The Zodiac Signs Reading Comprehension Exercises - 22289

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Aries Characteristics (Mar 21 - Apr 20)

Aries is the first of the twelve zodiacs. It represents the beginning of all
things. Aries is adventurous, energetic, leader, and brave. Aries always
wants to be on top. He is frank and open but also self-centred. Aries
loves adventures and doesn’t have fear. He has great enthusiasm. Aries is
loyal to family and friends. Aries is a good athlete, doctor, explorer, and
soldier. Sometimes he likes physical, emotional and mental extremes.

Taurus Characteristics (Apr 21 - May 21)

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. He is patient, loving, persistent,
and determined. Taurus has great interest in all physical matters. Taurus
is faithful to friends. But, when you insult a Taurus, he doesn’t forget
easily. Taurus likes to be part of a team. He has reputation for
stubbornness. Taurus is a good teacher, scientist, designer, and chef.

Gemini Characteristics (May 22 - Jun 21)

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. He is a good communicator. He is
active and intelligent. Gemini is adaptable, communicative, intellectual,
and eloquent. Sometimes he is pessimistic. It is because of his dualistic
nature. Gemini likes being part of a group. He always respects the rules
of the game. Gemini is tolerant, helpful in any situation. He has verbal
facility. Gemini likes travelling and socialising. Gemini is a good lawyer,
politician and public speaker.

Cancer Characteristics (June 22 - July 22)

Cancer is protective, traditional, and emotional. Cancer is probably the
most emotional of all the signs. This makes Cancer romantic and shy.
Sometimes Cancer is aggressive to get what he wants. He likes extremes:
he is happy and sad in a short period of time. He is sensitive. He takes
everything very personally. He finds his security in his family. Cancer
doesn’t like being criticised or insulted. He is a good lawyer, architect,
designer, and painter.

Leo Characteristics (Jul 23 - Aug 23)

Leo is a lion: energetic, free, and independent. He is an excellent leader.
He is authoritative. He is very loyal to other people, even to his enemies.
He likes socialising. Leo likes getting the attention of others. He is good
in many different jobs and learns easily. He likes children and is a good
father. Leo is a good leader, manager, and negotiator.

Virgo Characteristics (Aug 24 - Sep 22)

Virgo likes attacking back when confronted. Virgo likes receiving a lot of
attention, and adoration. He is competent and effective. He likes
rationality, and helping solve problems. He doesn’t do it for compliments.
Virgo is perfectionist; he likes order and cleanness in his home. Virgo
changes friends a lot. He has only a few real friends because he gives
very special value to friendship. Virgo is very bright and educated. He is a
good scientist, teacher, analyst and planner.
Libra Characteristics (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Libra is very sociable and likes to be a part of a group. Libra is
perfectionist. He is loyal, nice, and adaptive. Libras are very trustful in
friendships and relationships. Sometimes he is possessive to other people.
Libra likes large, open spaces like halls and stadiums. He likes nature.
Libra is a good judge, manager, writer and social worker.

Scorpio Characteristics (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Scorpio has a very complicated personality. He is intelligent, calculating,
and self protective. Money is very important for Scorpio. Sometimes he
has "a sixth sense": he feels things by intuition that other people doesn’t
feel. He is very loyal and protective with his friends. He changes radically
in different situations. He is a good actor. He lies a lot when he wants. In
relationships, he is very jealous. Scorpio is a good teacher, actor,
businessman, accountant and sociologist.
Sagittarius Characteristics (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Sagittarius has energetic and active personality. He likes travelling and
nature. He is optimistic, and honest. Other people often share their
problems with Sagittarius. He isn’t very emotional. He adapts quickly to
any situation. Sagittarius is a good friend. He is very curious. It makes
them well educated and intelligent people. Sometimes Sagittarius is
rebellious but he calms down and returns to his normal nature. He is a
good salesman, scientist, researcher and analyst.

Capricorn Characteristics (Dec 22 - Jan 20)

Capricorn never repeats his errors or mistakes. He is very careful, and
practical. He has a reserved personality. His personality is also kind and
affectionate but is suppressed by shyness. He tries to be perfect in
everything; he misses great opportunities because of insecurity in his
abilities. Capricorn is a good politician, economist and banker.

Aquarius Characteristics (Jan 21 - Feb 19)

Aquarius has a good sense of humour. He is nice but he isn’t very sociable.
He prefers being alone or with his best friends. He likes receiving
compliments. He entertains other people. Usually he’s calm and sincere.
But, when he gets angry, he is dangerous. Aquarius is a good worker. He
usually has many different hobbies and is creative. Aquarius is a good
computer scientist, doctor, pilot and writer.

Pisces Characteristics (Feb 20 - Mar 20)

Pisces is independent and mystical. He is sensitive and loving. He adapts
and changes according to the situation. Pisces works many different
activities at the same time and he is successful in all of them. He
tolerates other people's attitude. It makes Pisces a very strong friend.
He also learns easily. He is religious and pays strong attention to family.
Pisces is good for any profession.

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