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Peter D.


Hyperbolic Difference Equations: A Review of the

Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy Paper in the Light of
Recent Developments

Abstract: The portion of the Courant-Friedrichs-Lwy paper [Math. Ann. 100, 32 (1928)] that was devoted to hyperbolic difference
equations is critically reviewedin terms of its basic contribution to the numerical solution of partial differential equations. Some subse-
quent developments are then discussed, including recent literature related to the von Neumann condition, some irreversible schemes,
generalizations of the energy method, some new difference schemes, and mixed initial boundary value problems.

Introduction The difference schemes of Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy

At the time their paper was written, Courant, Friedrichs Here is a brief description of Part I1 of the paper, con-
and Lewy’ were interested in difference equations as a cerning hyperbolic equations: The authors start by point-
tool for proving the existence of solutions of partial dif- ing out that a scheme cannot be a convergent one if the
ferential equations; discretization was a way of construct- ratio of the time and space mesh is so large that thedomain
ing a sequence of finite dimensional problems whose of dependence of a point in the difference scheme does not
solutions tended in the limit to the solution of the con- contain all points of its domain of dependence in the dif-
tinuous problem.** For this reason the authors developed ferential equation; such a scheme ignores information
a method which was applicable to equations with variable which does influence the value of the solution of the dif-
coefficients; for the same reason they were not interested ferential equation. This fact is obvious to those who are
in studyingall possible difference schemes but were satisfied used to thinking in these terms but was very much un-
when they found one that worked. suspected by quite a large number of otherwise eminent
Today the methods of functional analysis-projection, scientists who, in their haste to use too large a value of
mollification-are so well developed (thanks in large part At, fell into the trapof using difference schemes that could
to the pioneering work of Friedrichs) that descent to the not converge and which in fact did diverge spectacularly.
finite dimensional case is not necessary for proving the The authors start with the centered difference scheme
existence of solutions of linear problems.+ On the other forthe one-dimensional wave equation where A x / A t
hand, the onset of the Second World War brought an equals the sound speed. The resulting difference equations
unprecedented (and unabated) pressure on the technologi- are extremely simple and can be solved explicitly. Then
cal centers to providenumericalsolutions of partial- the authors turn to the centered difference scheme for the
differential equations; here the ideas introduced by wave equation on an arbitrary grid and remark that they
C-F-L-the famous stability condition, energy inequalities, will not bother to write down an explicit representation of
and the leapfrog difference method-turned out to be the solution because “it is too complicated to yield a
basic. This is an outstanding instance of research under- limiting value easily as the meshwidth tends to zero;”
taken for purely theoretical purposes’ turning out to be of thereby they failed to discover the von Neumann stability
immense practical importance. criterion.*
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. New York University. The convergence of the difference scheme is proved by
** Courant was inspiredpartlybyEuler’s use of discretization in the carrying over the energy method developed by Friedrichs
calculus of variations. Also. the authors were aware of the importance of dif-
ference methods for elliptic equations. and Lewy for thewave e q ~ a t i o nThe
. ~ crux of that method
t Quite to the contrary, the difference method may he the only effective
one for dealing with severely nonlinear problems, as indicated by the success of is a quadratic integral identity obtained as follows: multi-
Glimm’s recent work on shock waves.6
I Curiously, in the late twenties the authors were interested through the ply the wave equation by U t , write the product as a di-
work of Prandtl in hyperbolic problems of compressible gas dynamics. They
considered solving these equations numerically by the method of character- * The explicit representation was given by Lewy in a paper16 published 235
istics but not by difference schemes. twenty years later.


vergence, integrate it over a lens-shaped domain, convert quotients, converge to a limit. That limit solvesthe original
the volume integral into a surface integral and finally differential equation and has the prescribed initial data;
recognize that if the faces of the lens are space-like, the on the other hand, it follows from the energy identity for
integralsover them are positivedefinite. To derive an the differential equation that there can be no more than
analogous identity for their scheme, the authors multiply one such solution. This shows that any other convergent
the difference equation by the centered approximation subsequence has the same limit and therefore the original
to U,; they write the resulting quadratic function as a sequence itself converges.
divergencesumover a tetrahedral region bounded by Thisindirect argument gives no error estimates; of
diagonal planes and observe that if the faces of the tetra- course, usingthe energy inequalitythe authors could have
hedron slope steeper thenthe characteristic cone, then the estimated the difference between exact and approximate
surface sums over themare positive. Although the authors solution with the greatest of ease, had theybothered.
do not emphasize it, the writing of the quadratic function
as a divergence is much trickier for the difference scheme
than for the differential operator; in the differential case Somerecent developments
it ismerely integration by parts; onceonehas seen it We turn now to recentdevelopments;thesemightbe
hecanalmostcertainlyremember it or reconstruct it. grouped coveniently into the following five subjects:
In contrast, although I have seen the difference identity
(8) [onpage 63 of the original paper] a dozentimes, 1) the von Neumann condition,
whenever I prepare to lecture on it I waste half an hour in 2) irreversible schemes,
trying to rediscover it, then at last resort to looking it up. 3) generalizations of the energy method,
In the last section of the paper the authors give an 4) new difference schemes, and
ingenious difference scheme for a certain class of second- 5) mixed initial and boundary value problems.
order hyperbolic differential equations with a cross term
The newdevelopmentswillbe illustrated rather than
and prove its convergence when the cross term is not too
summarized. (For a full treatment we recommend the
large. They observe that by a change of variables one can
bring locally every hyperbolicequation into a form where forthcomingsecondedition of Robert D. Richtmyer's
the cross term is not too large. This is satisfactory if one book, Initial Value Problems).
is interested, as the authors are, in proving existence of For simplicity we shall discuss first-order systems and
solutions, but it may be decidedly unsatisfactory if one is one-level difference operators associated with them rather
interested in calculating solutions.
Nevertheless, the than the second-order equations and second-level schemes
discussed in C-F-L. In a one-level schemethe value of the
method may be practical for equations to which it is
applicable. approximate solution at time t + 6 is obtained by applying
An interesting feature of this method (one not mentioned an operator Sa to its values at time t. Sa is a difference
operator of the form Sa = s,TU, a a multi-index, Tu
explicitly by the authors) is that the restriction that has to
beplaced on At to achieveconvergenceismoresevere translation by 6a,and s, a matrix-valued function. The
than merely requiring that the domain of dependence of operators Sa act on vector-valuedfunctions normed by
the differencescheme contain the true domain of de- the Lz norm.
In C-F-L, the authors proved the convergence of their
Once the energy identitiesare derived, the authors prove difference schemes by energy inequalities; in the operator
language introduced here these express the uniform bound-
convergence swiftly and elegantly. They observe that be-
edness of powers of the operators Sa,i.e., the existence of
cause of the positivity of the terms entering the energy
identity, one obtains inequalities for the energy norm of two constants a and b such that
the solution at time t in terms of the energy norm of the I IS:ll STae a t , where t = n6, (1)
initial data. Analogous estimatesare derived for the higher
difference quotients of the solution byobserving that the norm being the L2 operator norm. A scheme satisfy-
thesedifference quotients satisfy an equation similar to ing (1) is called stable; the procedure of C-F-L demon-
the original one, obtained from it by differencing.With strates that every stable scheme is convergent. It turns out
these bounds for the difference quotients, an estimate* that something like the converse of this also is true: a
for the maximum norm in terms of the energy norm of dif- scheme which converges for all square integrable data is
ference quotients is used and compactness is invoked to stable in the sense of (1). Schemes which converge only
select a subsequencewhich,togetherwithitsdifference for C" data need be stable in a weaker sense only that
these exists an integer N such that
This is the discrete analog of the Sohelev inequality; the continuous ver-
sion of that inequality, although not its sharpest form, was well known in
236 Gottingen as an important tool in the theory of partial differential equations. IlS;ll 5 aeatcN, where t = n6.

The accuracy of a difference scheme is measured by how sibledifferenceschemes for themcanbe quite useful.
closely solutions of the differential equation satisfy the Such a difference scheme was introduced by Friedrichs in
difference equation. A scheme is accurate of order m if Ref. 4. In some nonlinear casesthe slight dissipationwhich
for every smooth solution u of the differential equation makes the differenceschemeirreversibleisevenindis-
there is a constant k such that pensable.
It is not hard to show that the von Neumann condition is
Ilu(t + 6) - Ss~(t)lII k6"". (2) necessary for the stability of schemes with variable coef-
ficients as well. Von Neumann conjectured that it is also
The method of C-F-L shows that if a scheme is stable in sufficient; something like thishas been demonstrated by a
the sense of (l), and accurate of order m in the sense of surprisingly elaborate extension of the energymethod.
(2), then for smooth data the overall error is O(6"): In the hands of Courant, Friedrichs, and Lewy, energy
inequalities were derived from energy identities, obtained
from difference analogs of formulas for the differentiation
Ilu(t) - S;u(O)[l I peat a", t = n6. (3)
of products. This hasbeen generalized and systematized by
Lees'5 who has devised a large number of inequalities in
Somewhat surprisingly, Strang proved in Ref. 20 that the this way. It was observed in Ref. 11 that all such energy
same error estimate (3) holds alsofor weakly stable schemes inequalities can be obtained by the purely algebraic method
which satisfy merely (l)N, provided that the solution u is of expressingcertainnon-negativesymbols as sums of
sufficiently differentiable. squares; according to Hilbert'stheory of higher order
Weak stability is very hard to verify for operators with positive forms,this is not always possibleand so the classi-
variable coefficients since it is an unstable concept, in the cal energy method has inherent limitations. Nonetheless,
following sense:If Sssatisfy (I),,,, an operator Si = Ss M it is possible to derive energy inequalities without energy
where the IIM([5 const. X 6, need not satisfy ( l ) N .In identities as was done, for instance, in Ref. 13 with the
contrast, the class of strongly stable operators satisfying aid of a certain amount of dissipation, and in Ref. 12 with
(1) is stable in this sense. the aid of nothing at all except sufficient differentiability
In Ref. 23 ThomCemakes a precise and surprisingly of the coefficients. The theorem of Lax and Nirenberg
delicate study of the degree of stability of a class of opera- reads: If the symbol isa sufficiently differentiable function
tors in the maximum norm. of x , E and if IS(x,()I 5 1 for all x and E, then the operator
The symbol (amplification matrix)of the operator S6is Sssatisfies the inequality.

~ ( xi ), = Sa(x)eidE. IlSsll I 1 + K6. (4)

For operators with coefficients independentof x it follows Obviously the expression of (4) implies stability in any
immediately from the isometric character of Fourier trans- finite time interval. The more delicate problemof proving
formation that necessary and sufficient for stability is the stability when the symbol is not bounded by inequality (1)
uniform boundedness of all powers of the symbol. This in norm but merely satisfies the von Neumann condition
reduces a stabilityquestion to a purematrix problem; has been handledby Kreiss.' He found that if in addition to
this matrixproblem,however, turns out to betrickier the von Neumann condition one requires dissipation in a
than it seems at first glance. An obvious necessary condi- definite sense then it is possible to introduce a new norm
tion, the famousonedue to vonNeumann,is for the equivalent to the L2 norm for which inequality (4) is true.
spectrum of such a matrix to lie in the unit disc in the The proof of the surprisinglydelicatematrixtheorems
complexplane. An obvioussufficientconditionis for needed to do this have been simplifiedby Parlett."
the norm of this matrix to be 5 1. A non-obvious suf- As already mentioned, earlier practical needs have called
ficient condition is that the numerical range of the matrix for a whole armyof novel difference schemes. Among these
be in the unit disc.' 3 ' 4 Necessary and sufficient conditions one might single out the crude but useful method intro-
were given by Kreiss' and Buchanan;' see also M ~ r t o n ' ~ duced by Friedrichs; the more accurate methods devised
and Morton and Schechter." by Du Fort-Frankel: by Lax-Wendr~ff,'~and the high-
If the difference scheme is reversible, i.e., can be used order schemesstudiedby Strang?l and manyothers.
to compute solutions both forward and backward in time, As more and more complicated schemes are being tried
then both positive and negative powersof the symbol have for more and more complicated systems of equations in
to be bounded. In this case the von Neumann condition more and morevariables, the verification of the von
requires that the spectrum be located on the unit circle. Neumann condition, although merely algebraic, becomes
One of the new developments has been the observation quite difficult and is often done numerically on the ma-
that although hyperbolic problems are reversible, irrever- chine. 237


Almost all problemsofpracticalimportanceinvolve 9. H. 0.Kreiss, “On difference approximations of the dissipa-
boundary conditions as well as initial conditions. There is tive type for hyperbolic differential equations,” Comm. Pure
and Applied Math., 17, No. 3, 335-353 (1964).
a largebody of practicalexperiencewith these and a 10. H. 0.Kreiss, “Difference approximations for hyperbolic
modest body of theory. An analog of the von Neumann differential equations,” Numerical Solution of Partial
condition has been given byGodunov and Ryabenki? Differential Equations. Edited by James H. Bramble Aca-
demic Press, N. Y.,1966, pp. 125-152.
using some observations of Gelfand.In spite of interesting 11. P. D. Lax, “The scope of the energy method,” Bull. Amer.
beginnings, such as the work of Strang” who has found Math. SOC.,66, 32-35 (1960).
a relation to the theory of Wiener-Hopf equations, and 12. P. D. Lax and L. Nirenberg, “On stability for difference
schemes,” Comm. Pure and Applied Math., 19, 4, 473492
some recent work of Kreiss’’ using high-order extrapola- (1966).
tion, there is as yet no general theory for problems with 13. P. D. Lax and B. Wendroff, “On the stability of difference
variable coefficients. schemes: A Sharp Form of Ggrding’s Inequality,” Comm.
Pure and Applied Math. 15. 363-371 (1962).
14. P. D. Lax and B. Wendroff, “Difference schemes for
Bibliography hyperbolic equations withhigh order accuracy,” Comm.
1. M. L. Buchanan, “A necessary and sufficient condition Pure and Applied Math. 17, No. 3, 381-398 (1964).
for stability of difference schemes for initial value prob- 15. M. Lees, “A priori estimates for the solutions of difference
lems,’’ J. SOC. Indust. Appl.Math. 11, 919-935 (1963). approximations to parabolic partial differential equations,”
2. R. Courant, K. Friedrichs, and H. Lewy, “On Partial Dif- Duke Math. J., 27, 297-312 (1960).
ference Equations of Mathematical Physics,” IBM Journal 16. H. Lewy, “On the convergence of solutions of difference
11,215-234 (1967). (English translation of the original work, equations,” Studies and EssaysPresented to R. Courant
“Uber die Partiellen Differenzengleichungen der Mathe- on his 60th Birthday, Jan. 8,1948, Interscience Publishers
matischen Physik,” Math. Ann. 100, 32-74 (1928). Inc., N. Y.,1948, pp. 211-214.
3. E. C . Du Fort andS. P. Frankel, “Stability conditions in the 17. K. W. Morton, “On a matrix theorem due to H. 0.Kreiss,”
numerical treatment of parabolic differential equations,” Comm. Pure and Applied Math. 17, 375-379 (1964).
Marh. Tables and OtherAids to Computation. 7, 135-152 18. K. W. Morton and S. Schechter, “On the stability of finite
(1953). difference matrices,” J. SOC.Indust. and Applied Math. Ser.
4. K. 0.Friedrichs, “Symmetric hyperbolic linear differential B Numer. Anal. 2, 119-128 (1965).
equations,” Comm.Pure and AppliedMath., 7, 345-392 19. B. Parlett, “Accuracy and dissipation in difference schemes,”
(1954). Comm. Pure and AppliedMath., 19, No. 1, 111 (1966).
5. K. 0.Friedrichs and H. Lewy, “Uber die Eindeutigkeit 20. W. Gilbert Strang, “Difference methods for mixed prob-
und das Abhangigkeitsgebiet der Losungen beim Anfangs- lems,’’ Duke Marh. Journal, 27, No. 2,221-232 (June 1960).
wertproblem hearer hyperbolischer Differentialgleichun- 21. W. Gilbert Strang, “Trigonometric polynomials and dif-
gen,” Math. Ann. 98, 192-204 (1928). ference methods of maximum accuracy,” Journal of Math.
6. J. Glimm, “Solutions in the large for nonlinear hyperbolic and Physics, 41, No. 2, 147-54 (1962).
systems of equations,” Comm. Pure and Applied Math., 18, 22. W. GilbertStrang, “Wiener-Hopf difference equations,”
697-715 (1965). Journal of Math. and Mech. 13, 85-96 (1964).
7. Godunov and Ryabenkii, “Spectral criteria for stability of 23. V. Thomee, “On maximum-norm stable difference opera-
boundary problems for non-self-adjoint difference equa- tors,’’ Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations,
tions,“ Uspekii Varh. Nauk 18, 3 (1963). Edited by James H. Bramble. Academic Press, N. Y., 1966,
8. H. 0.Kreiss, “Uber die Stabilitatsdefinition fur Differen- pp. 125-152.
zengleichungen die partielle Differentialgliechungen ap-
proximieren” (English Summary), Nordisk Tidskr. Znjorma-
tions Behandlung 2, 153-181 (1962). Received August 16, 1966



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