English Requirements Note PDF

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English Language Requirement

 What is the requirement?

In order to follow courses of the Master Programs at Centrale Nantes, the students must be
fluent (writing, speaking and listening) in English language. An equivalent to the B2 level in the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is expected.

 How can I meet the English language requirement?

Two options:

1- Preferred option: English language test (certification)

The candidate has passed a recognized international English test such as the TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS,
Cambridge or equivalent. The candidate will upload the scores of the test on the eCandidat application

2- English as a language of instruction

An applicant who carried out his Bachelor studies in English is eligible. The candidate must provide a
formal University transcript (or equivalent) that clearly states that the language of instruction of the
Bachelor studies was English. That document will be uploaded on the eCandidat application.

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