the following reactions:





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