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BLBLIOTREA MITROPOLIED IASI AGUA FEPTEZERMT ARIE - LUMI colectie coordonata de Magda Stavinschi STIINTA $I RELIGIE da la conflict la dialog colactie dedicat cArtli de epistemolagie stiintifica, de studiu inter- si transdisciplinar (gtiinta — teologie — spiritualitate) JON F, HAUGHT sa ndscut in anul 1942, Teolog de formatie (a ob- tinut doctorstul in 1970, Ia Catholic University of America, cu teza Foundations of The Hermeneutics of Eschaiclogy), este preocupat mai ales de raporturile dintre stiinja gi religie. $i-2 inceput carigea univer- sitara la Georgetown Liniversity (Washington, DC), in 1969, unde a recut prin toate ireptele didactice, pentru a deveni jrufesor titular de teologie in ancl 1986 (in 1996, Landegger Distinguished Professor). Din anul 1996, este fondator irector al Cieoreetown (enter tor the Stuy of Science and Religion (GCSSR). A publicai sure de studi sia finut numeroasc Conferinge (gtiinpitice gi de Populsrizarc}: este editor al unor volume enlective i aulor al unor arti- cole de cneiclopedic (Encyclopedia uf Science and Retighin, The New Cathelir bnevelopedia Supplement), intre canile sale se numitri Retponses 10 101 Questions an God and Evolution (New York: Pauligy Press, 2001): God After Darwin: A Thenlozy af Evolution (Boulder, Co- lorade: Westview Press, 2000; tradusi in italian’, portughesi si shove: ea) Science and Religion: From Canifict to Conueesasion (New York: Paulist Press, 1995: tradusa in shineza); The Promin: of Nature: Aealogy and Coumic Purpose (New York: Mamlist Pres, 193): Mextery and Promise: A Theology of Revelaticn (Collegeville: Liturgical Preas, 1993; tradusé in portughexa): The Cosmic Adventure: Science, Religion sand the Quest for Purpose (New York: Paulist Press, L9E4): Natere anit Purpose (Lanham, Me: University Press of America, 1980), STINTA $1 RELIGIE de la conflict la diaiog © XXL: EONUL DOGMATIC, 2002 TSBN 973-85 146-7- Volmmal apare sub egida Trogramulut CCIDS) (C snologia Conlemporand, Interfags pentru Dialogul dintre Seint& gi Toole), desfigurat in cadrul Instinutului Astronomical Academici Romane, cu sprijimul CTNS (Center for Theology. and the Natural Sciences), Berkeley, Programul $80 TI (Science and the Spantual Quest). AaPr pre ner att ag 4 ' “ JOHN F, HAUGHT Stiinta si religie de la conflict la dialog traducere din limba engleva de Magda Stavinschi Doina Ionescu ® XXI: EONUL DOGMATIC Bucuresti, 2002

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