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Why, do you want do what you want to do?

When choosing a career we always ask ourselves, why? Is it because of money? Is it cause of job
security? Or is it because of pressure? When I was first asked as to why I wanted to become an
Occupational therapist & Physiotherapist (OTA & PTA) I did not have a complete answer. I simply
wanted to help individuals but that answer was not good enough for my interviewer. I did some soul
searching and this is what I uncovered.

Finding the right career is never easy, and there are a lot of struggles we go through to find out
right paths. Success is never easy but thankfully, the individuals I have encountered in my life have
indirectly pushed me to my career without me knowing.

From my elementary to my long post-secondary schooling the individuals I encountered

throughout my education have helped me grow and with time, helped me find the answer to the
question why I wanted to become an OTA & PTA.

The reason as to why I choose this career path is that the basis of rehabilitation is spending time
with patients, carrying out intervention plans, and helping to ensure clients receive the maximum
therapy time and outcome. Looking at the bigger picture, it’s not about remediating or compensating for
the impairment but rather getting patients back to the activities they enjoy doing. Whether it may be
spending time with loved ones, playing the piano, or even walking their dog, it’s about looking at the
patient as a whole and supporting their goals.

Being able to work directly with the patients to assist and support them to develop, and improve
their psychosocial health, physical health, and cognition as well as being able to build rapport for a
therapeutic relationship gave me such wonderful sense of satisfaction.

The OTA & PTA program and field placement experiences have given me the skills and the
confidence to be successful in the work place. During placement, interactions with patients have given
me a new insight into the importance of the OTA & PTA role. The enjoyment when patients are able to
reintegrate back into their community and knowing that I played a role is why chose this career path.
My aim is to help others just like others have helped me.

There is a well-known tale of the tortoise that raced the hare, we know the tortoise won even
though it was slower. The moral of the story is it is okay that people can be ahead of you, because you
will catch up and everyone moves at their own pace. Eventually, you will get to where you want to even
if it takes you a little awhile. It took me awhile to realize that, so before you choose a career as yourself,
what would make you choose this certain career path.

Helias Almasak

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