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The Cause and Effects of Playing Online Games to the Academic

Performance of Grade 11 STEM Senior High School Students in

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

A Research Proposal Presented

To the Senior High School Department

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

In Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Subject

Research I






Ms. Ritchel Boiser


2018 – 2019

Table of Contents

Title Page i

Table of Contents ii

Chapter I: Introduction 1

Rationale of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 4

Theoretical Background 5

Significance of the Study 8

Scopes and Delimitations 9

Definition of Terms 10

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature 11

Chapter III: Research Methodology. 14

Research Design 14

Research Environment 14

Research Participants 14

Research Procedure 15

Research Instrument 15

Chapter IV: Data Presentation 17

Data Analysis 17

Data Interpretation 17

Chapter V: Synthesis 19

Summary of Findings 19

Conclusion 20

Recommendation 20

Bibliography 22

Appendices 23

Research Questionnaire 23

Environment Map 27

Curriculum Vitae 28

Chapter I

The Problem and Its Scope


Rationale of the study

Technology made everything possible, from enhancing the work time of

workers, building better communications, improving lifelong learnings and many

more. As time passes by, technology also changed the way people perceive

entertainment. From text to photograph, then from photographs to video, then

from videos to video games, then from video games to online games. The online

game is the most revolutionary entertainment platform around the globe. People

are into this entertainment because of the fact that it is really fun. Having this

entertainment really changed the way players think, say, move and interact with

people. Online games affect people psychological activity by means of

entertainment. It is because the game really absorbs to the minds of players

because of the aspect of being entertainment, people gradually focus more on

the things that are interesting.


The researchers will conduct this research with all the STEM Student

participants at the grounds of Annex 2 building of University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu

and Mandaue.

According to Knowledge E Publishing (2015), Students’ learning takes

place unexpectedly, but the inappropriate usage of playing online games also

leads to some problems such as being distracted in school.

Despite those benefits, playing these games also bring negative effects. It

requires much of the player’s time, leaving school activities and home works

unattended. (Op Papers, 2016)

Online games have good effects on the mindset of some people but

students tend to suffer bad effects more due to some factors. The problem is

severe, especially for students because students are really attracted to this

entertainment as a pastime. Having a distraction in studies can cause trouble not

only on the way player interact but also the academic performance is also

affected. As an example, A STEM student named John is addicted to playing

online games using a mobile device. John skipped classes and got a very low

performance academically. Also, with a STEM student named Victor that is very

addicted to an online game named Dota 2. Victor although never skipped class

but got low performance due to focusing too much on that game rather than

focusing on the lesson given by the teachers in front.

As a researcher, the main objective of this research is to know the effects

of online games to the Grade 11 STEM students of University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu


and Mandaue. Knowing the effects of online games on the student is important.

It is a part of the awareness of people who are new to this entertainment, so

that the freshmen will be warned and aware of the effects of online games, and

the players who are attached or addicted to gaming, can realize the effects that

online games caused to the players and eventually change the way the use this

entertainment. Having this kind of entertainment is not bad, it can cause good

effects too like critical thinking, good communication, and coordination. But

talking this too is always bad that is why awareness is one of the ways for


The main purpose of this study is to help a human being, not just for

saving a penny, but also for saving lives. Gaming can be fun but it can also be

dangerous in human health. Although some people can prevent and minimize the

risk of playing too much, most people are prone to these effects. Awareness is

better than having no idea at all. It is best to let people what is up rather than to

action or do nothing.

Statement of the Problem

General Problem:

The study aims to know the Effects of playing online games to the

academic performance of Grade 11 STEM Senior High School Students of

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue. This study is to be conducted during

the second semester or the school year 2017-2018 . The basis of this study will

be the “Gaming Awareness Seminar.”

Specific Problem:

Generally, it needs to answer the following specific problems:

1. What is the Frequency in the usage of playing online games?

2. How does it affect their performance in the school?
3. What are the reasons why student plays online games?
4. Based on the findings, what intervention may be proposed?

Theoretical Background

Internet gaming addiction is a behavioral problem that has been classified

and explained in numerous ways. According to Griffiths’ theory, biopsychosocial

processes lead to the development of addictions, such as Internet gaming

addiction, which include the following components. First, the behavior is salient

(the individual is preoccupied with gaming). Second, the individual uses the

behavior in order to modify their mood (gaming is used to escape reality or

create the feeling of euphoria). Third, tolerance develops (the individual needs

increasingly more time to feel the same effect). Fourth, withdrawal symptoms

occur upon discontinuation of the behavior (the individual feels anxious,

depressed, and irritable if the students are prevented from playing). Fifth,

interpersonal and intra-personal conflict develops as a consequence of the

behavior (the individual has problems with relationship, job, and hobbies, and

lack of success in abstinence). Finally, upon discontinuation of the behavior, the

individual experiences relapse (the students reinitiate gaming.)

Although the core criteria appear to be established, the etiology of

Internet gaming addiction has yet to be studied in detail . Research indicates that

a number of risk factors are associated with Internet gaming addiction. These

risk factors include certain personality traits, gaming motivations, and structural

game characteristics. The personality traits most commonly associated with

Internet addiction include neuroticism, aggression and hostility, and sensation-

seeking. Factors that appear to protect frequent online gamers from developing

problems with their gaming were found to be conscientiousness and

extraversion, suggesting that for different individuals the same behavior can

have different psychological repercussions. (NCBI, 2006.)

In addition to this, the following gaming motivations were found to be

most commonly associated with gaming addiction: coping with daily stressors

and escapism, online relationships, and mastery, control, recognition,

completion, excitement, and challenge. This indicates that the reasons for game

play may be an important indicator of potential risk for Internet gaming

addiction. Specifically, in comparison with non-MMORPG players, MMORPG

players preferred their online friends over their real-life friends. Similarly,

significantly more dependent gamers were found to prefer spending time with

their online friends than their offline friends relative to nondependent gamers

and felt their social needs were met better online than offline. Moreover, while

online games provide nonaddicted players with satisfaction, addicted players play

to avoid dissatisfaction, which can be an indication of withdrawal symptoms the

students want to overcome by engaging in gaming compulsively. The

motivational differences to play games between dependent and nondependent as

well as MMORPG and other gamers appear to be useful clinical information

because these motivations can be specifically targeted in treatment sessions. For


instance, elements of exposure therapy may be used for the socially fearful in

order to decrease discomfort and reintroduce clients to real-life social

environments. Also, alternative pastime activities that are perceived as satisfying

can be encouraged specifically in group therapy sessions. Encouraging

engagement in group sports might satisfy both the need to engage in

competitive and satisfying activities and the need to interact with peers in real


Based on the theory of Buckley and Anderson, though there has been

considerable discussion of video game effects in several research literatures,

theoretical integrations have been somewhat rare. The researchers own

empirical work has focused primarily on the effects of video games an those who

play these games.


The Significance of the Study

To the Parents, it will serve as a basis for the parents to control or prevent

the students play online games excessively.

To the Students, it will serve as an awareness of what the effects can

cause to students who play online games excessively.

To the teachers, it will serve as a basis for the teachers to warn and

prevent students in playing online games excessively especially during class

hours because it will cause distractions to students.


Scope and Delimitations

This study covers Grade 11 STEM Student of University of Cebu Lapu-

Lapu and Mandaue. This study is limited to DotA 2, Counter-Strike: Global

Offense, and Mobile Legends. The researchers will gather information on the

effects of playing the selected online games to the academic performance of


A survey will be conducted about the evaluation of students regarding the

effects of playing online games to the academic performance of Grade 11 STEM

Students in University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue. Using typical Sampling,

5 random Grade 11 STEM students in each STEM advisory will be given the

prepared questionnaires to get the that will be needed for the study. This study

will be conducted to determine the effects of playing online games to student’s

academic performance in terms of Oral and Written recitation, Activities and

class participation.

Definition of Terms

Online Games – It is the entertainment platform that caused the problem to

student’s academic performance.

Academic Performance – It is the basis of a student’s hard work in terms of

quizzes, participation, and activities.

Grade 11 STEM Senior High School Students – It is the chosen respondents in

this study.

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue – It is the chosen place where the

study will be held with the respectful respondents.


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities for many people.

For some people, it is said that playing online games has a number of reasons to

be played, for it can be a stress reliever, challenge and competition, relaxation,

enjoyment, social interaction, and even mentally escaping from the real world.

(Knowledge E Publishing, 2015).

According to all Academic Research, playing computer games may not be

all that bad for your children. Peng Wei states that educational games can be

effective in assisting tools in the educational areas of management, medicine,

and science. If you choose the right educational computer games, your child may

learn better problem-solving skills and eye-hand coordination.

Students' learning takes place unexpectedly, but the inappropriate usage

of playing online games also leads to some problems such as being distracted in

school. Further, it is where the attention of the child was divided that even their

health and social life is unknowingly affected. (Knowledge E Publishing, 2015).

The use of digital game-based learning as supplementary aids at the university

level is in the early stages of development (Herro & Clark, 2016 Herro, D., &

Clark, R. (2016). An academic home for play: Games as unifying influences in

higher education. On the Horizon, 24(1), 17–28.10.1108/OTH-08-2015-0060

[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar]; Holmes & Gee, 2016 Holmes,

J., & Gee, R. (2016). A framework for understanding game-based teaching and

learning. On the Horizon, 24(1), 1–16.10.1108/OTH-11-2015-0069 [Crossref],

[Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar]; Kanthan & Senger, 2011 Kanthan, R., &

Senger, J. (2011). The impact of specially designed digital computer games-

based learning in undergraduate pathology and medical education. Education in

Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 135, 135–142. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®],

[Google Scholar]; Moylan, Burgess, Figley, & Bernstein, 2015 Moylan, G.,

Burgess, A., Figley, C., & Bernstein, M. (2015). Motivating game-based learning

efforts in higher education. International Journal of Distance Education

Technologies, 13(2), 54–72.10.4018/IJDET [Crossref], [Web of Science ®],

[Google Scholar])

Some of us may make a statement that addiction of playing video game is one of

the modern- day psychological disorders and some of us are disagree with that

statement. Based on the research done by the America Psychiatrist Association

(APA) in May 2003 conclude that addiction of playing video game is not mental

disorder due to the insufficient evidence to include it as an official mental

disorder. However, proposed criteria for "Internet Gaming Disorder" are included

in Section 3, Conditions for Further Study. While Internet Gaming Disorder is

proposed as a disorder, it is still discussed how much this disorder is caused by

the gaming activity itself, or whether it is to some extent an effect of other

disorders. Research suggests that excessive online gaming may in extreme cases

lead to symptoms commonly experienced by substance addicts, namely salience,

mood modification, craving, and tolerance (Wolfling, Grusser and Thalemann,

2008; Young, 2009; Hsu, Wen and Wu, 2009; Ko et al., 2009; Mehroof and

Griffiths, 2010) Based on the study done by Chin-Sheng Wan, M.S. and Wen-Bin

Chiou (2006), Technological advances have provided educational institutions the

capability to explore various online teaching strategies such as digital games in

the classroom. Though games can be used to engage various learning styles and

behaviors, the platform is mainly practiced at the secondary educational grade

level with traditional-aged students. Digital games-based learning has been used

to increase student retention, build teamwork skills, and communication (Bodnar,

Anastasio, Enszer, & Burkey, 2016 Bodnar, C., Anastasio, D., Enszer, J., &

Burkey, D. (2016). Engineers at play; Computer games as teaching tools for

undergraduate engineering students. Journal of Engineering Education, 105(1),

147–200. The statistic presents the most-played PC games on the online gaming

platform Raptr in November 2015, by share of total time played. According to

Raptr's blog, 4.82 percent of all-time spent gaming on their platform in


November 2015 was dedicated to playing World of Warcraft. In the fourth

quarter of 2014, World of Warcraft gained more than 10 million subscribers,

mostly owing to 'Warlords of Draenor' expansion release in November 2014.

Data shows that WoW was also the second bestselling PC game worldwide as of

January 2017.

Chapter III

Research Methodology

Research Design

The researchers use Phenomenology Study because it approaches the

thoughts and perceptions of the respondents that will fit to answer the problem

of the study.

Research Participants

The respondents of this research are the STEM Senior High School

Students of University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue. The population of this

study would be 5 respondents in each STEM advisory as a total of 35


respondents overall. Typical sampling is used to determine the chosen


Research Environment

The setting of this study will be conducted at the grounds of Annex 2

building of the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue located at A.C. Cortes

Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City, Cebu.

Research Procedure

The first step, researchers must write a letter addressed o the principal for

the approval of the survey. Then, researchers must prepare the questionnaires

ready for survey. After, the researchers will conduct a survey on the approved

date and analyzed at a place for the data. Lastly, the researchers will collect the

data and analyzed by the researchers for the conducted study.

Research Instrument

The questionnaire is all about the frequency the students take to play

online games, the effects of online games to the students to the academic

performance and the reason behind why students tends to get addicted to online

games easily. The questionnaire is composed of 14 questions to answer the


given specific problem and to come up with a result that answer the problem of

the study. The questionnaire is divided into four categories, the profile, which

some credentials are optional, the frequency, where the data is measured

through numbers of hours spent, the interview, where the students are ask the

effects of online games to the academic performance of the students in

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue, and the reason why students like

playing games, why students are into games and why students get low academic

performance due to playing online games during class hours or even after class.

The questionnaire is considered as the survey of the study since this method will

result a very significant part of the study. Most of the data collected by the

survey will answer most of the problems in the study because it plays a

significant role in order to get aware and to study the possible outcomes and be

aware of the possibilities.


Chapter IV

Data Presentation

Data Analysis

Most students who take the questionnaire given by the researchers were

astonished with the results attained. As the result says, most students, especially

grade 11 STEM, were confirmed that students are more likely get to be

distracted with online games that can caused problems with the student’s

academic performance. The frequency of the students that play online games are

dramatically large in numbers counting that every hour of the student’s free

time, the students mostly spend it on playing online games. Large number of

students study almost half an hour on average.

Data Interpretation

The result of the data collected on the survey sums up information that

can interpret the situation and can build up a solution. Most of the students play

online games mainly for killing the boredom the students feel. Students get

distracted on academic performance caused by online games because students

found academic performance boring, the students found entertainment on online

games that academic activities do not have. The difference between the

frequency of student’s study time and playing time can be noticeable since most

of the student’s free time are consumed by playing online games whereas the

time consumed by students for studying is only half an hour on average.


Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the data gathered. This study is mainly

conducted to determine the effects of playing online games to the

academic performance of Grade 11 STEM Senior High School Students of

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue.

Summary of Findings

1. Students are more engaged to play online games than to study.


2. Most students are affected on academic performance due to playing

online games.
3. Most students who have cellular phones tends to play online games during

class hours.
4. The main reason why students play online games is to kill boredom.
5. Some students refrain to do academic task caused by playing online

o Students feel uneasy and tired after playing online games that

caused them to refrain doing the task

o Some students reject the responsibility because it is not

entertaining for students

6. Half of the students see themselves improve on playing online games
o Students learn new languages and new words
o Students enhance critical thinking
o Students enhance problem solving


The study concludes that majority of the respondents are having effects

on academic performance due to playing online games but there are still some

students that can control and balance playing online games and academic



In line with the major findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations are provided:


1. Students must learn how to manage time. Being able to manage time can

help them a lot so that students would not suffer consequences on

academic performance while playing online games.

2. Students should refrain playing online games during class hours to avoid

distractions during classes.

3. Students must not reject or refrain the responsibilities as a student. Even

if playing online games is very tempting, grades matter the most rather

that a short period time of entertainment.



Robinson, John (2016), “The Effects of Online Games to the Academic

Performance.” Retrieved from: https://www.Academia.Edu

Castillio, Jennifer (2018), “Online Games: Impact on the Academic Performance.”

Retrieve from:

Saktar, Ben (2009), “Effects of Online Games towards students.” Retrieved from:

Jones, Christian (2014), “Gaming well: links between videogames and flourishing

mental health” Retrieved from:

Barr P., Khaled R., Noble J., Biddle R. (2006). “Feeling strangely fine: the well-

being economy in popular games,” in Proceedings of the First International

Conference on Persuasive Technology for Human Well-being (Berlin: Springer-

Verlag Heidelberg;) 60–71

Craton, J. (2011), “The Effect of Videogames on Student Achievement.”

Retrieved from:

Abbas, Kent Dexter (2017), “Effects of Online Game addiction to the students of

the senior high school.” Reference from:


Anderson, A., Dill, F. (2007), “A Study of Time Management: The Correlation

between Video Game Usage and Academic Performance Markers.” Reference


Appendix A

Effects of Playing Online Games to the Academic Performance of

Grade 11 STEM Senior High School Students in University of Cebu

Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue


I. Profile

Name (Optional): Section:

Age: Gender:

Grade Level (Estimated):

 Need Motivation (80 below)

 Average (Between 80 – 90)
 Honor (90 Above)

II. Frequency

______ 1. How frequently do you play online games a day?

a. Always b. Sometimes C. Seldom D. Rarely

______ 2. How frequently do you study for a day?


b. Always b. Sometimes C. Seldom D. Rarely

______ 3. How many hours a day do you play online games?

______ 4. How many hours a day do you study?

______ 5. How many times a day you rest yourself in playing online games?

III. Interview
1. Do you play online games during class hours? Why?

2. Do online games affect your academic performance? In what way?

And why?

3. Are there times that you refrain academic responsibilities due to

playing online games? If so, why or why not?

4. Do you see yourself improving academically due to playing online

games? Explain further.

5. Are you happy with the grades you attain? Why or why not?

IV. Reason
1. Why do you play online games?

2. What is/are the reason(s) why students why students are into Online


3. What is the significance or importance online games bringing to your

life especially being a student?

4. How online games affect your academic performance such as grades,

scores in major and minor exams and quizzes?


Appendix B



Appendix C


Name: Codiñera, Roy Vincent

Address: Cambaro, Mandaue City, Cebu


Age: 17

Mobile Number: 09996788129 Height: 5’8 Weight: 69 kg

Birthdate: August 11, 2001 Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Male Spoken Language: Cebuano, Filipino,

English, Ilokano
Religion: Catholic

Mother’s Name: Ma. Lariza B.

Birthplace: Cebu City
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: n.a



University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (Junior High School)

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (Senior High School)

Primary: Mandaue City Central School (Elementary School)

MOTTO: “Let f(x) = |x|, Avoid Negativity.”


Name: Lorenz G. Mangubat

Address: Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City


Age: 16

Mobile Number: 09983934093 Height: 5’6 Weight: 60 kg

Birthdate: May 25, 2002 Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Male Spoken Language: Filipino, English,

Religion: Catholic

Mother’s Name: Augusta G.

Birthplace: Lapu-Lapu City
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Peter M. Mangubat


Secondary: Pajo National Highschool (Junior high school)

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (Senior High School)

Primary: Pajo Elementary school

MOTTO: "Nothing last forever we can change the future"

Name: Frances Glomar Otid

Address: Libertad, Tingo Lapu-Lapu City



Mobile Number: 09564171508 Height: 5’10 Weight: 60 kg

Birthdate: June 13 2002 Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Male Spoken Language: English, Filipino,

Religion: Catholic

Mother’s Name: Marie Rosalind Otid

Birthplace: Cebu City

Civil Status: Single Father’s Name: Arnold Abrera Otid



Nemesio Epefania Taneo Memorial High School (Junior High)

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu Mandaue (Senior High School)

Primary: Tingo Elementary School

MOTTO: "Motto No Pain, No Gain"

Name: John Victor A. Ong

Address: Almasor, Maguikay, Mandaue City


Age: 18

Mobile Number: 09324889094 Height: 5’6 Weight: 76

Birthdate: February 9, 2001 Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Male Spoken Language: Filipino, English,

Religion: Catholic

Mother’s Name: Josephine A. Ong

Birthplace: Cebu City

Father’s Name: Victor Ong

Civil Status: Single


Secondary: Saint Louis College-Cebu (Junior High School)

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (Senior High School)

Primary: Saint Louis College-Cebu

MOTTO: “Your success depends on your hard work”

Name: Charlie Gromia

Address: Maguikay, Mandaue City


Age: 17

Mobile Number: 09556744921 Height: 5’4 Weight: 45 kg

Birthdate: Mandaue City Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Male Spoken Language: English, Filipino,

and Cebuano
Religion: Catholic

Mother’s Name: Jacqueline Novel

Birthplace: Cebu City
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Richard B. Gromia


Secondary: Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School (Junior High


University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (Senior High School)

Primary: Maguikay Elementary School

MOTTO: "It’s better to die with honor than living in shame"

Name: Jun Carlo Dotaro

Address: Canduman, Mandaue City


Age: 17

Mobile Number: 09089454064 Height: 5'4 Weight: 54 kg

Birthdate: December 9, 2001 Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Male Spoken Language: English, Filipino,

Religion: Catholic

Mother’s Name: Jude Dotaro

Birthplace: Cebu City

Father’s Name: Carlos Dotaro Jr.

Civil Status: Single


Secondary: Canduman National High School (Junior High School)

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (Senior High School)

Primary: Mandaue City Central School

MOTTO: "No matter how hard or impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal"

Name: John Leo R. Ortega

Address: Bakilid, Mandaue City


Age: 17

Mobile Number: 09499647428 Height: 5’2 Weight: 58 kg

Birthdate: May 17, 2001 Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Male Spoken Language: English, Filipino,

Religion: Catholic

Mother’s Name: Nathalie

Birthplace: Cebu City
OrtegaFather’s Name: Ryan Ortega
Civil Status: Single

Secondary: Tipolo National Highschool (Junior High School)

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu And Mandaue (Senior High School)
Primary: Bakilid Elementary School

MOTTO: “Always Think Positive”

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