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Name: Bảo Tâm

Class: IBC03-k43

1.Achievement / acknowledge

- After participating in the workshop, I learned about the Taiwanese speaker's

way of thinking about the lifestyle and culture of Vietnamese people today.
Moreover, I have received suggestions to share the career opportunities of
international students to Taiwan; In-depth comments on attitudes and behavior
when working in multi-ethnic and multinational environments. Thereby, I have
made changes in my perception of right and wrong in everyday life style and
think positively about my future.


- If I had previously thought that Taiwan was a China-like country in a way of

life, then after the workshop I realized that Vietnamese and Taiwanese were
really similarities such as food hobbies, how to enjoy life, how to work ... and
especially friendly communication with other people.

- The children education for Vietnamese people is sometimes not focused

properly leading to bad habits in behavior, but for Taiwanese people they are
extremely focused on guiding their children to know how identify things that
should not be done from the smallest things like not playing and making noise
in the public area, queuing up to buy what you need without interfering others
(bad habits that Vietnamese often have), know how respect and listen to other
people's views.

- In addition to the sharing from the speakers and the participants' questions, I
also feel very interested about how Taiwanese people change urban
management systems as well as environmental protection. While Vietnamese
people also neglect the protection of the living environment as well as overlook
the traffic execution, leading to an increase in untreated waste and frequent
accidents; Taiwanese people feel that changing attitudes right from the smallest
things such as from littering garbage into bin at the public place as well as
complying with traffic signals, not crossing the road without permission.

- At work, Vietnamese employees often do not pay attention to the deadlines

of tasks and there are always excuses for delaying work; while Taiwanese
people actively contacted their boss to extend the deadline to complete the task

3.Reject / overcome

- After the seminar, I truly recognize multi-dimension bout another country,

Taiwan, as well as the way of thinking of Taiwanese people about a life in
Vietnam. Since then, I have been somewhat aware of the strengths and
weaknesses of Vietnamese people. We need to overcome weaknesses and
promote strengths.

- I also detect that I can learn more and more about outside world if I give
myself a chance to go abroad and dare to receive new challenges.

- I have also acknowledged that in a multinational company environment, I

need to know how to integrate with them, learn how to deal with human
behavior and especially when communicating with superiors who I need to
show respectful attitude, consider words if I want to contribute ideas. Not only
that, we also need to learn how to accept our mistakes, take responsibility for
our actions, keep our promises and be active at work.

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