Cvsize (Control Valve Sizing)

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Users Notes

1. These worksheets have been saved in password protected form, thus the user can only
change the entries in the pink cells.

2. The worksheets can be run in British or Metric units, by entering b or m in the first pink
cell. This line of input will not appear on printed output. The printed area is outlined by a
top, right side and bottom border.

3. Four control valve sizing worksheets are currently provided, namely :-

Option 1 Sizing - Vapour

Option 2 Rating - Vapour
Option 3 Sizing - Liquid
Option 4 Rating - Liquid

4. Subroutines are used to predict some of the input data for these worksheets, such as the gas
compressibility factor. These predictions are shown, in red, to the right of the appropriate entry.
It is up to the user to decide whether to use them, and if so to enter the values in the appropriate
pink cells.

5. Cells coloured orange play no part in the calculations, but have been included for information
purposes. Thus, for example, the outlet temperature is shown on all four worksheets, but not
used in the calculation. It provides a useful record of the adiabatic flash temperature.

© A.R. Singlehurst - AMEC Process & Energy Ltd - April 1999

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General Theory

The control valve sizing equations are taken from the Gas Processors Suppliers Association
(GPSA) Engineering Data Book.

Liquid Control Valves

The standard equation for liquid control valve sizing is :-

Q = Cv*(DP/SG)0.5

where Q volumetric flowrate - us gallons/min

Cv liquid flow coefficient
DP pressure drop across valve - lb/ins2
Pu upstream pressure - lb/ins2 abs
Pd downstream pressure - lb/ins2 abs
SG liquid specific gravity at flowing temperature

By definition, therefore, a flow of 1 usgpm of water through a valve with a pressure drop of
1 psi gives a liquid flow coefficient of 1.

For liquids, if the pressure at the minimum area is reduced to the liquid's vapour pressure a
cavitation zone is formed which restricts the flow. Further decreases in pressure will not
increase the flow.

GPSA gives a graph of critical flow pressure ratios for liquids, and this has been fitted to a
polynomial equation, thus :-

rc = 0.9262238-0.6702021*(Pv/Pc)+0.9714454*(Pv/Pc) 2-0.5264181*(Pv/Pc)3

where Pv vapour pressure at flowing temperature - lb/ins 2 abs

Pc thermodynamic critical pressure - lb/ins2 abs

For flashing liquids GPSA gives the maximum allowable pressure drop that is effective in
producing flow as :-

DPa = Km*(Pu-rc*Pv)

where Km liquid recovery coefficient

If the actual DP is less than DPa then the actual DP is used in the standard liquid sizing
equation as the flow is subcritical, i.e. non choked.

GPSA gives a table of typical Km and Cv values for valves in liquid service, and this is
displayed on the screen for the selected valve type. It should be noted that the values are
for equal percentage valves with standard trim, and for linear valves with anti cavitation trim.

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Vapour Control Valves

The liquid flow coefficient Cv tends to be used for both liquid and vapour control valves.
GPSA defines a separate gas flow coefficient Cg and relates the two by C1 = Cg/Cv.

GPSA gives the following equation for vapour control valve sizing :-

M = 1.1*Cg*(Rho*Pu)0.5*sin(3417/C1*(DP/Pu)0.5)

where M mass flowrate - lb/h

DP pressure drop across valve - lb/ins2
Pu upstream pressure - lb/ins2 abs
Pd downstream pressure - lb/ins2 abs
Rho upstream density - lb/ft3

When the sine angle is 90 degrees the equation will predict the value at critical flow. For
conditions that would result in an angle greater than 90 degrees the equation must be limited
to 90 degrees, since no further increase in pressure drop can cause an increase in flow.

The GPSA vapour control valve sizing equation differs from those given by control valve
manufacturers such as Masoneilan, however the results are very similar.

GPSA gives a table of typical C1 and Cg values for valves in vapour service, and this is
displayed on the screen for the selected valve type. Since users are likely to be more
familiar with Cv values, and these are related by Cv = Cg/C1, they are also displayed. It is the
Cv value that is entered when rating the valve. It should be noted that the Cv values displayed
for linear valves differ from those displayed when sizing liquid control valves. This is because
the liquid ones have anti cavitation trims.

Finally, the GPSA Cg value of 8300 listed for an 8" equal percent globe valve is so similar to
that of 8200 listed for a 6" valve as to suggest a printing error in their handbook. A more
realistic value of 11900 has been used in the table displayed in the program.

The gas compressibility factor subroutine uses Pápay's formula, thus

Z = 1-3.52*Pr/10(0.9813*Tr)+0.274*Pr2/10(0.8157*Tr)

The formula requires the reduced pressure and temperature of the gas. These are calculated
from the critical pressure and temperature of the gas, thus Pr = P/Pc and Tr = T/Tc.

If steam, air or nitrogen is selected as the fluid type then the actual molecular weight of the
gas is displayed, and its actual critical pressure and temperature used.

For hydrocarbons, plotting the molecular weight versus the critical properties for methane to
n-heptane gives the following equations, in psia and °R.

If MW < 30 then Pc = 622.0509+2.851652*MW else Pc = 1596.676-259.5236*ln(MW)

Tc = -613.6511+341.7045*ln(MW)

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This table lists typical C1 and Cg values for gases at about 70 % valve travel.


Size Equal Percent Linear Equal Percent Equal Percent
ins C1 Cg C1 Cg C1 Cg C1 Cg
1 32.7 270 31.9 528 31.3 363 - -
1½ 33.0 578 32.4 1020 28.9 1050 - -
2 33.2 851 32.0 2050 30.3 1620 25.2 965
3 32.9 2150 31.5 3970 27.9 3180 25.2 3120
4 33.8 4100 33.2 6260 28.1 5010 25.2 6400
6 35.3 8200 34.4 13000 28.4 8960 24.5 17500
8 34.0 11900 36.6 18100 29.5 15100 24.5 31100
10 - - - - 27.8 26900 24.5 48500
12 - - - - 28.2 46300 24.5 75300
14 - - - - - - 24.5 89000
16 - - - - - - 24.5 124000

This table lists typical C1 and Cv values for gases at about 70 % valve travel.


Size Equal Percent Linear Equal Percent Equal Percent
ins C1 Cv C1 Cv C1 Cv C1 Cv
1 32.7 7.8 31.9 16.6 31.3 11.6 - -
1½ 33.0 17.4 32.4 31.5 28.9 36.3 - -
2 33.2 25.4 32.0 64.1 30.3 53.4 25.2 38.3
3 32.9 66 31.5 126 27.9 114 25.2 124
4 33.8 125 33.2 189 28.1 178 25.2 254
6 35.3 239 34.4 378 28.4 316 24.5 713
8 34.0 350 36.6 495 29.5 512 24.5 1270
10 - - - - 27.8 967 24.5 1980
12 - - - - 28.2 1640 24.5 3070
14 - - - - - - 24.5 3630
16 - - - - - - 24.5 5070

This table lists typical Km and Cv values for liquids at about 70 % valve travel.


Size Equal Percent Linear Equal Percent Equal Percent
ins Km Cv Km Cv Km Cv Km Cv
1 0.77 7.8 0.87 8.3 0.74 11.6 - -
1½ 0.70 17.4 0.82 11.7 0.72 36.3 - -
2 0.72 25.4 0.81 19.9 0.60 53.4 0.55 38.3
3 0.68 66 0.89 40.4 0.67 114 0.55 124
4 0.68 125 0.80 73.5 0.68 178 0.55 254
6 0.73 239 0.82 100 0.68 316 0.55 713
8 - - - - 0.61 512 0.55 1270
10 - - - - 0.66 967 0.55 1980
12 - - - - 0.60 1640 0.55 3070
14 - - - - - - 0.55 3630
16 - - - - - - 0.55 5070

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Process Department
Control Valve Sizing - Rev 0

Project Number L0336

Project Client Phillips
Project Name Jade
User Name P. Cavallo
Date 21-Mar-19
Control Valve Name/Number Option 1

Control Valve Conditions Line 1

Line 2

Control valve type Globe

Control valve characteristics Equal percent
Control valve size - ins 3
Control valve design Cv 66
Control valve flow Critical

Gas mass flowrate kg/h 2500.0

Gas volume flowrate m3(st)/h 3452.7

Inlet temperature °C 33.0

Inlet pressure bara 63.0
Outlet temperature °C 33.0
Outlet pressure bara 6.0

Pressure drop across valve bar 57.0

Critical flow pressure drop bar 45.9
Degree - actual
Degree - limited

Gas molecular weight 17.19

Compressibility factor 0.91
Gas density kg/m3 46.73

Gas/liquid coefficient C1 32.4

Gas flow coefficient Cg 97.0
Liquid flow coefficient Cv 2.9952

Process Department
Control Valve Sizing - Rev 0

Project Number
Project Client
Project Name
User Name
Date 21-Mar-19
Control Valve Name/Number Option 2

Control Valve Conditions Line 1

Line 2

Control valve type Globe

Control valve characteristics Linear
Control valve size - ins
Control valve design Cv
Control valve flow Critical

Gas mass flowrate kg/h 2319.9

Gas volume flowrate m3(st)/h 3243.6

Inlet temperature °C 54.0

Inlet pressure bara 63.0
Outlet temperature °C 37.0
Outlet pressure bara 6.0

Pressure drop across valve bar 57.0

Critical flow pressure drop bar 44.5
Degree - actual
Degree - limited

Gas molecular weight 16.98

Compressibility factor 0.95
Gas density kg/m3 41.38

Gas/liquid coefficient C1 31.9

Gas flow coefficient Cg 95.7
Liquid flow coefficient Cv 3

Process Department
Control Valve Sizing - Rev 0

Project Number L0328

Project Client Norsk Hydro
Project Name Grane Field
User Name A.R. Singlehurst
Date 21-Mar-19
Control Valve Name/Number Option 3

Control Valve Conditions Line 1

Line 2

Control valve type Globe

Control valve characteristics Equal percent
Control valve size - ins 1.5
Control valve design Cv 17.4
Control valve flow Sub-critical

Liquid mass flowrate kg/h 3974.5627981

Liquid volume flowrate m3/h 4.0

Inlet temperature °C 50.0

Inlet pressure bara 29.8
Outlet temperature °C 50.0
Outlet pressure bara 28.3

Pressure drop across valve bar 1.5

Critical flow pressure drop bar 17.1

Vapour pressure bara 6

Thermodynamic critical pressure bara 200
Liquid density kg/m3 1000

Liquid recovery coefficient Km 0.7

Liquid flow coefficient Cv 3.7

Process Department
Control Valve Sizing - Rev 0

Project Number L0328

Project Client Norsk Hydro
Project Name Grane Field
User Name A.R. Singlehurst
Date 21-Mar-19
Control Valve Name/Number Option 4

Control Valve Conditions Line 1

Line 2

Control valve type Globe

Control valve characteristics Equal percent
Control valve size - ins 2
Control valve design Cv 25.4
Control valve flow Sub-critical

Liquid mass flowrate kg/h 24931.5

Liquid volume flowrate m3/h 23.1

Inlet temperature °C 33.0

Inlet pressure bara 25.0
Outlet temperature °C 33.0
Outlet pressure bara 22.0

Pressure drop across valve bar 3.0

Critical flow pressure drop bar 17.3
Pressure drop - limited
Critical flow pressure ratio

Vapour pressure bara 1

Thermodynamic critical pressure bara 220
Liquid density kg/m3 1080

Liquid recovery coefficient Km 0.72

Liquid flow coefficient Cv 16


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