Emcee Script

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Emcee script

N:Let's all welcome our ever serious yet soft spoken Dean, Sir Christopher Biore, to give us a
heartwarming opening remarks,A round of applause please

*Sir Biore's opening remarks

N: Thank you so much Sir Biore for that really heartwarming remarks.(*adlibs/comment) Now another
stunning man of our own, we have Atty.Virgil Vallecera to lead the CBEX and sub.org officers for their


N: Before we continue, attention to students, we are actually having a game where in the highest
number of selfies taken during tonight, whether it will be together with your crush, friends, loved ones,
teachers or to anyone, take it. So grab your phones, cams and the selfie game will simultaneously begin.

N: Now continuing,At this time we would like to request the mysterious game masters tonight to break
the ice for this evening. The stage is all yours.


N: Are you all having a good time? (*Repeat if low energy) That's it!Now right at this moment, let's lend
our attention to the videos that's going to be shown in front. The following videos are the BES T PREP-UP
VIDEOS made by of course our very own students. Let's look at how they prepared for tonight's event.

*Prep-up videos

N: In relation to that, I would like to give thanks to. My sponsors. My parents for allowing me to buy this
dress and wear it for tonight, hair and.make up by______. And the style is brought to you by yourself
truly. Now the moment that we have all been waiting for, let's take our dinner to give justice to our
grumbling stomachs. We request Christy Binondo for the blessing of the food.

*Prayer then INSTRUCT, then right after EAT DINNER

*After settling down(still having dinner/dinnertime)

N: While your having your bountiful supper, let's hear the soothing voices of Miculo Jules Tambolero,
Victor Emmanuel Lumod, Trisha Emily Yu and Justine Pasilang to serenade our night. For the information
of everyone Victor and Trisha will be our participants for the duet singing contest while Justine will be
our entry for the solo singing competition this upcoming Intramurals 2018, so let's all give them our
support. Okay, you may now take the stage.

N: Let's pause for awhile singers for we have another surprise for everyone to see. Eyes on the screen,
and let's witness our beloved teachers as they go through an ambush interview. Enjoy!


N: (*adlib/comment) At this segment, another performance will be presented right before our eyes let's
have an entry for SPOKEN POETRY.

*Spoken poetry

N: Wohoo~ (*ad-libs/comments) Tonight not only are we gonna witness the talents from CBA but, we
will get a chance to meet our athlete's and our contestants for the miss and mister intramurals, when?
Right at this moment, give it up for the CBA ATHLETES!


N: let's give them a resounding applause. Let's also give them our all out support for this upcoming
Intramurals 2018.

N: Now tonight we are going to start our PASTARAN COMPETITION,(*READS MECHANICS/CRITERIA). Let's
start, this organization is composed of youths empowering

Members to excel academically to professionally, they are our future managers give it up for JPMAP.


N: (*comments/adlibs) Now for our next performance, another performer will give us a SPOKEN POETRY,
a warm of applause please.

*Spoken poetry

N: (*comment/adlib) Now, continuing our pastaran competition, the next performer is also where I
belong to , we just had an event last month the accountancy week. They engage youths especially
students in their activities and ensure participation and development among it's members. They are our
future accountants give it up for JPIA.


N: let's take a break from all the performances, so next performers take your time to prepare. Okay, once
again give it up for our masters of game tonight.


N: Now that we have taken break, nothing's gonna stop these performances from coming. Our next
contingent on the pastaran competition is an organization That encourages sustainable connections of
students to FINEX,"Transform for a sustainable future of Today", our future finance and business
Graduates give it up for JFINEX

N:(*adlib/comments) Let's proceed to our next performance, they are our last but they are definitely not
the least. This organization is Crossing borders, engaging in different activities that expands networking
of students, our future marketers give it up for PJMA


N:(*comment/ad-libs) Wow, I really am proud to be part of the college of business and accountancy, with
this oozing could I ask for more ? Then again we will give you more, another ground breaking
performance for the SPOKEN POETRY , let's give a round of applause.

*Spoken poetry present

N: we truly are bombarded by talents this evening, are you having fun ???(*energy check)

Let's keep that energy up until the last moment. Now, let's acknowledge and welcome on stage our ever
active and supportive CBEX advisers. This event would definitely not be possible without them. Let's
have Miss Elouis Tejada, Mr Lyndon Carlos Ogoc and Mr.Erik Legaspi, a booming applause from everyone.


N: At this part, we are going to have a talented teacher lending his voice. I am actually looking forward to
this performance. He is not just excelling in academics but tonight we are going to witness his
miniconcert 2018 live at jcentre mall convention give it up for Mr. Monriud Cabahug

*Sir Mon

N: (*adlibs/comments) This night will not end without acknowledging our winners for the different
competitions as well as awarding our teachers. Starting off, let's have the teachers who's names are
embedded on our most punctual list we have___________. Congratulations mam sir and keep the
record. Now to award our pastaran winners may we request ______ to do the honor of announcing and
awarding the winners. Next, let's have the Mr.and miss millenial of the night. For the information of all,
our CBEX Advisers have picked the students male and female for the best outfits for tonight. Now before
we announce the winners, may we know,whose your bet?(*adlibs). Okay Miss and Mr. millennial of the
night is__________. congratulations you two looking splendid tonight.

N: Now let's take a huge breath (*inhale exhale) for the next and final performance is going to rock and
shake this hall tonight. Let's give the floor not to the students now, but paving the way and breaking
borders tonight we have our beloved Faculty members on their never be seen performance. SIR , MAM,
ITS REALLY YOUR TIME TO SHINE, SLAY IT ON STAGE. together with the CBEX officers .

N:(adlibs) Every beginning has always an end but the memories within will always be Kept. To give us
closing remarks let's have sir Erik

N: (adlibs) Did we all have a good time? I hope you did. (*Ending) Enjoy the rest of the night and have a
good day.

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