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Understanding The Effects Use Of Emoticon and Text of Communication

Romeo John Perez , John Lloyd Galvante

The purpose of the study is to provide a Understanding the usage for Emoticons and Text for
communication, In regards the scope for the study is to analyze and to understand the between said for use
of ways to communicate. We focus on the on the message sender perspective about on how people motives
to ways to communicate, We tackle the types of emoticons and a non-verbal communication for the study.
Communication technology are rather moving forward since the beginning of the growing diverse of way
communicating in terms of old fashioned communication technology, now a days we people tend to express
our self by the way of texting. But what is really texting? The feature has grown from being favored by the
tech-savvy to a universal staple. It’s allowed us to be more efficient, Independent and rather direct when
we communicate, you text someone to let them know When you’re running late or having an emergency.
By means we express our self thru texts, that enters the emoticons. We human since the beginning of stone
age we are used to carve symbols , emoticon , and the of how we communicate. The effects use of emoticons
are mainstream as we are getting hooked to it, we use it for everyday to communicate thru texts.

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