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1. How would you describe a world without a friend?

For me, a world without a friend is like a world with nothing, filled with desolation. Not a single spark of happiness
only a world of monochrome. It is a prison not a paradise.
2. What is more dangerous, a polluted environment or a polluted mind?

I believe that it is more dangerous to have a polluted mind. Having a polluted mind is affecting your subconscious mind
and having negative and evil thoughts.

3. What is the sin that you committed that you never regret doing and you want to commit again?
I think the greatest sin that I have committed is being a sloth. Yes, a sloth. Being a sloth basically means being lazy and I
don’t mind being lazy for a day or two
4. What will you prefer, one 5.0 grade or 10inc grades?

I would prefer 10 inc grades for I believe it is better to complete the requirements needed for that certain inc rather
than to stain my transcript by that single 5.0 grade.

5. How would you like to be remembered by your enemies?

I would like my enemies to remember me as someone who have left a deep impression to them. Someone who had
answered to their fight and as well as someone who will become their greatest friend.

6. Who is the cartoon character that you can relate yourself best?
I think that the cartoon character that can relate to me most is Clover from the totally spies because she, like me is
outgoing and likes latest trends and fashion.
7. What is the best thing that happened in your life you wish did not happen?
There is no best thing in my life that I have wished that it didn’t happen. Because everything that happened
in my life had a reason and meaning and I treat it as memorable memories.

8. What will you prefer, passing the subject with a grade 1.0 with less learning or a grade of 3.0 but learned almost everything
about the subject?

I would choose the grade of 3.0 because I believe that knowledge is like finding a diamond in a pile of coal which
means that.

9. What will you tell an animal how it feels to be a human?

I would tell to an animal that being a human is full of contradictory and it’s a pain compare to being an animal that
relies on its instinct and are simple and uncomplicated.

10. What will you wish for a dying man?

Happiness. I wish for a dying man’s happiness for no one wants to die sad and maybe, just maybe he will bring this
happiness with him in the next life or as he is reincarnated.
11. Who will you choose, the person you love but does not love you in return, or the person you don’t love but loves you?

Everyone is given a chance to love others, so I have chosen to love the person I wanted even that person will not return
my love as long as I never give up there is a chance that, that person will look at me and return my love.

I believe that the world is full of choices and that alone does not limit my choices of who do I love and who loves me
and I chose to love myself rather than getting hurt of whom I have chosen between themselves
I chose the person who loves me because at some point I can learn on how to love that person through his action. And
it’s happier to fall in love with the person you don’t know why you fall you just have fall

12. What is your idea of heaven on earth?

For me, a heaven on earth is like an oasis in a desert. It is an illusion for those indolent and lazy people. But a Shangri-
La to those productive ones.

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