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Saint Louis University

School of Nursing




Mrs. Florence Pulido

Date: 09/14/18
A. Description of the Learner: The learner is an 18 year old post-open cholecystectomy patient. She is a 1st year college student studying Engineering in SLU.
She can understand English, Tagalog, and Ilocano.
B. Learning Need: In need of information about interventions, and considerations postoperative to cholecystectomy.
C. Learning Diagnosis: Knowledge deficit : cholecystectomy post care related to lack of knowledge
D. General Objective: Within the 8 hours shift, patient will be able to understand and consideration, effectiveness and risks.

Time Allotment: 25-30 minutes.

E. Teaching Plan

Time Allotment
Behavioral Learning Teaching
Topic Outline and Resources Method of Evaluation
Objectives Strategies
I. Cognitive

Within 10 minutes of health

teaching the patient must be

1.) To be able to define or “Open cholecystectomy is a surgery to treat

describe “Open- gallbladder and bile duct diseases. These diseases 1-on-1 lecture, 3 Minutes Ask “What is Open-
include cholecystitis (swelling of the gallbladder) and Brochure Cholecystectomy?”
cholelithiasis (stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts).
The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ found under
your liver on the right side of your upper abdomen
(stomach). It stores bile that comes from the liver and
helps in the digestion of food. Bile is carried by the
bile duct to the intestines. If left untreated, gallstones
or biliary sludge may block the flow of bile. This can
cause more swelling, infection, and abdominal pain.”
2.) To identify instructions of
to improve recovery from
Post-Open Information about: 4 Minutes Identify at least 1 in each
Cholecystectomy care. - Are there any diet restrictions Brochure categories
- When can the patient go back to normal
- How will the patient care for their incision?
- How to manage pain?
- What are the meds and when to take?
- When should the patient notify the physician?
- When to follow-up?

II. Psychomotor

Within 10 minutes of
health teaching, the
patient will be able:

1.) To demonstrate the a.) Always wash hands before and after touching One on one 5 Minutes Able to demonstrate and
properly care at the site. near the incision site. lecture with perform the procedure well.
b.) Changing of dressing (Remove dressing 24 hrs. accompanied
after surgery) demonstration
c.) Cleaning of incision.
d.) Ways to avoid infections

Splinting the stomach by placing a pillow over your One on one 5 Minutes
abdomen with firm pressure before coughing or lecture with Able to demonstrate and
movement can help reduce. accompanied perform the procedure well
Distraction being able to focus in other activities demonstration
2.) To be able to demonstrate other than pain. Like listening to music, playing
ways to manage pain. games, engaging in activities which can help cope
with mild pain and anxiety.
Guided imagery in short meditation, helps by direct
and control emotions. Close eyes and gently do DBE,
picture yourself somewhere in the center of
somewhere peaceful.
III. Affective

1.) Within 5 minutes of Based on key features and demonstrations One on one 5 minutes Discuss the importance of
health teaching, the lecture caring for post-open
patient will be able to cholecystectomy
discuss the importance of
caring for post-


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