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Lesson Plan

Name : Nur Dania Dayini Binti Muhammad Yusri

Date : 13 August 2018

Day : Monday

Class : Year 4 Johari

Number of pupils : 35 Pupils

Level of proficiency : Mixed Abilities

Time : 1110-1210

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 1- Our Community

Focused Skill : Listening and speaking

Integrated Skill : Reading

Language Focus : Vocabularies and sentence structure

Content Standard Learning Standard

5.1 By the end of the 6 year primary 1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with
schooling, pupils will be able pronounce guidance
words and speak confidently with the correct
stress, rhythm and intonation.

Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Listen with comprehension what the discussion is about.

2. Able to conduct and give response in a conversation with correct
sentence structure.
3. Able to increase their vocabularies.
4. Able to increase their confidence in speaking.

Teaching Aids : Picture cards, Paper strips

Educational Emphases : Thinking Skills and Multiple Intelligence (Interpersonal)

Moral Values : Cooperative thinking and acceptance of others’ opinions.

Assessment : Teacher will asses the achieving of objective through;

1. observation of pupils’ involvement during practice

and production stage.
2. groupwork activities
3. worksheets

References/ Sources : English Year 4 KSSR Textbook

Lesson Lesson Teaching/ Learning Instructional Notes/
Development Content Activities Language Remarks
Pre Q&A The teacher asks the “Good morning Thinking
Speaking Session students of their mood for class. So how are Skills
today and asks them to you today?”
prepare themselves for the
next lesson, including to -students’
sit properly (but response-
comfortably) before the
lesson starts. “Now, sit properly,
put away all of
your stuffs, except
your stationary and
text book. Get
ready for our


“Where did you

went during the

Ask the students where
did they went during the “Did you enjoyed
weekend. And if they going there?”
enjoyed going there.

“Well, I went to
the supermarket
Inform them that you have
last weekend.”
been to the supermarket
(manipulated variable)

While- 1. T “
Speaking ss
Introduction Stick the picture of the
of the inside of the supermarket “What is this
lesson on the whiteboard and ask place?”
them what that place is.
After that is done, positive -students
acknowledgement is given. response-


The teacher repeats the

“This is a super-
students’ answer in
market.” Repeat
sentence form, and asks
after me.
the students to repeat after

And “Can you tell me,

what can you
The teacher asks the ( (both hands
students on what they can gesturing towards
see, hear, and what they them )see at the
can do at the market. (The market?
questions are sticked
underneath the picture) -students’response-
(answers are written with
markers) “Good, I (gesturing
towards herself)
can see *answers*

Repeat after me.

The teacher repeats the -students
answers with the gestures response-
and asks them to repeat.

“What can you hear


“Good, I (gesturing
towards herself)
can hear*answers*

Repeat after me.

“Well done! Now,
The teacher sticks a picture this group ask this
of a bank, and the same question, and the
steps are being conducted. other group will
But, instead of the teacher give their
asking the question, the answers.”
pupils are the ones who
will ask the questions to -students’
their peers.(The students response-
are divided into 2 large

The students are divided “Now, choose your

into pairs and 10 set of partners. Every
questions are given thus, group will receive
two groups will receive the different set of
same set of questions. The questions. Write
questions are: your answers on a
piece of paper, and
1.What can you see? we will later
discuss, after 10
2. What can you hear? minutes.”
3. What kind of people are
4. How do the people go
5. What do the people do
for a living?
6. What can you do here?
7. When do you go here?
8. Do you like that place/
9. How do the people
10. Who do you go there

A picture of a marketplace
is stuck at the whiteboard.
The teacher asks the “Class, what place
students to identify where is this?”
the place is, and then stick
the name underneath the
picture, and the noun is
repeated by the whole “Good, now
class. 10 minutes is answer the
allocated for them to questions given to
complete their task and an you. Your time,
audio clip of the starts, now.”
marketplace’s environment
is being played.

Post Groupwork
Speaking (Pictures After 10 minutes, the “Okay class, time’s
describing) students are told to stop up! Stop writing
writing. please.”

The teacher demonstrates “Now, switch your

to the students on how question with the
they are going to read and group next to you.
answer the questions. Now, switch the
question again with
The questions are then the group in front
reshuffled between them, of you.”
and each group will read
aloud what question that Okay, now, each
they received, and the group read the
group who has the answer, question in the
will reply.
Both replies from the
respective groups will be
repeated by the remaining
























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