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About the Media Charge_Optimal Ball Size Spreadsheet ...

Scope :

The Media Charge_Optimal Ball Size spreadsheet was designed to estimate the ideal make-up ball size to any given
grinding application, on the basis of the empirical correlations independently proposed by Ettore Azzaroni and Allis
Chalmers. In the normal case that such ideal ball size is not commercially available, this spreadsheet also allows for the
design of a mix recharge policy (maximum 2 different make-up sizes) with the same ideal ball charge area.

Theoretical Framework :

In a first attempt to provide an answer as to what would be the ideal size (diameter) of balls to be continuously recharged
to any given grinding mill - in order to achieve maximum performance out of such mill - the following two (amongst others)
independent empirical correlations have been proposed in the literature :

Ettore Azzaroni's Formula : (3rd ARMCO-Chile Symposium, Nov. 10-14, 1980)

dB* = 4.5 F800.263 ( r s Wi )0.4 / (N D)0.25

Allis Chalmers' Formula : (Mineral Processing Plant Design, Chapter 12, SME of AIME, 1980)

dB* = 1.354 (F80)0.5 [ r s Wi / (Nc D0.5) ]1/3

where :

dB* = Ideal Make-up Ball Size, mm

F80 = 80% Passing Size in the Fresh Feed Stream, microns
rs = Ore Density, ton/m3
Wi = Bond's Work Index of the ore, kWh/ton (metric)
N = Rotational Mill Speed, rpm
Nc = Rotational Mill Speed, as a percentage of the Mill Critical Speed.
D = Effective Mill Diameter, feet.

For further background references on this sort of calculations, see Moly-Cop Tools spreadsheet Media Charge_Strings.

Data Input :

All input data required must be defined in each corresponding unprotected white background cell of the here attached
Optimal Ball Size worksheet. Gray background cells contain the results of the corresponding formulas there defined and
are protected to avoid any accidental editing.

New Moly-Cop Tools users are invited to explore the brief inserted comments in the most relevant cells, rendering the use
of the attached worksheet self-explanatory.

Moly-Cop Tools / 412665501.xls 03/20/2019 / 21:13:53

Moly-Cop Tools / 412665501.xls 03/20/2019 / 21:13:53
s designed to estimate the ideal make-up ball size to any given
tions independently proposed by Ettore Azzaroni and Allis
not commercially available, this spreadsheet also allows for the
ake-up sizes) with the same ideal ball charge area.

be the ideal size (diameter) of balls to be continuously recharged

performance out of such mill - the following two (amongst others)
in the literature :

sium, Nov. 10-14, 1980)

/ (N D)0.25

esign, Chapter 12, SME of AIME, 1980)

Wi / (Nc D0.5) ]1/3

ed Stream, microns

h/ton (metric)

tage of the Mill Critical Speed.

tions, see Moly-Cop Tools spreadsheet Media Charge_Strings.

nding unprotected white background cell of the here attached

contain the results of the corresponding formulas there defined and

ief inserted comments in the most relevant cells, rendering the use

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Moly-Cop Tools / 412665501.xls 03/20/2019 / 21:13:53
Moly-Cop Tools TM
(Version 2.0)

Remarks : Base Case Example.

Mill Dimensions and Operating Conditions :

Eff. Diameter, ft 8.00 Eff. Diameter, m 2.44

Eff. Length, ft 8.00 Eff. Length, m 2.44
% Critical Speed 70.00 Mill Speed, rpm 18.96
Ball Dens., ton/m3 (app) 4.65 Mill Volume, m3 11.41
Ball Filling, % (app) 40.00 Charge Weight, tons 21.22
Scrap Size, in 0.50

Ore Properties :
Ore Density Work Index Feed Size, F80
ton/m3 kWh/ton (metric) microns
2.80 12.50 6350


AZZARONI's Formula :

Optimal Ball Size, in 2.82 String Area, m2/m3 66.77


Optimal Ball Size, in 2.38 String Area, m2/m3 78.71

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Moly-Cop Tools TM
(Version 2.0)

Remarks : Base Case Example.

Mill Dimensions and Operating Conditions :

Eff. Diameter, ft 8.00 Eff. Diameter, m 2.44

Eff. Length, ft 8.00 Eff. Length, m 2.44
% Critical Speed 70.00 Mill Speed, rpm 18.96
Ball Dens., ton/m3 (app) 4.65 Mill Volume, m3 11.41
Ball Filling, % (app) 40.00 Charge Weight, tons 21.22
Scrap Size, in 0.50

Balanced Charge : Overall

String 1 String 2 Charge Area
Top Size, in 4.00 3.50 Indicated Mix
Specific Area, m2/m3 47.16 53.86 53.40
Recharge Policy, % 6.00 94.00 Target Value
Mill Charge Content, % 6.79 93.21 53.38
Excess Area 0.02

Balanced Charge,
Ball Size, in % Passing % Passing % Retained
4.0 100.00 100.00 1.59
3.5 58.61 100.00 27.01
3.0 31.62 53.96 34.99
2.5 15.24 26.00 20.25
2.0 6.23 10.63 10.37
1.5 1.95 3.33 4.37
1.0 0.37 0.63 1.30
0.5 0.00 0.00 0.12

Weight, tons 1.44 19.78 21.22

Volume, m3 (app) 0.31 4.25 4.56
Area, m2 15 229 244
# Balls per ton 823 1203 1177

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