Haemoglobin D Distribution in Ulcers For Assessment Healing

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2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2012)

Haemoglobin Distribution
D in Ulcers for Healing
Ahmad Fadzil M. Hani1, Leena Arshad1, Aamir Saeed Malik1, Adaw
wiyah Jamil2,
Felix Yap Boon Bin3
Centre for Intelligent Signal & Imaging Research, Department of Electrical & Electrronics Engineering,
Universiti Teeknologi PETRONAS, 31750 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysiaa
Department of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, 56000 Kuaala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Dermatologgy, General Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 50586 Kuala Lum mpur, Malaysia

Abstract — Wounds that do not follow a predictable course

of healing within a specified period of time develop into ulcers
causing severe pain and discomfort to the patients.
p One of the
most prominent changes during wound healing is the colour of
the tissues. Describing the tissues in termms of percentages of
each tissue colour is an approved clinical method of wound
healing assessment. The growth of the red d granulation tissue
marks the beginning of ulcer healing. Granulation tissue
appears red in colour due to haemoglobin content
c in the blood Figure 1 Chroniic Leg Ulcers*
capillaries. An approach based on utillizing haemoglobin *
Images acquired at Dermatoloogy, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
content in chronic ulcers as an image maarker to detect the
growth of granulation tissue is investigaated in this study. The appearance of the ulcerr surface provides important
Independent Component Analysis is employyed to extract grey- information on the healing status of the wound [4]. The
level haemoglobin images from RGB colourr images of chronic
ulcer colour changes from blacck to yellow to red gradually
ulcers. Extracted haemoglobin images indicate areas of
haemoglobin distribution reflecting dettected regions of as it heals as shown in Figure 2 [5]. Depending on its initial
granulation tissue. Data clustering techniquues are implemented severity, the ulcer appears mostly
m covered with black
to classify and segment detected regions off granulation tissue necrotic tissue or overlaying laayers of black necrotic tissue
from the extracted haemoglobin images. Results obtained and yellow slough. As the ulceer heals, red granulation tissue
indicate that the developed algorithm perforrms fairly well with starts to grow from the base of o the ulcer slowly replacing
an average sensitivity of 88.24% and speecificity of 98.82%
black necrotic tissue and yelllow slough and filling the
when compared to the dermatologist’ss assessment. The
ultimate aim of this research work is to deevelop an objective wound cavity. Once the ulceer is filled with granulation
non-invasive wound healing assessment system capable of tissue, pink epithelial tissue sttarts to grow from the ulcer
evaluating the healing status of chronic ulcers in a more precise edges gradually covering thhe granulation tissue and
and reliable way. eventually closing the ulcer.

Keywords — Granulation, Haemoglobin, ICA,

I Ulcers


U lcers are chronic wounds that faill to heal within a

specified period of time due to some underlying
aetiologies or improper wound managem ment which impairs
the natural process of healing [1][2]. According to the
underlying aetiologies that cause them, ulcers
u are generally
divided into three categories: vasculaar, pressure, and
diabetic ulcers. Approximately 1.0 - 3.0%% of the population
have the potential to develop chronic ulcers during the
course of their lifetime [1]. Ulcers aree most commonly
Figure 2 Typical Stagess of a Healing Ulcer*
found on the lower extremity below the knee and affect *
Reproduced from Goldm
man & Salcido (2002)
around 1% of adult population and 3.6% % of people older
than 65 years [3]. Chronic wounds geneerally introduce an At any one time all four tissuue types can be present on the
economic dilemma in wound managgement and care ulcer surface. Recognizing annd measuring the amount of
especially in the western countries such ass the United States each tissue is a well known andd approved clinical method of
and United Kingdom. Non-healing ulcerss cause severe pain wound assessment and understaanding of wound progression.
and discomfort to the patients and put thhem at the risk of In clinical practice, physicianns normally depend on non-
limb amputation. Figure 1 shows two chroonic leg ulcers. invasive methods of wound tissue assessment to avoid
causing any pain and discomfoort to the patients. However,
they are based on visual inspection of the wound [4] [5]
978-1-4577-1967-7/12/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE which is subjective and lacks precision
p and consistency and

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2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2012)

hence not sufficient to perform tissue analysis. Thus, histograms distribution of pixels in images of chronic
imaging techniques utilizing colour digital images are venous leg ulcers [11]. The classification utilized a Case-
developed to provide precise, objective and reliable data that Based Reasoning (CBR) approach that was performed by
aid medical practitioners to evaluate healing status of ulcers. comparing the R, G and B histograms of each tissue types in
This paper describes a novel approach based on utilizing the images with similar solved cases retrieved from a
haemoglobin content in chronic ulcers, as an image marker, previously generated database of wound images with
to detect the growth of granulation tissue which indicates the segmented and classified tissues.
healing of chronic ulcers. Section 2 of this paper C. Colour and Texture Descriptors
summarizes imaging based developed techniques of wound
Most recently, as part of the ESCALE project dedicated to
tissue assessment. Section 3 elaborates on the research
the design of a complete 3D and colour wound assessment
hypothesis and the main objective of this study. Section 4
tool, an unsupervised wound tissue segmentation method is
illustrates the novel approach explored in this study to detect
proposed [12], [13]. The algorithm is developed based on
granulation tissue as a healing measure for chronic ulcers.
an unsupervised segmentation driven supervised
Results obtained are discussed and analyzed in section 5.
classification in two main phases. First, three selected
unsupervised segmentation methods, J-SEG, Mean Shift and
CSC, are utilized to segment wound images into different
In medicine, colour photographs of chronic wounds provide regions. The segmented regions are labelled according to
reliable chromatic data and a pictorial representation of the the tissue type mostly found across the segmented region
wound’s environment, severity and healing progress and compared with the ground truth. JSEG unsupervised
throughout the course of treatment. Imaging techniques have algorithm provided the best results to separate regions with
been developed and implemented on colour images of homogeneous colour and texture parameters. Figure 3 shows
chronic wounds to classify and segment different types of the results of segmentation and classification of different
tissues of chronic wounds as a measure of their healing. tissue regions based on the three selected methods.
Most of the works developed in this area are based on three
main approaches:
A. Information from a Single Colour Channel
Earlier developed methods in the area of wound tissue
assessment are based on analyzing colour information from
a single colour channel in digital images using conventional
colour models such as RGB and HIS. Herbin et al.
developed methods to determine colour indices from
digitized RGB images of artificial created wounds [6] [7].
These indices are designed utilizing the R, G and B channels
separately and used to quantify the colour content in the
image as a healing index for wounds. Figure 3 Wound Tissue Segmentation and Classification Results of Three
Segmentation Methods used in ESCALE Project*
A group at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil developed *
Reproduced from H.Wannous et al. (2007)
some algorithms that utilize region growing technique in
An SVM classifier is then utilized to obtain a supervised
one of the colour channel R, G, B, I and S [8]. The channel
learning of the three types of tissues from the developed
that gives better results based on higher contrast and better
database of tissue regions traced by the clinicians. Both
standard deviation was then chosen to segment regions of
colour and texture based descriptors are used to label each
granulation and slough in original coloured images of
type of tissue during the learning phase. Then, the same
wounds. However, studies showed that for better
descriptors were extracted from the segmented regions and
segmentation of tissues, separation of R, G and B frames is
were input to the SVM based classifier for automatic
not adequate and that colour pixels should be considered in
classification and labelling of these regions during the
all three channels.
testing phase. Automatic segmentation driven classification
B. RGB histogram Distributions was compared with expert ground truth. Best results are
Mekkes and Westerhof used large classifications tables for obtained for granulation tissue (75%) while moderate results
segmentation of wound tissues and found that pixel clusters are obtained for slough (60%).
in RGB space for a given type of tissue formed an irregular Most of the work developed in the field of wound
shaped 3D cloud that distinguishes the three types of assessment based on coloured image processing utilized
necrotic, slough and granulation tissues [9]. Berris and colour as the major component for analysis. However, the
Sangwine proposed a 3D RGB colour histogram clustering interpretation of colour content in the image is always
technique to automatically segment different types of tissues compromised by the unavoidable differences in acquisition
within the wound site [10]. Their method scans the wound conditions which are responsible for modification of colour
image for pixels that carry similar RGB colouring features quality and scales in the image. In this study, the analysis is
and use them to form distinct clusters of pixels that belong venturing beyond the colour content into the main factor
to different types of tissue. contributing to the colour of ulcer tissues, in particular the
H. Zheng et al. proposed a new protocol for binary red granulation tissue as explained in the next section.
classification of wound tissues using three 2D R, G and B

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2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2012)

Colour is the perceptual sensation of lightt incident upon the A. Colour Images of Ulcers
retina in the visible region of the spectruum which extends Samples of high quality RGB colour images of ulcers that
from violet at about 380 nm to red at about 750 nm as contain a mixture of each typpe of tissues are required to
shown in Figure 4. Different colour coomponent exhibits conduct a thorough analysis. This is very crucial to this
different reflectance ranges within the visible spectrum. study as it ensures working onn ulcers images taken under
Red colour component exists at wavelenggths between 620- controlled acquisition conditionns. Colour images of chronic
740 nm from the visible light. ulcers are acquired at ulcer clinics at Hospital Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. Before data d acquisition session, the
ulcers are cleaned by the nursees at the hospital. Images are
acquired before the new dressinng is applied to the ulcers.
During data acquisition sessioons, colour casts are produced
Figure 4 Reflectance Spectrum of the Viisible Light due to the varying ambient illumination
i in the dressing
room. Hence, a 9x13mm whitee colour sticker is placed near
The first indication of ulcer healing is the appearance of the ulcer during the photography sessions to provide a
the healthy red granulation tissue on o ulcer surface. reference for colour shifts correection.
Granulation tissue contains small blood capillaries (small
arteries and veins) mixed with thee collagen based B. Detection of Haemoglobin Distribution
extracellular matrix. One of the main skkin chromophores, The main objective of this sttudy is to utilize the optical
pigment haemoglobin, exists in the red blood cells in the characteristics of pigment haemmoglobin to detect regions of
blood capillaries. Haemoglobin contaiins certain optical granulation tissue as a measure of ulcer healing. Figure 6
characters that can be detected from colouur images and used shows a flow chart of the deveeloped algorithm employed in
to show their content within human skin s [14-18]. The this study to extract grey-leevel images that show the
absorption spectra of oxy-haemoglobbin and deoxy- distribution of pigment haem moglobin from the acquired
haemoglobin are shown in Figure 5 as repported by Anderson colour images of chronic ulcerss.
et al [19]. It is clear that haemogloobin exhibits total
reflection (total absorption) at wavelenggths above 600nm.
The fact that pigment haemoglobin (bothh oxy-haemoglobin
and deoxy-haemoglobin) exhibits reflection at 600nm and
above explains why the granulation tisssue that contains
haemoglobin pigment appears red in colour when viewed
under visible light [20].

Figure 6 Flow Chart of Haemoglobinn Distribution Detection Algorithm

Figure 5 Absorption Spectra Absorption Spectra of Oxy-haemoglobin and Each colour ulcer image coomprises of three grey-level
Deoxy-haemoglobin * images representing the spectrral bands of Red, Green and
Reproduced from R.R. Anderson and J. A. Parrish
P (1981) Blue channels respectively. These
T images represent three
It is hence hypothesized that images duue to haemoglobin observations of linear combinaations of source signals. For
could be extracted from colour images of chronic ulcers. each ulcer image, these bandss are used to create column
Images due to haemoglobin are of particuular interest as they vectors of data matrix comprrising an observation dataset
represent areas where blood vessels exisst on ulcer surface (observation matrix).
which in return indicates areas of granulaation tissue. The Independent Component Analysis
A is applied on the
objective of this research work is to study the optical observation dataset to extract thhe independent source images
characteristics of pigment haemoglobin anda utilize it as an from the observed ones. However, before applying the
image marker to detect the newly growing healthy algorithm, it is important that the dataset is processed
granulation tissue in colour images of chroonic ulcers. accordingly. The dataset is firstt normalized to centre on zero
point by extracting the mean vaalue from each spectral band.
Data whitening is then appliied by employing Principle

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2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2012)

Component Analysis (PCA) to transform the dataset linearly clustering algorithm groups all the pixels that belong to the
so that its components are uncorrelated and their variances granulation tissue into one cluster assigned with value 1.
equal unity. These steps are performed to simplify the ICA Figure 8 shows the extracted haemoglobin image and
algorithms and reduce the number of parameters to be corresponding classified image with clustered granulation
estimated. In this work, independent component analysis is tissue indicated by the arrow.
employed using the FastICA algorithm developed by
Hyvärinen and Oja based on a fixed-point iteration that uses
maximization of non-Gaussianity as a measure of
independence to estimate the independent components [21]
The algorithm is developed so that it estimates all the
independent source images at once. The output from the
ICA algorithm is a matrix that contains row vectors of
independent components equal to the number of
observations. These row vectors are rearranged as matrices, Figure 8 Classification of Extracted Haemoglobin Image using K-means
each representing a grey-level image of estimated Algorithm
independent source. One of the estimated source images is The classified image is then converted into a binary image
an image that shows areas of haemoglobin distribution based on the intensity values of the clustered granulation
reflecting existing regions of granulation tissue on ulcer tissue. The segmentation algorithm scans the classified
surface. Figure 7 shows a colour ulcer image and the image resulted from the clustering algorithm for pixels
corresponding estimated independent source images. Figure values that belongs to cluster number 1 (clustered
7(c) shows the second independent source image which granulation tissue) and converts them to value 0 (black)
represents areas of significant intensity value range (dark while retaining all other pixels with value 1 (white). It
region in the image) that can be clearly distinguished from results in binary image where the detected granulation tissue
the rest of the image. These areas indicate haemoglobin appears as black region separated from the rest of the image
distribution which reflects regions of granulation tissue. which appear as white background. Figure 9 shows the
classified haemoglobin image with corresponding binary
image showing the segmented granulation tissue indicated
by the arrow.

Figure 9 Segmentation of Clustered Granulation Tissue in Classified Image


This research work aims to provide an objective reliable
healing assessment by detecting regions of granulation
Figure 7 Extracted Independent Sources from Observed Colour Ulcer tissue on ulcers surfaces and utilize them to monitor the
Image ulcer healing progression. The proposed algorithm is applied
C. Segmentation of Granulation Tissue on thirty acquired colour images of ulcers to detect
Classification based segmentation is implemented in this granulation regions on these ulcers surfaces.
work to segment areas of detected granulation tissue in the In order to compare the results and validate the algorithm
images obtained from ICA algorithm. Clustering is a performance, a reference image (ground truth) is created
common technique of unsupervised learning and based on dermatologist assessment of the ulcer images
classification where elements of a dataset are partitioned included in this study. The ulcer images are shown to two
into several disjoint groups (clusters) so that points in one experienced dermatologists at Hospital Kuala Lumpur
group are similar to each other and are as different as whom are asked to trace the region of granulation tissue
possible from points in other groups [23]. manually by drawing a line around the region. Although the
K-means clustering is first employed to classify the assessment is visual and subjective, it is performed to the
extracted haemoglobin images into distinctive clusters based best level of accuracy possible after detailed inspection of
on the Euclidean distance of each pixel value to the mean of each ulcer case by the dermatologists. The traced regions of
the cluster centre. Each cluster is assigned a class number granulation tissue are then used to create binary images of
depending on the number of regions found in the image. each ulcer image that contains segmented regions of
Since the detected granulation tissue appears as distinctive granulation tissue as ground truth. The regions produced by
dark region in the extracted haemoglobin image, the each of the two dermatologist are combined together to

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create a unique optimum ground truth image of granulation Furthermore, the detected regions of granulation tissue are
tissue regions. Figure 10 shows a binary reference image measured in relative to the overall area of the ulcer and
resulted from manual tracing of granulation tissue from a compared with the dermatologist traced regions. Figure 11
colour ulcer image. shows the comparison between the area of algorithm
detected granulation regions and the dermatologists traced
granulation region for each of the thirty ulcer cases
mentioned earlier.

Figure 10 Binary Assessment Reference Image Obtained from Manual

Tracing of Granulation Tissue

Sensitivity and specificity are two statistical measures

used in this study to validate and analyse the performance of
the developed algorithm. Sensitivity is defined in this Figure 11 Comparison of Overall Percentage of Detected Granulation
Tissue between Dermatologists and Algorithm
context as the probability of a detected white pixel that the
pixel is granulation pixel while specificity is the probability From Table 1, it is noted that in all cases the specificity is
of detected black pixel that the pixel is non-granulation. above 90% with an overall average specificity of 98.82%.
Sensitivity and specificity are defined as follows: This indicates that the algorithm performs very well in
TP distinguishing non-granulation regions from the rest of the
Sensitivity = ... (1)
TP + FN ulcer. On the other hand, the sensitivity analysis indicates
TN an overall sensitivity of 88.24%. In almost half of the cases
Specificity = ... (2) the sensitivity is above 90%. However, sensitivity is quite
low in some cases such as ulcers 2, 18, 20 and 28 due to
The terms TP, FP, TN and FN are identified as follows: false negatives detected because of specualr reflections
TP (True Positives): Granulation pixels that are correctly covering some regions of granulation tissue on ulcer surface.
detected as granulation. This can also be noticed from figure 11 as the percentage
FP (False Positives): Non-granulation pixels that are area of the detected region of granulation tissue is lower
incorrectly detected as granulation. than the dermatologists’ ground truth for those ulcer cases.
TN (True Negatives): Non-granulation pixels that are These specular reflections are not avoidable due to slight
correctly detected as non-granulation. exudates on the ulcer surface. Figure 12 shows an example
FN (False Negatives): Granulation pixels that are of a chronic ulcer case with undetected granulation regions
incorrectly detected as non-granulation. due specular reflections on the surface.
Table 1 lists the sensitivity and specificity of the algorithm
performance of the thirty ulcer cases included in this study
when compared to the dermatologists ground truth.
Table 1 Sensitivity and Specificity Analysis of Algorithm Performance
Ulcer Ulcer
Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity
No. No.
1 79.3738 98.0418 16 97.9959 96.0535
2 82.0425 99.6181 17 97.2906 99.99
3 93.4925 94.5063 18 84.4551 99.99 Figure 12 A Chronic Ulcer with Specular Reflection on Surface
4 83.1057 99.3775 19 96.1217 98.794
In some other cases, such as ulcers 13, 15, 26 and 28 the
5 96.3946 97.6893 20 76.769 98.0245
6 88.9303 99.351 21 96.1719 98.1589 granulation is scattered all over the ulcer mixed with other
7 85.6115 98.9206 22 84.2351 93.4697 tissues on the ulcer surface especially with slough. These
8 88.4901 98.2789 23 98.9875 99.9024 ulcers pose a challenge when visually tracing the
9 87.9014 98.7134 24 98.7204 99.4856 granulation tissue and distinguish it from the rest of the
10 93.2665 98.9182 25 94.246 99.99 tissues which results in some non granulation regions traced
11 96.1423 99.4008 26 84.2601 98.8547 as granulation in the ground truth images. For those ulcers,
12 93.4493 95.8308 27 80.15 95.2392 the analysis shows low sensitivity due to false negatives
13 77.5489 97.6777 28 75.4543 99.7022 detected as the algorithm correctly identifies some traced
14 97.9152 99.1467 29 79.7682 99.3056 regions as non-granulation which results in low sensitivity.
15 73.4753 98.7124 30 85.4977 95.3777 Figure 13 shows an example of a chronic ulcer with non-
Average Sensitivity = 88.2421% granulation regions identified on the ulcer surface.
Average Specificity = 98.2084%

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