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Patients Data Analysis for Decision Making

Patients Costing in Hospital
Certification Course on Disease Coding
Specialty Coding Course: Obstetric & Gynaecology
Refresher Course on Disease Coding
Specialty Coding Course: Surgical & Orthopaedics
Basic Course on Medical Terminology for Non Clinical
Refresher Course on Procedure Coding

Materials, Course Timing
Reference Materials




Overview of the Course

Accurate and comprehensive coded clinical data is essential for reliable and
effective clinical and statistical analysis. The process of following clearly
distinct rules to establish appropriate code(s) to be used when analysing a
condition statement needs to be taught and its application can be time
consuming. Whether the process is done by using software or by hand using the
ICD-10 manual, coding a diagnosis correctly requires training in the
innumerable rules used to choose and apply the codes.

This training is specially designed to provide beginners to gain better

understanding and proficiency in assigning ICD-10 codes. This training is also
suitable for those who are already involved in coding diagnosis to take this
opportunity to refresh and explore in greater details some chapters which are
more complicated

The success of the training delivered depends upon the commitment and
competence of the individual. It is therefore essential that an individual and
their organisation understand the base knowledge and skills required as well as
the ongoing commitment.


Coding accuracy is highly important to healthcare organizations, and has an

impact on revenues and describing health outcomes. In fact, certification has
become an implicit industry standard. Accordingly, the certificates credential
demonstrates a practitioner's tested data quality and integrity skills, and
mastery of coding proficiency. Coders experienced in coding inpatient and
outpatient records should consider obtaining this certification.

o At the end of this course delegates will be able to:

o Understand and describe the role and importance of coded clinical data at
local and national levels

o Understand the quality criteria of data: accuracy, consistency, completeness

and timeliness

o Refresh and consolidate existing practical coding skills and step coding
process for ICD‐10 and ICD-9-CM

o Refresh and consolidate existing theoretical coding knowledge for ICD‐10

and ICD-9-CM

o Apply this knowledge to consistently and accurately identify the correct

codes for a range of typical case note and more complex scenarios

o Increase self‐confidence through participation in a number of interactive

reinforcement activities

Coding Courses

Patient Data Analysis for Decision Making


Two-days casemix data analysis workshop which will be a mix of talks and discussions. The
talks will go through analysis methods in casemix system and some examples that will show
how you can get more useful information from casemix output. This workshop is designed to
introduce you to a series of casemix data-analysis and the application of SPSS software to
produce casemix output for decision maker. We also have an exercise session for practicing
casemix data analysis using SPSS software. We encourage you to bring along your
casemix data that we can discuss casemix data-analysis and modeling options that could
assist you with your questions. The programme developed consisted of lecture, discussion,
exercise and group presentation.


In this class, participant learn how to analyse casemix data statistically using SPSS
software. Discuss the types of casemix output for hospital management purposes.
Participant also explore various performance indicator from casemix data.


This workshop is designed for those who seek professional growth and wish to enhance and
update their knowledge and skills in hospital Management especially casemix management.
The content of the program is developed in way to meet demand of working professionals
such as; Medical Records Officer, Medical officer, Administration manager, Nursing
manager, Hospital Director and others healthcare professionals involve in management of

DATE : 4-5 MARCH 2019

FEES : RM400.00 X 2 DAYS = RM800.00

Patient Costing in Hospital


The three-day Patient Cost Analysis Training which will be a classroom-base teaching and
training Course developed by the International Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding
(ITCC). Through combination of lectures, practical exercises and interactive activities,
the course aims to introduce participants to basic theoretical knowledge and practical
patient level costing skills.


At the end of the training workshop, the participants should be able to:

o Understand and describe the role and costing clinical data at local, national and
international levels;
o Understand the basic structure of costing templates;
o Understand the minimum requirement for clinical costing;
o Apply this knowledge consistently and accurately in identifying the correct and
accurate hospital costing template;
o Increase self-confidence through participation in various interactive reinforcement
o Be familiar with the clinical cost modelling software.


Targeted mainly at finance officers, hospital managers, doctors, nurses and anyone
interested with patient level costing analysis. The course is designed to familiarize
participants with the use of costing templates for data collection, and the Clinical Cost
Modelling Software (CCM) for imputing unit cost in the context of hospital services.

DATE : 22-23 APRIL 2019

FEES : RM400.00 X 2 DAYS = RM800.00

Certification Course on Disease Coding

A three (3) days course of classroom-based training developed, updated and delivered by the
International Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding. The course aims to consolidate both
the practical coding skills and theoretical knowledge through a number of assessment based
exercises and interactive activities.

Attendance Criteria

This course is suitable for any new clinical coder, medical record officer, medical assistant or
who has not updated their coding skills. No assumed knowledge of coding is required. The
ITCC recommends that a Coder, Manager, Supervisor and Auditor attends a Basic Course to
maintain and update their practical coding skills and theoretical knowledge.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, delegates will be able to:

o Understand and describe the role and importance of coded clinical data at local, national
and international levels.
o Understand the quality criteria of data: accuracy, consistency, completeness and
o Apply this knowledge to consistently and accurately identify the correct codes for a range
of typical case note and more complex scenarios.
o Increase self-confidence through participation in a number of interactive reinforcement
o Monitor their progress through the ongoing assessment which features as part of this

Course Outline

Clinical Coding
Introduction to ICD 10 Disease Coding
Coding Rules and Guidelines
Basic Physiology for Coders
Medical Terminology for Coders (Gen. Medicine and Lab terms)
Introduction to Digital Coding Tools

DATE : 24 – 26 JUNE 2019

FEES : RM400.00 X 3 DAYS = RM1200.00

Specialty Coding Course: Orthopaedic Surgery


This consists of a 2 day classroom based training developed and updated by the International
Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding, UKM Medical Centre which offers specialty
training to enable experienced clinical coders to further develop their knowledge and
understanding of the processes and terminology associated with the coding or orthopaedic
spells. This is undertaken though a number of practical exercises, interactive activities and
learning sessions


Clinical coding data is one of the major tasks of health ministries, hospitals and national
statistical data collectors. Coded data are used at facility, provincial, national and
international levels to describe health status. Coded data describe reasons for hospital and
clinic attendance, major causes of death and help to identify potential prevention and public
health strategies. These data provide a basis for health care provision and decision‐making,
creating rich information that can be analysed for health care planning, needs assessment,
resource allocation and health service management.


Experienced and accredited clinical coders needing to refresh and further develop their
existing skills and knowledge to apply International clinical coding standards for the ICD-10
and ICD-9-CM classifications.

DATE : 22-23 JULY 2019

FEES : RM400.00 X 2 DAYS = RM800.00

Specialty Coding Course: Obstetric & Gynaecology


This consists of a 2 day classroom based training developed and updated by the
International Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding, UKM Medical Centre. Focus on
Pregnancy, Childbirth and Puerperium is designed to enhance a coding professional's
knowledge in anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology terminology for conditions
related to pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium. This course covers terminology
changes as they relate to Chapter 15 in ICD-10. There is a focus on using the fifth and
sixth characters to identify the trimester and on coding elective abortions.


The four lessons in this course are:

o ICD-10 Terminology for Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium

o ICD-10 Chapter 15 Categories
o ICD-10 Chapter 15 Guidelines
o ICD-9-CM Chapter 13 Obstetrical Procedures (72-75)

Upon successful completion, a student will be able to:

o Use the ICD-10 Chapter 15 guidelines and categories (O00-O99)

o Review ICD-10 terminology as it relates to pregnancy, childbirth, and the
o Discuss appropriate coding of elective abortions
o Describe the use of combination codes related to Chapter 15


Experienced and accredited clinical coders needing to refresh and further develop
their existing skills and knowledge to apply International clinical coding standards for
the ICD-10 and ICD-9-CM classifications.

DATE : 19-20 AUGUST 2019

FEES : RM400.00 X 2 DAYS = RM800.00

Refresher Course on Disease Coding


This is a 5 days classroom based course developed, updated and delivered by the
International Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding, UKM Medical Centre. This course
aimed at clinical coders, covering basic anatomy and physiology, medical terminology and
provides education in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical exercises around the rules
and conventions of the ICD-10 classifications used for clinical coding.


Clinical coding is one of the major tasks of health ministries, hospitals and national
statistical data collectors. Coded data are used at facility, provincial, national and
international levels to describe health status. Coded data describe reasons for hospital and
clinic attendance, major causes of death and help to identify potential prevention and public
health strategies. These data provide a basis for health care provision and decision‐making,
creating rich information that can be analysed for health care planning, needs assessment,
resource allocation and health service management.


Novice clinical coders recently employed in coding departments who need to develop the
required skills and knowledge to apply International clinical coding standards for the ICD-
10 classifications.

Experienced and accredited clinical coders needing to refresh and further develop their
existing skills and knowledge to apply International clinical coding standards for the ICD-
10 classifications.

It is also suitable for researchers and analysts working with ICD‐10 codes in both morbidity
and mortality data collections who require an understanding of how coding is performed
and how diagnoses and causes of death are selected and coded.

DATE : 21 – 25 OCTOBER 2019

FEES : RM400.00 X 5 DAYS = RM2000.00

Basic Course on Medical Terminology for Non Clinical


The medical profession is one of the most rewarding industries to work in – it is also very
unique. This course has been developed to help you get under the skin of commonly used
medical terminology across a wide range of disciplines including biology, cardiology,
psychology and many more. You will be guided through each speciality step-by-step and
learn how seemingly complicated medical jargon is built up from word roots, prefixes and
suffixes, so this language becomes second nature to you.


Non clinicians need not feel daunted by the complexity of language used in primary care -
this two day course covers everything you need to know by taking you on a tour of all the
main body systems. The starting point is in understanding the building blocks to medical
terminology and how the words are created. Then get to grips with the anatomy and
physiology to make it all falls into place.
This workshop is designed to give delegates an insight and understanding into the
terminology that may be encountered in a practice environment. The course covers the
basic anatomy and physiology of the systems. Delegates will be able to build up medical
words using word roots, suffixes and prefixes relating to these systems, giving the flexibility
to extend their knowledge.


Allied Health

DATE : 18 – 19 NOVEMBER 2019

FEES : RM400.00 X 5 DAYS = RM2000.00

Refresher Course on Procedure Coding


This is a 5 days classroom based course developed, updated and delivered by the
International Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding, UKM Medical Centre. This course
aimed at clinical coders, covering basic anatomy and physiology, medical terminology and
provides education in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical exercises around the rules
and conventions of the ICD-9-CM classifications used for clinical coding.


Clinical coding is one of the major tasks of health ministries, hospitals and national
statistical data collectors. Coded data are used at facility, provincial, national and
international levels to describe health status. Coded data describe reasons for hospital and
clinic attendance, major causes of death and help to identify potential prevention and public
health strategies. These data provide a basis for health care provision and decision‐making,
creating rich information that can be analysed for health care planning, needs assessment,
resource allocation and health service management.


Novice clinical coders recently employed in coding departments who need to develop the
required skills and knowledge to apply International clinical coding standards for the ICD-9-
CM classifications.

Experienced and accredited clinical coders needing to refresh and further develop their
existing skills and knowledge to apply International clinical coding standards for the ICD-9-
CM classifications.

It is also suitable for researchers and analysts working with ICD‐9-CM codes in data
collections who require an understanding of how coding is performed and how procedures
are selected and coded.

DATE : 16-20 DECEMBER 2019

FEES : RM400.00 X 5 DAYS = RM2000.00

Course Inclusion


Each delegate receives:

Delegate course folder

Written Exercises and Answer sheets
Reference Handouts

The course timings will be provided by the course trainer


Each delegate would be supplied the reference books for use during the course:

o World Health Organisation’s International Statistical Classification of Disease and

Related Health Problems Tenth Revision – Volumes 1, 2 and 3
o ICD-9-CM Volume 3 – Procedure Coding


A registration form must be completed for each delegate.

The price includes all tuition, materials and refreshments on the courses.


All the payments payable to the details below:-


Bank : CIMB Bank Bhd
Branchs Taman Maluri, Cheras Kuala Lumpur
Acc. Number : 8000742634
Swif Code : CIBBMYKL

Prof Dr Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh
MD (UKM), MPH (Hospital and Health Management UKM), PhD (Health
Economics UNU-IIGH& UKM)
Head of Community and Industry Liason Office Deputy Dean Office,
Head of International Centre For Casemix and Clinical Coding (ITCC),
Medical Lecturer & Public Health Medicine Specialist Consultant in
Health Economics, Hospital & Health Management Faculty of Medicine
UKM Medical Centre

Dr Amrizal Muhammad Nur

MD (INA); MSc (USM); PhD (UKM)
Associate Professor
Medical Lecturer & Public Health Specialist
Deputy Head
International Centre For Casemix and Clinical Coding (ITCC)
(Health Economics, Health/Hospital Management and Casemix Management
UKM Medical Centre

Prof. Dr. Saperi Sulong

Professor and Consultant in Health Economic and Health
Department of Health Community
Faculty of Medicine
UKM Medical Centre

Siti Hajarni Isahak
Senior Clinical Coder
International Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding
UKM Medical Centre

Rosman Mat Rashid

Senior Clinical Coder
International Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding
UKM Medical Centre

Rosliani Mohd Salih

International Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding
UKM Medical Centre

Registration Form

Fill in all the details carefully for a successful registration process.



Job Title



Course Name


SIGNATURE: _____________________ DATE: ________________

Please return to:

International Centre For Casemix and Clinical Coding (ITCC)

Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz
Level 5, Nursing Hostel Buidling
Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak
56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
Phone : 03-9145 6988/5696/6445
email :

For more information about the courses please contact

International Centre For Casemix and Clinical Coding (ITCC)

Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz
Level 5, Nursing Hostel Building
Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak
56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
Phone : 03-9145 6988/5696/6445
email :

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