Worksheet 01

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After reading an excerpt from Wires and lights, answer the following HIGH PERFORMANCE SCHOOL

 What does ‘look now, pay later’ mean?

……………………………………………. John Logie Baird was a scottish engineer and inventor, he was born on August
 The word ‘candor’ means. 14th, 1888. During his life Baird invented a lot of different things, but he is famous
………………………………. because he was the man who invented one of the most popular electronic
 The word ‘fleeting’ means. devices in the world – the television.
………………………………… As a child Baird was very interested in electricity and technology. As a teenager,
 The word ‘discourse’ means. he changed the lights in his family’s house from gas lamps to electric lights! He
………………………………… also created a small phone network which connected his bedroom with his
friends’ bedrooms in houses across the street!
To what extend the television can turn into an isolation or inspiring
After WORLD War I, Baird moved to England to start work on the development
of television. A lot of scientists were doing similar work, but in October 1925 Baird
was the first person to produce and transmit television image that moved. He also
………………………………………………………………………………… invented the first working television and demonstrated his television to 50
………………………………………………………………………………… scientists in London on January 26th 1926. A year later he formed the Baird
……………………………………………………………………………….. Television Development Company. The BTD was the company which transmitted
the first transatlantic television signal from London to New York.
How can the society contribute to make the television an inspiring Baird died on June 14th 1946, but his invention lives on. Today television is a form
instrument and not a producer of ignorance, intolerance and of entertainment which is popular all over the world. People watch TV in their free
indifference? time to relax and to learn about the world.


Radio and television

FULL NAME:………………………………………………………………
CLASS:…………. DATE:…………………………………………….
A world full of opportunities is waiting for you! HIGH PERFORMANCE SCHOOL ANCASH

Let’s answer the questions: WIRES AND LIGHTS

This just might do nobody any good. At the end of this discourse a few people
 What nationality was John Logie Baird?
may accuse this reporter of fouling his own comfortable nest, and your
organization may be accused of having given hospitality to heretical and even
 When was he born?
dangerous thoughts. But I am persuaded that the elaborate structure of
networks, advertising agencies and sponsors will not be shaken or altered. It is
 What was he interested in as a child?
my desire, if not my duty, to try to talk to you journeymen with some candor
about what is happening to radio and television in this generous and capacious
 Why did he move to England after World War I? land. I have no technical advice or counsel to offer those of you who labor in
………………………………………………………….. this vineyard the one that produces words and pictures. You will, I am sure,
 When did he give the first demonstration of his television? forgive me for not telling you that the instruments with which you work are
……………………………………………………………………. miraculous, that your responsibility is unprecedented or that your aspirations
Read the factfiles below and talk with a partner. are frequently frustrated. It is not necessary to remind you of the fact that your
voice, amplified to the degree where it reaches from one end of the country to
the other, does not confer upon you greater wisdom than when your voice
reached only from one end of the bar to the other. All of these things you know.
Alexander Graham Bell Laszló Biró
Nationality: Scotish Nationality: Hungarian Our history will be what we make it. And if there are any historians about fifty or
Occupation: scientist and Occupation: journalist and a hundred years from now, and there should be preserved the kinescopes for
inventor inventor one week of all three networks, they will there find recorded in black and white,
Born: March 3rd, 1847 Born: September 29th, 1899 or perhaps in color, evidence of decadence, escapism and insulation from the
Died: August 2nd, 1922 Died: October 24th, 1985 realities of the world in which we live. I invite your attention to the television
Inventions : 1875 – the telephone Inventions : 1931 – the ball point schedules of all networks between the hours of 8 and 11 p.m., Eastern Time.
pen (biro) Here you will find only fleeting and spasmodic reference to the fact that this
nation is in mortal danger. There are, it is true, occasional informative programs
presented in that intellectual ghetto on Sunday afternoons. But during the daily
peak viewing periods, television in the main insulates us from the realities of the
world in which we live. If this state of affairs continues, we may alter an
advertising slogan to read: LOOK NOW, AND PAY LATER.

WORKSHEET TEACHERS: William Andahua and Alan Campos Dummett, Paul; Hughes, John and Stephenson, Helen. (2013). Life Intermediate

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