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Commented [1]: painting

Corporación Universitaria Lasallista

Commented [2]: All of them?
English and French Elementary Teaching Program How do you know what they realized? (can you observe
Observation Form Commented [7]: What makes you think that?
What would you do instead under the same circumstances?
School:Colegio Londres. Grade: kindergarden Date: Friday, march 8 2019. Commented [3]: Are they using colors to express
something meaningful? Was it their favorite color?
# of Students:20 Hour: 1 and a half Observer: Daniela.
Commented [8]: What classroom arrangements do you
know and what do they facilitate in terms of learning
Classroom Layout (Drawing) Agenda Resources Conventions possibilities?
Check this out
1. Say hello to the teacher. 1. Practice Book.
2. Start working in the 2. Color paper. - de-classe/
Practice Book. Commented [4]: Why is this sad?
Commented [9]: If you answer individually, you will surely
have a hard time paying attention to all of them. What you
Class Description Questions, Comments, Conecctions Inquiry Categories can do to optimize your help time is:
-Take individual questions as examples to clarify something
1. There it could be a need to -Students. to the group (that way you answer the individual question
and possibly help another child that might be going through
The students were working with the practice book, where they make the class more -Books. something similar)
made an activity about paint two faces, and they realized about dynamic? -Teaching.
what it means ¨I’m fine¨, because the teacher used this to explain 2. How to created different -Paint. This helps a little bit, but it’s true it can be overwhelming
what they needed to do in the book. There was another big face scenarios so the kids can -Attention. and you might not always get to everyone
in the middle of the paper where they had to draw a happy face feel different and work not Commented [5]: Could they choose something
and paint it with any color. The other faces, had to be, the sad always in the same space? representative for them? (e.g. my mom likes giraffes, so
here’s a giraffe!)
face of green and blue, and the happy little face yellow and 3. How to pay attention to all of
orange. the kids questions when they Commented [6]: The word?
Also they had to make in other paper a letter to their moms that need something. Commented [10]: This might be right in ideal conditions,
had a heart, a sun and a draw of a girl, with the letter mommy. 4. The kids need to show their probably with 2 teachers for 15-20 students. But also, you
That was for the women’s day. work to the teachers, but can try different alternatives, like asking them to show their
work in small groups to their classmates (and you can be
sometimes the time and the checking for mistakes here and there). When they share, ...
space does not allow us to
pay attention to all of them.

Comments: Being in a English class is not only about repeat or teach things that are not important to the kids, it should be
also something amazing that they can enjoy and learn so they can express themselves in another language. Commented [11]: Creative-type of activities helps a lot
here, but then you would need to give up some of the
control over students and learning processes (Would that
be possible in such context?)
Commented [12]: here’s where sharing what they do and
what they are becomes relevant

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