Paula Maiana - July 5th

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What’s your job? Where’s your work?

1. Look at the webpage and write the jobs on the lines.




IMPORTANT NOTE: Always use a/an before a job/occupation!!

 He is an engineer. / She is a nurse. / I am a student.

**However, do NOT use a/an before a plural noun.

 We are an engineers. They are a professors.

PRACTICE: Talk about the people in your family or your friends. What are their jobs?

2. Look at those two photos from a social networking website. What are their
jobs? Listen and write.

Photo 1: ________ Photo 2: _________

Listen again and complete the conversation.

A _____ is my _____ Fernando.

B Is he a _____?
A No, he isn’t. He’s a _____ in a _____ in Mexico.
B Is it a _____ _____?
A Yes, it is. And _____ are my _____, Jack and Katie.
B Are they _____?
A No, they aren’t. They’re _____ in a _____ in London.
3. Read the text. Answer the questions.
These are my friends, Arturo and Romina.
He’s from Mexico and she’s from
Argentina. They’re in Thailand for a
week. He’s there on business and she’s
there on holiday. He’s a doctor at a
hospital in Cancún and she’s a teacher at
a language school. The language school
is in Buenos Aires and it’s very good!

a) Who’s in Thailand?
b) Who’s from Argentina?
c) Who’s there on business?
d) Who’s a language school teacher?
e) What’s in Buenos Aires?

GRAMMAR: Prepositions of place

PRACTICE: Complete the sentences with in, on, near/next to.

a) The Metropolitan Opera is ___ 65th Street.
b) The Palace Museum is ___ Beijing.
c) The Tuileries Garden is ___ the Louvre Museum.
d) The Colosseum is ___ Italy.
e) The Tower of London is ___ Tower Bridge.
4. Look at the map. Work with your partner and ask about places 1-6.

1) The Library 2) the Victoria Conference Centre 3) the Parliament Buildings

4) Hotel Rialto 5) Store street 6) Hotel Grand Pacific.

Translation practice
a) Minha casa fica na rua Geraldo de Freitas, número 50, em Porto Alegre.
b) Nosso professor é de Londres, mas nossa escola fica em Brighton.
c) A sua mãe é engenheira? –Não, ela é enfermeira e trabalha em um hospital.
d) Qual é o seu trabalho? –Sou garçom em um restaurante na Turquia.
e) Onde é seu escritório? –Fica na rua Franklin, número 23, em Kingston.
f) O restaurante fica próximo à farmácia.

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