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Year One: 2019-2020 School Year

Purchase 500 print fiction titles, 500 print nonfiction

Materials titles, 200 graphic novel titles, 150 audiobook titles, and Fall 2019
150 e-book titles
Purchase 25 periodical subscriptions (professional,
Materials Fall 2019
educational, and leisure reading titles)
Purchase 400 print fiction titles, 300 print nonfiction
Materials titles, 100 graphic novel titles, 100 audiobook titles, and Spring 2020
100 e-book titles
Year Two: 2020-2021 School Year
Personnel Hire a full-time paraprofessional Summer 2020
Materials Renew 25 periodical subscriptions and purchase an Fall 2020
additional 10 new subscriptions
Purchase 1,000 print fiction titles, 500 print nonfiction
Materials titles, 300 graphic novel titles, 50 audiobook titles, and Fall 2020
150 e-book titles
Purchase 250 print fiction titles, 100 print nonfiction
Materials titles, 50 graphic novel titles, 10 audiobook titles, and Spring 2021
40 e-book titles
Purchase 15,000 new book titles (print titles will be
stored in warehousing until construction on the new
facility is completed) - - Average title breakdown by
Materials Spring 2021
percentage: 40% print fiction titles, 30% print nonfiction
titles, 15% graphic novel titles, 5% audiobook titles, and
10% e-book titles
Year Three: 2021-2022 School Year
Personnel Hire an additional full time certified librarian Summer 2021
Materials Materials moved to new library facility Summer 2021
Facilities New 13,500 sq. ft. library facility opens Fall 2021
Materials moved to new library facility
Materials Renew 35 periodical subscriptions Spring 2022
Year Four: 2022-2023 School Year
Hire an additional full time paraprofessional Summer 2022
Renew 35 periodical subscriptions and purchase an Summer 2022
additional 10 new subscriptions
Year Five: 2023-2024 School Year
Renew 45 periodical subscriptions and purchase an
additional 5 new subscriptions

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