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Performance Standard: the learners: Devises way of changing the form of the solid object to fit a
desired purpose.
Content Standard: the learners: Demonstrates way of shorting materials and describing them as solid,
liquid or gas based on properties such as having definite shape and volume and ease flow.
Learning Content: the learners: Recognize that object can exist as solid, liquid or gas.
Classifies object as S, L, G.
Demonstrates that solids, liquids and gases have weight.
Demonstrates that solids, liquids and gases occupy space.
Differentiates the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
Recognize that solids are made of different kinds of materials.

a. Describe different object in school garden.
b. Classify the object based on their characteristics.
c. Identify solid object according to their size, color and texture.
Value Focus: It’s gives the importance of matter.


a. Skill: observing, identifying, describing
b. Reference: k to 12 learning Module/Material in SCIENCE for Grade 3.
c. Materials: different object found in the garden, bag containing, picture, video clip.


A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Review:
 Ask the pupils: what’s inside you bag?
 Identify the solid object
 List down on you notebook
2. Motivation:
 Show a short video clip of solid object
Ask: What did the student observe on watching the video

B. Developmental Activities:

1. Presenting the Lesson

Today we are going to have our class about in science. Before we start I just want you to pick some
particular object inside your bag. So I have a book here it’s a language book. I just want to ask you were
you will able to hold the book? fell or touch this book?
Yes that’s great you were able to fell it and touch it so that you can feel its texture.
A short discription of matter:
 MATTER is anything that occupies space and ithas volume as well as mass.
Everything around here and everything that we can see is that’s what you call matter how ever there are
three phases of matter the solid, liquid and gas. But today were only focus on solid.
So earlier I am ask you if we can hold the book right? If we can fell its texture and we can hold it. Yes we
can because the book is solid because we can touch it we can fell it. The reason why we can because of
the molecule it in intake there are close tom each other that’s why the book has a definite shape volume
and definite mass as well. So another example of solid ________ we can hold it we can touch it. It has a
definite shape defimite mass and volume. Another example of solid is here the apple we can touch it and
we can hold it. So the object that I had mention are the solid they all have intake or a very tighly close
molecules that’s the reason they have definite shape volume and mass.

So we have our activity we are going to our school garden and every one of you have to collect atleast 5
solid object. After you collect we will back here to our classroom and I have a box here you can put here
if its SMALL,BIG,ROUGH,SMALL,BIG,LONG,SHORT. After you put the object that you collect do
this on your notebook. How did you describe the solid? What are their characteristics?

2. Performing the activity


 Visit school garden. Collect different solids object.

 List down 5 solids you have collected.
 Describe the solid based on their characteristics.
 In chart write the name of solid in their proper column. Do this in your notebook

Small Big Rough smooth circle long short

In your notebook or paper answer the following question

 How did you describe the solid

 What are their characteristics

3. Processing the activity

1. Organize the class to fall a line

2. Give the instruction they will do inside the school garden
 First the pupils will go to the school garden.
 Second pupils will collect solid object.
 Third pupils will list down at least 5 solid object.
3. Supervise the student while doing the activity

4. Reinforcing the Concept/Skill

1. Have the class classify the object based on their characteristics? One minute maybe give each student
 Assume that each pupil collected 5 solid objects like rocks, stick, branch of wood, use bottle,
fruits of the tree. After they collect they classify each solid object in different characteristics like
small, big, rough, smooth, square, long or short. Here is the expected answer.

Small Big Rough smooth circle long short

rocks rocks Rocks, branch Mango fruit Rocks bottle Stick

of wood

2. Analysis and discussion of the student output

How the pupils classify each solid object to their characteristic

5. Summarizing the Lesson

1. Have the pupils formulate the generalization by asking, What is solid?

2. Teacher discuss further the lesson.
 The first state of matter that we are going to talk about is solid. Solid are usually the easiest state
of matter to identify
Solid are the objects that keep their own shape no matter what kind of container they are put in.
Solid can be different color and texture.
Some example of the solid are strawberries, ice cube and bricks.

Describe the following solid object:

This lesson plan builds on student prior knowledge about matter and expand by focusing on solids.


On a short coupon bond draw some solid object and color it.

Prepared by:

Lolarga, Rhinale Rezel C.

November 22, 2018
Approved by:
Brylene Ann Baquiran

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