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R A D I O S YS T E M I C s

Transmitter and receiver ICs for SRD applications

Lower component count,

higher performance
The author: The TDA 5100 (transmitter) and The new system components for tions market and – somewhat less
JOHANNES TDA 5200 (receiver) compo- short-range radio devices can be obviously – the market for short
GERSTLAUER, used universally in both the relevant range devices (SRDs).
Dr.-Ing., is a consul- nents were developed as inex-
tant with the UHF bands at 434 and 869 MHz. This latter market was initially dri-
pensive alternatives to the The transmitter can be operated with ven principally by applications in
Siemens Semicon-
ductor Group SAW-based systems for short both amplitude and frequency mod- the automotive sector in the form of
range devices currently in use. ulation, whereas the receiver can on- remote keyless entry (RKE) sys-
Thanks to the selected architec- ly process amplitude-modulated sig- tems. Today, a much larger home
ture, circuits containing a mini- nals. market is on the horizon, thanks to
mum number of components the radio networking of numerous
The market functions in and around the home.
can be implemented without
These include security, detection,
major outlay on development. The market for radio systems is recording, data transmission and
Despite their low cost, these so- characterized by above-average control applications.
lutions enable very good elec- growth rates worldwide. This in- The 433.05 - 434.79 MHz and
trical values to be attained. cludes the booming communica- 868.00 - 870.00 MHz bands are of
particular interest for short range de-
vices. The 869 MHz band was re-
leased as recently as 1998 and has a
number of outstanding properties.
Although its free space attenuation
is 6 dB higher than at 434 MHz, this
drawback is more than counterbal-
anced by the higher efficiency of the
antennas with their small dimen-
sions. Whereas the unregulated allo-
cation of the 434 MHz band has led
to a high interference potential there,
a very effective distribution has been
specified for the 869 MHz band. The
division into subsections with dif-
ferent maximum permissible duty
cycles of 100%, 10%, 1% and 0.1%
makes operation much less liable to
interference. A study has shown that
its interference immunity is at least
two orders of magnitude greater than
in the 434 MHz band, which is part-
ly occupied by “continuous carri-
The maximum level of radiated
transmission power permissible in
the critical frequency ranges is ap-
proximately 10 mW. In practice, and

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R A D I O S YS T E M I C s

with the use of sensitive receivers, • Output power +5 dBm range. The final stage is controlled by a
transmitter powers of this order of (434 MHz), -1 dBm (869 MHz) driver and pulse-former stage after fre-
magnitude even allow sufficient • Power down mode 80 nA typically quency division by a factor of two. In
ranges to be attained in built-up ar- • Low power detect 2.15 V class-C operation, the final stage attains a
eas which normally represent very • Response time ≤ 1 ms high efficiency with a current flow angle
difficult conditions for radio recep- • Integrated VCO and PLL synthe- of less than 180°. The collector efficien-
tion. sizers cy reaches values of approximately 45%.
The large numbers of SRD compo- • Frequency range 433-435 and
nents required in the RKE and home 868-870 MHz Powerful transmitter for a modest
sectors have opened up a mass mar- • ASK/FSK modulation, 0 - 100/ outlay
ket for the UHF technology used in 20 kHz
the low-cost sector. This highly • Reference frequency 6.8 or 13.6 In amplitude modulation, amplitude
price-sensitive market obliges man- MHz selectable shift keying (ASK) is applied to the fi-
ufacturers to exploit the technology • Programmable clock output for nal stage transistor, whereas frequency
to its utmost in order to develop in- the controller: 3.39 MHz/847.5 kHz modulation involves the application of
expensive and easily-fitted sub- frequency shift keying (FSK) to the ref-
assemblies. This target can only be The operations performed inside the erence oscillator. A pull capacitor is con-
achieved with a high level of inte- transmitter are shown in Fig. 1. They nected in series to the quartz in accor-
gration. reveal some very interesting details. dance with the modulation sequence.
SAW-stabilized systems in discrete An LC circuit with a coil integrated Because of the large bandwidth of the
or semi-integrated circuit technolo- on the silicon is used as the frequen- (integrated) loop filter of around 150
gy have hitherto been the preferred cy-determining element in the VCO. kHz, the VCO can also be modulated by
solution for the SRD sector. This ap- A similarly integrated capacitance high modulation frequencies. The appli-
plies particularly to the 434 MHz diode performs the tuning. For oper- cation circuit in Fig. 1 shows how little
range which has been used up to ation in the 869 MHz range, the VCO expenditure is needed in order to imple-
now. The new highly integrated cir- signal is used via a driver stage to ment a powerful transmitter. The exter-
cuit technology permits the applica- control the final transmit stage di- nal components required for the one-
tion of more sophisticated principles rectly. When the transmitter operates channel transmitter are limited to the
for frequency generation. Thus, the in the 434 MHz range, the VCO fre- reference quartz, eight chip components
HF PLL principle makes use of a quency remains in the 868 MHz and, of course, the encoder. The trans-
crystal resonator as a frequency ref-
erence. An automatically controlled
oscillator (VCO) locks on to a mul-
tiple of this reference frequency. It
Complete circuit diagram of the TDA 5100, FSK 869 MHz transmitter
offers a frequency stability that is al-
most ten times better than that of
SAW resonators, and at lower cost.
This higher frequency stability al-
lows the use of narrowband re-
ceivers: a considerable asset in view
of the need to minimize external in-

The TDA 5100 transmitter

The transmitter IC was developed as

a component for universal applica-
tions. It can be operated alternative-
ly with ASK or FSK modulation in
both the 434 MHz and 869 MHz
bands. A single lithium cell provides
the power supply.
Fig. 1 A powerful transmitter can be implemented for a modest outlay: the external components
Properties required for the one-channel transmitter are limited to the reference quartz, eight chip components
• Power supply 2.1 V - 4.0 V, and the encoder.
6.9 mA typically

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R A D I O S YS T E M I C s

SUMMARY mitter requires no tun- The TDA 5200 receiver

The TDA 5100 transmit compo- ing. A loop configura- The TDA 5200 is a simple superhet
nent and the TDA 5200 receive tion acts as the antenna. The TDA 5200 receiver compo- receiver with an intermediate fre-
component were developed for
use in the cost-sensitive SRD The antenna and the cir- nent was developed to match the quency of nominal 10.7 MHz, as
systems market. They combine cuit matching it to the TDA 5100 transmitter component. shown in Fig. 2. This concept again
such properties as maximum power amplifier are de- However, whereas the transmitter is allowed a maximum level of inte-
integration, universal applicabil-
ity, high efficiency and an attrac-
signed so that an elec- designed for both ASK and FSK gration to be reached. All the circuits
tive price. tric field component is modulation, the receiver can only required for generating the oscillator
radiated in addition to process ASK signals. The universal signal for the mixer were integrated
the magnetic component. This pro- functionality in both the 434 MHz on the silicon. Only the frequency-
duces a measurable improvement in and 869 MHz bands was retained. determining quartz still needs to be
the antenna efficiency. The photo- connected externally. A very inex-
graph on page 26 illustrates the im- Properties pensive ceramic filter can be used
plementation of the application cir- • Power supply 5 V ± 10%, 4.7 mA for selection at the intermediate fre-
cuit on a test board. The board can be typically quency. Some external circuits are
operated at both 434 and 869 MHz • Power down mode 50 nA typically required in connection with the low-
with appropriate dimensioning of • Wakeup time ≤ 1ms noise amplifier (LNA). A simple LC
the frequency-determining compo- • Integrated VCO and PLL synthe- network is added at both its input
nents. The following values were sizers and output for matching and RF se-
measured on this board: • Frequency range 433-435 MHz lection. The receiver requires no tun-
and 868-870 MHz ing if this network is suitably di-
Board size 30 mm x 35 mm
• Reference frequency 6.7 MHz or mensioned.
Power supply Lithium cell, CR 3032 13.4 MHz selectable The data filter and the pulse-former
2.6 V/6.9 mA
• Intermediate frequency 10.7 MHz stage in the baseband are optimally
Emitted RF power
434 MHz -10 dBm (5-20 MHz) matched to the relevant data signal
869 MHz -5 dBm • Data filter and pulse-former stage by their external circuits. If a code
Noise spectrum adjustable externally to the baud ra- containing a DC component is pre-
Harmonics ≤ -40 dBm te sent, the pulse-former stage is oper-
Spurious emissions ≤ -65 dBm
• Sensitivity -112 dBm (434 MHz) ated in conjunction with a clamping
or -108 dBm (869 MHz) at 4.8 kbit/s circuit.


Complete circuit diagram of the TDA 5200 receiver The TDA 5100 and TDA 5200 com-
ponents, with their new, highly inte-
grated architecture allow simple and
inexpensive radio subassemblies
with very good technical data to be
implemented. They represent the
first members of a range of cost-op-
timized universal RF components
designed for use in the growth-in-
tensive market for short range de-

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Fig. 2 All the circuits required for generating the mixer oscillator signal on the TDA 5200 simple Card
superhet receiver with an IF of 10.7 MHz were integrated on silicon.

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