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Student Growth

At the beginning of the year, the leadership team at Miller

Intermediate, which consisted of administration, specialist,
interventionists, the special ed. coordinator and the ESL Lead on the
campus all came up with the major rocks that would be the focus
for our 2018-2019 school year. The growth of every student was what
was important to everyone, so naturally this became the focus.
I created a system for both teachers and students to track their
growth through-out the year based on 4 of the major common and
district assessments that are given in the duration of the year. I made
it mandatory for all reading teachers to track how each of their
classes did on each assessment and display them in the classroom
for everyone to see. Of course, no student’s names or identities were
displayed but a one on one conversation was had between each
child and teacher, so they knew where they fell on the chart and
could record in in their reading journals for their own growth and
goal setting sheet. As displayed in the pictures, here are a few
examples of how teachers on my campus incorporated the growth
charts in their rooms.
In my office, I created a display of how Miller was growing as a
whole in each grade level. During content preps is when the critical
conversations were being had with the teachers and what our data
is displaying. By making the growth of every student a priority not just
the bubble students or the low students, but all the approaches,
meets and masters and how to get from one quintile to the other,
we have seen some huge gains from one assessment to the other.
DMAC Solutions is the program our district uses to display data. I
also, created a Tree Map for our students to use, to better drive
instruction based off what their data was saying.

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