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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Thanks to Allah S.W.T who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can be here together
in healthy condition.

The second, let's say thank to Muhammad SAW as our own prophet. Because of his strugle now
we are walking on the right way.

Respected ladies and gentlemen

I would like to say thankyou very much for being here to take some advantage of our own
agenda in this very calm day.

Ladies and gentlemen

I'm standing in front of you all is to give some speech related of relationship. We are human. We
are living in a society, how important for us to keep a good relationship between the other people
in our society.

As human we need each other, and we will alway needed each other. We live in a society we
can't live without the other. People around us are part of our own selve in the real meaning. I
have to help you when you're in the trouble, you will also help me when I am in the problem.

Good relationship among the other people in a society must be always keeped by us. Don't be a
wrong man with showing the bad thing to another people. We are brother, we are sister. Let's
keep our relationship and make it always healthy.

Ladies and gentlemen

Not much I can tell you in this speech chance, I hope a short message from me will be useful to
remind us that make a good relationship one to another in a society is very important.

Ladies and gentlemen

Thankyou very much for your attention. The last I say
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
I Respect all of the attendees who have attended here. especially to the organizers of the event.
… (The content of the show.) which I am proud.
First of all let us say praise to hadirah Alloh Swt who gives thousands of favors to us until this
day, we can implement event with festivities, full of a strong sense of community, and said
gratitude to Allah as Lord of hosts are we worship a step from a small servant. Solawat as well as
greetings to our Prophet Muhammad, many gave us a minimal model well and we should
Before I say something on this greeting, the previous I thank MC that has give to me a time to
welcome as Chairman of the implementing the committee (events, etc.) especially for the
Committee a solid and always helps me as Chairman of the Committee for a very professional
for all my friends. A Memenberikan information about what we had to do as a Committee or
reported this event, if only just know only several days before these activities take place, a bit
much we as the organizers thanked him profusely to the team and all who helped this event
activity takes place, there is a financial statement that I report on this activity I have written
carefully, for more details I will report in the form of accountability reports.
So that I can pass on, thanks to the invitation that please present and apologize if we as the
organizers especially for me say sorry for the meal, the perfection ad imperfection of the
facilities this potluck, and many other deficiencies, we on behalf the Committee always tried to
be professional, but the limitation makes us just giving like this is, before I closed are kindly
requested to attendees who are present here are welcome to taste the meal we have sedikan
Akhiiru Kalam, I say
Wassalamu Alikum Wr. Wb.

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