Classroom Structure Plan 1. Classroom Rules

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Classroom Structure Plan

1. Classroom Rules:
I intend to familiarize myself with the rules that my Teacher Mentor already has for the
classroom. I will also pay attention to how well the students are following these rules,
and will make note in how I can facilitate these rules while I am teaching. In addition, I
would also come up with some of my own rules for teaching:

- Listening: During instruction time, it is essential that students pay attention and are
listening to the activity instructions or the teaching time. This is imperative to their
understanding and learning.
- Respecting Others Work: In order for students to feel safe and to feel that they can
express their own learning, it is important that students respect each other’s work.
- Coming to Class Prepared to Learn: Students should be ready to come to class and
learn. They should have a positive attitude, and be ready and willing to put in effort
into their learning
- Keeping the Classroom Neat: By properly taking care of the materials in room, and
keeping work spaces neat, students create a better learning environment. No one
wants to work in a really chaotic, and messy space!
- Not Distracting Those who want to Work Silently: Students must remember that
everyone learns in different ways. Not all students can focus on their work and talk at
the same time. Some students really need to focus on their learning without being
distracted by others. Therefore, this also includes keeping the classroom noise level at
a reasonable level -or maintain periods of quiet work.

2. Classroom Procedures
- Attention-Getting Procedure: When wanting to get students attention, the teacher will
flicker on and off the lights, or ask “may I have your attention please.”
- Question- Answering Procedure: Students will be asked to raise their hand if they
have something to say. Students are forbidden from shouting out answers.
- If You Need Help Procedure: students should talk to a partner first, to see if they
might be able to help them. If their partner is unsure, students should come and see
the teacher for help. If the teacher is working with other students at the time, the
student should wait patiently in line.
- Leaving the Classroom: Students must ask the teacher if they can go for a drink or if
they need to use the washroom.
- Clean-up Procedure: Students will be given a ten-minute warning and a five-minute
warning, letting them know that they need to start thinking about cleaning
up/wrapping up the assignment the are working on.

3. Relationship-Building Plan
During my time at Immanuel Christian Elementary, I will do my best to learn names
within the first couple of weeks. This will greatly help in showing students that I am
aware of them as an individual and care about them as a person. I will make sure to smile
at the students and to take the time to visit each one of them over the course of the lesson.
I will also pay attention to how the student may be feeling that day. I will ask them
questions to get to know them on a deeper level, and to take interest in them as an

4. Intervention Plan:
Prevention: I will take note each class in how students may be feeling (are they tired,
angry etc.). Gaging this in the classroom will help me to be aware of what might be a
behaviour problem that day. If I am working with a student one-on-one, I will remember
to help them in a way that I can also see what is happening in the rest of the classroom. If
I notice that some students are starting to misbehave, I will address the issue right away
by giving them signals or by going and speaking quietly with them.
Reaction: If the student has ignored the quiet warnings that they have been given, then
they will be asked to change tables, or to work quietly at a table by the teacher’s desk.
Teacher to Student: The teacher may need to talk one-on-one with the student outside of
the classroom, to understand what is really going on with the student/what is causing
their behaviour.
Student, Teacher and Parent: The student’s parent may need to be involved, if the
student is still not listening. This may be either through email or a phone call home. Have
the student involved in this process as well.
Student and Admission: If the student is still misbehaving and not complying to the
rules of the classroom, they will be asked to see the Principle.

5. Reflections on Classroom Management Plan

Strengths: I believe that a strength of mine is patience and gentleness. I believe this is
important for being a good teacher whom students will respect. I also feel a strength of
mine, is getting to know the students individually.

Weakness: Time management during my lesson can be a difficult for me at times. I

usually have the problem where I have over planned a lesson. I also struggle with
classroom management at times, and in getting some students to behave.

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